標準外單卡($30+)/指揮官2013/Promo 閃
標準外UC ($10~30 UC)
標準外 低價R卡 (約$30)
禮盒單卡 ($10~50)
M15 token
Sliver 裂片妖 1/1 7c3e 15
Soldier 士兵 1/1 8c8e 10
Spirit 精靈 1/1 fly 8c8e 10
Squid 烏賊 1/1 islandwalk 8c8e 10
Beast 野獸 3/3 deathtouch 2e 20
Zombie 殭屍 2/2 8c6e 10
Dragon 龍 2/2 fly, R:+1/+0 3c4e 15
Goblin 鬼怪 1/1 2c6e 15
Beast 野獸 3/3 8c8e 10
Insect 昆蟲 1/1 fly, deathtouch 4c8e 20
Treefolk Warrior 樹妖/戰士 */* 7c6e 20
Land Mine 地雷 3c5e 20
Emblem (Ajani Steadfast) 徽記(堅定的阿耶尼)
Emblem (Garruk, Apex Predator) 徽記(無上獵者賈路) 1c 50
M15 售前 Wolf 狼 2/2 12c 10
THS 售現 復仇者 The Avenger 1c 30
THS 售現 獵手 The Hunter 1c 30
M15 骰子 紅*1.白*1 25
M15 售現 放縱拷問魔 Indulgent Tormentor 1c 50
M15 售現 植生巨漢 Phytotitan 1c 50
JOU 售現 送曉御夫 Dawnbringer Charioteers 1c 40
JOU 售現 船艦禍害 Scourge of Fleets 3c 40
JOU 售現 喚終巨人 Doomwake Giant 5c 40
BNG 售現 沉靜哨衛 Silent Sentinel 3c 40
THS 上市 塔薩的雙叉戟 Bident of Thassa 5c 50
THS 售現 裂船巨海獸 Shipbreaker Kraken 1c 40
THS 售現 乖戾督軍 Abhorrent Overlord 2c 40
M14 遊戲 鼓戰食人魔 Ogre Battledriver 1j 100
M14 上市 超巨鯨 Colossal Whale 3c 30
M14 售現 龐巨裂片妖 Megantic Sliver 4c 50
DGM 開盒 歸於沈靜 Render Silent 1j 100
GTC 上市 始卡克巨人 Skarrg Goliath 5c 30
RTR 售現 遊行獄駒 Carnival Hellsteed 1c 30
GTC 售現 鍛爐鬥士 Foundry Champion 2c 30
GTC 售現 瓦礫巨漢 Rubblehulk 2c 30
RTR Holiday Box 殘渣破壞者 Dreg Mangler 1e 50
RTR 上市 亡橋巨甲蟲 Deadbridge Goliath 4c 30
Game Day 克羅芬斯的旨意 Dictate of Kruphix 1c 200
Game Day 查美克公會法師 Zameck Guildmage 4c 50
Game Day 好鬥樹靈 Dryad Militant 4c 60
FNM 岩漿噴散 Magma Spray 2c 50
FNM 落難英雄 Tormented Hero 4c 50
FNM 侵蝕荒野 Encroaching Wastes 3c 50
FNM 駭人回收 Grisly Salvage 2c 50
FNM 狂暴高爾族 Ghor-Clan Rampager 1c 100
FNM 首號實驗體 Experiment One 1c 100
FNM 底密爾護符 Dimir Charm 1c 50
FNM 拉鐸司咯笑魔 Rakdos Cackler 3c 60
FNM 伊捷護符 Izzet Charm 3c 100
FNM 法官傭獸 Judge's Familiar 2c 60
M 堅定的阿耶尼 Ajani Steadfast
R 守護天使艾維欣 Avacyn, Guardian Angel
R 肅息駿鷺 Hushwing Gryff
R 全面鈣化 Mass Calcify 3c4e 10
R 傑出隊長 Preeminent Captain 3c 60
R 堅毅大天使 Resolute Archangel 1c 20
R 重歸軍伍 Return to the Ranks 3e 40
M 塞洛斯之魂 Soul of Theros 2c2e 120
R 紛彩守護 Spectra Ward
R 魂靈繫絆 Spirit Bonds
R 乙太龍捲 ?therspouts 2c 40
R 深峽潛怪 Chasm Skulker
R 總工程師 Chief Engineer
M 現世十會盟傑斯 Jace, the Living Guildpact
R 變型宗師賈麗拉 Jalira, Master Polymorphist
R 迷局大師 Master of Predicaments 4c4e 20
R 善變冒名客 Mercurial Pretender 1c 20
