MLB Revenues Hit Record $12.1 Billion In 2024
The business of Major League Baseball was exceptionally good in 2024, as the lea
gue saw a surge in popularity and growth across the business.
The league reported $12.1 billion in gross revenues for last year; a record high
. Forbes could not independently verify the figure. As of publication, net reven
ues – the more significant metric for showing available revenues after expenses
– were not made available.
The league revenue figures do not include ancillary revenues attached to the clu
bs such as mixed-use development in and around ballparks, such as The Battery ar
ound Truist Park, home to the Atlanta Braves, club-owned RSNs, or companies such
as Legends Hospitality, which is co-owned by the Yankees.
例如圍繞球場的綜合開發項目(EX.勇士隊主場Truist Park周圍的The Battery)
Key growth areas center on several channels within MLB’s industry. As we report
ed prior, the league has seen significant growth with league and clubs sponsorsh
ips, the latter of which grew to nearly $1.9 billion last season.
On top of that, the league has seen attendance increase in consecutive seasons,
and saw the largest increase by year-over-year percentage since the last expansi
on in the late ‘90s. And while there is concern around the regional sports netw
ork ecosystem as streaming continues to make inroads, media rights are a large p
ortion of Major League Baseball’s revenues.
In broader terms, the recent revenue figures show that Major League Baseball has
rapidly rebounded from the pandemic years in 2020 and 2021.