國外的論壇 也有相當多人在討論
而Matt Brownn賽後在臉書上也有回應
First off thanks to #theimmortalarmy for your constant support.
Second off I've read some things saying that said I faked the nut shot.
I would never do that in my fucking life. That's bullshit. Period. End
of story.
意思指他看到很多人說他假裝被踢到重要部位 這些都是狗屁不通的話 他這輩子
而當天的裁判Big John McCarthy其實賽後也有推特
For information, the kick thrown by Robbie was legal, his shin moved
Matt Browns cup, you could hear it, that's why Matt was given a moment.
意指Robbie的踢擊是合法的 但他有聽到Brown護襠被踢到的聲音 他認為
這是Matt Brown突然暫停動作的原因
在裁判幫Brown澄清 加上Matt的不屈不撓風格