R 變型術士惡戲 Polymorphist's Jest
M 拉尼卡之魂 Soul of Ravnica
R 暴潮海怪 Stormtide Leviathan 5e 10
R 殘酷凌虐狂 Cruel Sadist 3e 25
R 賈路開道 In Garruk's Wake 3e 20
R 放縱拷問魔 Indulgent Tormentor 2e 40
M 莉蓮娜維斯 Liliana Vess
R 死靈術士備品室 Necromancer's Stockpile 1c3e 30
R 破枷的歐尼希茲 Ob Nixilis, Unshackled 2c1e 70
M 依尼翠之魂 Soul of Innistrad
R 玷污心智 Stain the Mind 2c2e 25
R 物盡其用 Waste Not 1c3e 180
R 大舉掘藏 Aggressive Mining 3e 20
R 怒氣成焰 Burning Anger 2c4e 15
M 火焰大師茜卓 Chandra, Pyromaster
R 火焰錘煉 Crucible of Fire 2c4e 20
R 轟隆鬼怪 Goblin Kaboomist 1c 20
R 鬼怪鬧事頭 Goblin Rabblemaster
R 貯寶巨龍 Hoarding Dragon 2c7e 10
R 歐納克先人庫科許 Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient 1e 25
R 攻城巨龍 Siege Dragon 1c2e 20
M 山德拉之魂 Soul of Shandalar
R 和聲召集 Chord of Calling
R 創生多頭龍 Genesis Hydra
R 黃蜂巢 Hornet Nest 2c 30
R 蜂后 Hornet Queen 2c1e 80
R 卡隆尼亞雙生林 Kalonian Twingrove 2c2e 30
R 化生遺贈 Life's Legacy
M 醒世師妮莎 Nissa, Worldwaker
R 植生巨漢 Phytotitan 3e 20
M 贊迪卡之魂 Soul of Zendikar
R 雲遊詩人伊散 Yisan, the Wanderer Bard 1c 40
M 無上獵者賈路 Garruk, Apex Predator
M 裂片妖巢穴領主 Sliver Hivelord
R 貪欲護身符 Avarice Amulet 1c3e 20
M 鎖鏈面紗 The Chain Veil 1e 150
R 碎末時鐘 Grindclock 2c3e 10
R 遭祟板甲 Haunted Plate Mail 1c1e 10
R 鄔德碑 Obelisk of Urd
M 險惡儲窖 Perilous Vault
R 非瑞克西亞斷念妖 Phyrexian Revoker 2c3e 30/40
R 疾步毀滅引擎 Scuttling Doom Engine
R 聖者之盾 Shield of the Avatar 1c5e 20
M 新非瑞克西亞之魂 Soul of New Phyrexia
R 戰場鎔爐 Battlefield Forge
R 喀洛斯洞窟 Caves of Koilos 2e 100
R 羅堰荒野 Llanowar Wastes
R 西瓦暗礁 Shivan Reef
R 裂片妖母巢 Sliver Hive
R 約格莫夫之墓烏爾博格 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth 2c 250
R 亞維馬雅海岸 Yavimaya Coast
MR 12 承陽劍 Godsend
MR # 50 時光智者 Sage of Hours 2c1e 80
MR # 87 極端恐懼 Worst Fears 4c2j 50
MR # 106 焰語預言師 Prophetic Flamespeaker 2c2e 200/250
MR # 145 英雄明師阿耶尼 Ajani, Mentor of Heroes
MR # 146 渡亡神雅睿歐斯 Athreos, God of Passage
MR # 150 勝利神伊洛安斯 Iroas, God of Victory 1e 180
MR # 151 風暴神刻拉諾斯 Keranos, God of Storms
MR # 152 天際神克羅芬斯 Kruphix, God of Horizons 2e 120
MR # 154 折磨神芳瑞卡 Pharika, God of Affliction 1e 160
R # 1 庇佑神使 Aegis of the Gods 4c4e4j 50
R # 6 送曉御夫 Dawnbringer Charioteers 4c4e 20
R # 7 弒神 Deicide 2c1e3j 90
R # 8 赫利歐德的旨意 Dictate of Heliod 2c 25
R # 15 艦隊啟航 Launch the Fleet
R # 25 縛空咒 Skybind 4c4e4j 20
R # 31 戰場奇術師 Battlefield Thaumaturge 3c2e 50
