minfadi (minfadi)
2019-12-25 22:16:11[物品型號]: Parallels Desktop 15 一年版
[物品規格]: 訂閱版(一年)
[保固日期]: 啟動後一年
[原始發票]: 無
[隨機配件]: 無
[照片連結]: 無
[拍賣連結]: 無,有需要可開蝦皮
[連絡方式]: 站內信
[交易地點]: 線上交易
[交易方式]: 先匯款後給啟動序號
[交易價格]: 500
Optimized for the latest Windows 10 updates and macOS Catalina (10.15)
Works with OS X, Windows 10, 8.1, and 7, Linux and Unix, and macOS Server
Add Windows applications to Touch Bar™ for instant access and customization
Smart resizing and independent screen resolutions for separate displays