Trade news: The Tampa Bay Rays are acquiring right-hander Alex Faedo from the
Detroit Tigers for minor league catcher Enderson Delgado and cash, sources tel
l ESPN. Faedo was a solid contributor for Detroit last year but was DFA’d aft
er the Tigers signed Tommy Kahnle.
老虎將前幾天因為簽下Tommy Kahnle 要清空間而DFA的右投手Alex Faedo 交易到光芒隊
,換來了20歲的捕手新秀Enderson Delgado 。
Delgado 是一名左右開弓的捕手,今年在短期1A跟FCL 一共繳出打擊三圍.259/.382/.400
、 .782 OPS、4轟的成績。