R # 36 大膽的竊賊 Daring Thief 4c4e 20
R # 37 克羅芬斯的旨意 Dictate of Kruphix 4c4e4j 50
R # 42 催眠塞連 Hypnotic Siren 4c4e 25
R # 46 幻型湧現 Polymorphous Rush 3e 20
R # 51 船艦禍害 Scourge of Fleets 4c4e4j 20
R # 65 厄睿柏斯的旨意 Dictate of Erebos 4c3e1j 50
R # 66 喚終巨人 Doomwake Giant 4c4e4j 20
R # 68 澆熄希望 Extinguish All Hope 4c4e4j 20
R # 74 點金咒馬卡耳王 King Macar, the Gold-Cursed 2c4e 20
R # 75 盛宴大師 Master of the Feast
R # 82 信者噤聲 Silence the Believers 1c 40
R # 89 擎天巨人 Bearer of the Heavens 4c1e4j 20
R # 93 雙子神的旨意 Dictate of the Twin Gods 4c3e2j 20
R # 94 盛歡幻靈 Eidolon of the Great Revel
R # 100 勇力馴服 Harness by Force 4c3e4j 20
R # 112 特剌謝斯後裔 Spawn of Thraxes 4c4e4j 20
R # 115 焰塑雙身 Twinflame 1c2e 20
R # 121 卡拉美特拉的旨意 Dictate of Karametra 3e 20
R # 122 花叢幻靈 Eidolon of Blossoms
R # 126 英雄災禍 Heroes' Bane 4e 20
R # 128 護卵多頭龍 Hydra Broodmaster 4e 30
R # 135 斐力茲族戰酋長 Pheres-Band Warchief 3c1e2j 20
R # 140 瑟特薩式戰法 Setessan Tactics 4c4e 20
R # 155 殞神狂歡 Revel of the Fallen God 4c4e4j 20
R # 162 凱旋大廳 Hall of Triumph 3c4e 35
R # 163 魔力聚流 Mana Confluence 4c4e 400/450
R # 164 頓悟殿堂 Temple of Epiphany 2c1e 180
R # 165 疫病殿堂 Temple of Malady
U 驅逐明光 Banishing Light 3c1e 50
U 壞腦蛆 Brain Maggot 2c2e 30
MR #005 Brimaz, King of Oreskos 俄瑞恣獅王布黎瑪
R #007 Eidolon of Countless Battles 百戰幻靈 5c 60
R #011 Fated Retribution 命定報應 4c 35
R #017 Hero of Iroas 伊洛安斯的英雄 2e 80
R #024 Plea for Guidance 祈求指引 4c4e 20
R #026 Silent Sentinel 沉靜哨衛 4c4e 20
R #027 Spirit of the Labyrinth 迷宮精靈 4c4e 100
R #031 Arbiter of the Ideal 理念仲裁者 4c4e 20
R #039 Fated Infatuation 命定迷醉 4c4e 20
R #044 Mindreaver 裂靈師 4c4e 20
R #048 Perplexing Chimera 擾志蓋美拉 4c4e 20
R #055 Tromokratis 卓莫克雷提 4c4e 20
R #057 Whelming Wave 滅頂浪潮 2e 20
MR #063 Champion of Stray Souls 孤魂鬥士 1c1e 40
R #066 Eater of Hope 希望噬魔
R #068 Fate Unraveler 析命巫婆 4c4e 20
R #069 Fated Return 命定歸返 4c4e 20
R #073 Gild 化金 1e 20
R #075 Herald of Torment 劫令惡魔 1e 80
R #080 Pain Seer 苦痛預言師 1c 80
R #094 Fated Conflagration 命定烈焰 4c4e 20
R #096 Felhide Spiritbinder 驚怖通靈師 2c4e 20
MR #097 Flame-Wreathed Phoenix 覆火鳳凰 4c4e 75
R #098 Forgestoker Dragon 鍛焰巨龍 4c4e 20
R #103 Oracle of Bones 頭骨先知 4e 30
R #108 Satyr Firedancer 舞火羊蹄人 6c 40
R #115 Whims of the Fates 命運無常
R #119 Courser of Kruphix 克羅芬斯的駿馬
