※ 引述《abc12812 ()》之銘言:
: http://mlb.sbnation.com/2012/6/5/3064793/mlb-draft-2012-tv-coverage
: If Wacha is better than Jon Garland, it will be a major upset. Jon Garland
: won 132 games in the major leagues. I would be willing to bet John Hart a
: cool three hundred dollars that Michael Wacha doesn't win even 100 games in
: the majors.
: Jon Garland可是贏了132勝呢 我敢跟Hart對賭300元 賭Wacha連百勝都拿不到
今天Michael Wacha拿到生涯第100勝了,John Hart當初應該去賭的
這篇文另外一個舉的例子Max Fried也確實成為了王牌投手