情報來源 Jeff Passen X (前推特)
Right-hander Lance Lynn and the St. Louis Cardinals are in agreement on a one-
year contract with a club option that guarantees around $10 million, sources
familiar with the deal tell ESPN. Lynn, 36, was drafted by Cardinals and
returns, pending physical, as they rebuild rotation.
Lance Lynn與紅雀達成加盟協議
1yr/約10M , 外加一年球隊選擇權
2024 10M
2025 16M (Club Option)
生涯從紅雀起家的Lance Lynn
2018年後開始了大聯盟流浪之旅 (雙城、洋基、遊騎兵、白襪、道奇)
2023年累計13勝11敗 ERA 5.73
生涯累計 136勝95敗 ERA 3.74