R #121 Fated Intervention 命定干預 4c4e 20
R #123 Hero of Leina Tower 萊納塔英雄 4e 20
R #124 Hunter's Prowess 獵手美技 4c4e 20
R #129 Nessian Wilds Ravager 奈西安荒野噬怪
R #137 Scourge of Skola Vale 斯科拉河谷禍害 4c4e 20
MR #144 Chromanticore 五彩翼獅 1c 60
MR #145 Ephara, God of the Polis 城邦神厄芳拉
MR #148 Karametra, God of Harvests 豐收神卡拉美特拉 2e 120
MR #149 Kiora, the Crashing Wave 破浪奇奧拉 1c 500
MR #151 Mogis, God of Slaughter 屠戮神墨癸斯
MR #152 Phenax, God of Deception 欺瞞神斐納克 2c4e 150
MR #156 Xenagos, God of Revels 貪歡神謝納戈斯 2c2e 300
R #157 Astral Cornucopia 星幽羊角 4c4e 30
R #159 Heroes' Podium 英雄榮壇 4c4e 30
R #163 Temple of Enlightenment 啟蒙殿堂 1c 220
R #164 Temple of Malice 惡意殿堂 4c 150
R #165 Temple of Plenty 豐足殿堂
U #061 Bile Blight 枯膽惡疾 4c 50
U #065 Drown in Sorrow 陷入悲痛 4c1e 30
U #111 Searing Blood 炙熱鮮血 4c 30
U #147 Fanatic of Xenagos 謝納戈斯的狂徒 4c4e 15
U #150 Kiora's Follower 奇奧拉的追隨者 4c4e 15
U #162 Springleaf Drum 春葉鼓 4c4e 15
U 未列出UC 5~10
Elspeth, Sun's Champion 旭日天尊艾紫培 2c 600
Heliod, God of the Sun 太陽神赫利歐德 2e 150
Master of Waves 波濤大師 3c4e 250
Thassa, God of the Sea 海神塔薩 4e 400
Erebos, God of the Dead 死神厄睿柏斯 1e 180
Hythonia the Cruel 殘酷的許瞳涅婭 4e 30
Purphoros, God of the Forge 熔鍛神普羅烽斯 3e 240
Stormbreath Dragon 嵐息巨龍 1c 600
Nylea, God of the Hunt 獵神倪勒婭 1c4e 150
Ashen Rider 灰滅騎兵 4c 60
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver 織魘師安梭苛 4e1j 270
Medomai the Ageless 永生者墨冬邁 4e 30
Underworld Cerberus 冥界獄犬 4e 100
Xenagos, the Reveler 貪歡者謝納戈斯 2e 300
Celestial Archon 天界統領 4c4e 10
Chained to the Rocks 鍊鎖岩上 4c 50
Fabled Hero 赫名英雄 3c 25
Gift of Immortality 永生贈禮 4c 20
Hundred-Handed One 百臂巨人 4c4e 20
Soldier of the Pantheon 萬神殿衛 2e1j 70
Spear of Heliod 赫利歐德的長矛 1c 40
Artisan of Forms 幽形工匠 4c4e 10
Bident of Thassa 塔薩的雙叉戟 1c4e 20
Curse of the Swine 野豬之咒 4c4e 20
Meletis Charlatan 邁勒提斯幻術師 4c4e 10
Prognostic Sphinx 先知史芬斯 4c4e 20
Shipbreaker Kraken 裂船巨海獸 4c4e 10
Abhorrent Overlord 乖戾督軍 4c4e 10
Agent of the Fates 命運密探 4e 30
Hero's Downfall 英雄殉身 1c 150
Nighthowler 夜嚎怪 4c1j 40
Thoughtseize 攫取思緒 4c4e 999
Whip of Erebos 厄睿柏斯的神鞭 1c 60
Anger of the Gods 眾神之怒 1c1j 90
Ember Swallower 吞燼怪 1c4e 20
Firedrinker Satyr 飲火羊蹄人 1c4e 30
Hammer of Purphoros 普羅烽斯的神錘 4c4e 30
Labyrinth Champion 迷宮鬥士 4c4e 10
Rageblood Shaman 怒血祭師 1c3e 20
Titan of Eternal Fire 恆火泰坦 4c4e 10
Anthousa, Setessan Hero 瑟特薩英雄安陶沙 4c4e 10
Arbor Colossus 喬木巨像 2c1e 20
Boon Satyr 蒙恩羊蹄人 2c 70
Bow of Nylea 倪勒婭的神弓 1c4e 50
Reverent Hunter 虔誠的獵人 4e 20
Sylvan Caryatid 森林女像柱 4e 220
Anax and Cymede 阿那克斯與賽美狄 4c4e 15
Daxos of Meletis 邁勒提斯的達克索斯 4c4e 20
Fleecemane Lion 絨毛獅 1e 70
Polis Crusher 城邦破壞人 4c4e 20
Prophet of Kruphix 克魯菲斯的先知 2c4e 60/80
Psychic Intrusion 心靈入侵 4c4e 10
Reaper of the Wilds 蠻荒奪命妖 1c/4e(對戰禮盒) 30
Steam Augury 氳形預示 4c4e 20
Triad of Fates 命運三人組 4c4e 10
Tymaret, the Murder King 謀殺王提瑪瑞 4c4e 15
Akroan Horse 阿喀洛斯的木馬 4c4e 15
Colossus of Akros 阿喀洛斯巨像 1c 15
Pyxis of Pandemonium 魔異盒 4c4e 15
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx 夜天神殿尼索斯 4e 240
Temple of Abandon 離棄殿堂 2c4e 110/120
Temple of Deceit 詭詐殿堂 3e 150
Temple of Mystery 神秘殿堂
Temple of Silence 靜寂殿堂 2c4e 140/150
Temple of Triumph 勝利殿堂 3c2e 130/140
Magma Jet 岩漿飛射 4c4e 25
其餘UC卡 4e $5~20
m15 #4 Battle Mastery 精研戰技 1Fc 20
m15 #6 Congregate 聚集 1Fe 10
m15 #10 Divine Favor 上天眷顧 1Fc 10
m15 #16 Kinsbaile Skirmisher 英莊園偵衛 1Fc1Fe 10
m15 #31 Selfless Cathar 無私護教軍 1Fe 10
m15 #38 Sungrace Pegasus 日華飛馬 1Fe 10
m15 #41 Wall of Essence 精魂之牆 1Fe 30
m15 #42 Warden of the Beyond 他界護衛 1Fc 10
m15 #43 Aeronaut Tinkerer 空行修補匠 1Fe 10
m15 #48 Chronostutter 擾時迷術 1Fc 10
m15 #56 Fugitive Wizard 漂泊魔法師 1Fe 10
m15 #57 Glacial Crasher 冰川粉碎靈 1Fe 10
m15 #63 Jace's Ingenuity 傑斯的智謀 1Fe 50
m15 #64 Jalira, Master Polymorphist 變型宗師賈麗拉 1Fc 120
m15 #65 Jorubai Murk Lurker 卓如拜沼伏黯蛭 1Fe 10
m15 #69 Military Intelligence 軍事情報 1Fe 40
m15 #72 Nimbus of the Isles 群島玄雲 1Fe 10
m15 #81 Turn to Frog 化蛙術 1Fc 10
m15 #82 Void Snare 虛空圈套 1Fe 30
m15 #84 Welkin Tern 蒼穹飛燕 1Fc 10
m15 #85 Accursed Spirit 厄運鬼魂 1Fe 10
m15 #95 Eternal Thirst 永恆飢渴 1Fe 10
m15 #96 Feast on the Fallen 飽食死者 1Fc 10
m15 #97 Festergloom 潰傷幽霧 1Fe 10
m15 #106 Necrogen Scudder 化屍瘴奔行獸 1Fc 10
m15 #107 Necromancer's Assistant 死靈術士助手 1Fe 10
m15 #109 Nightfire Giant 夜火巨人 1Fe 10
m15 #114 Sign in Blood 以血立契 1Fe 30
m15 #116 Stab Wound 刺創傷 1Fe 10
m15 #138 Crowd's Favor 群眾眷寵 1Fe 10
m15 #146 Goblin Roughrider 鬼怪馴騎師 1Fc 10
m15 #148 Heat Ray 熱射線 1Fe 10
m15 #151 Kird Chieftain 柯德酋長 1Fc 10
m15 #154 Lava Axe 熔岩斧 1Fc1Fe 10
m15 #155 Lightning Strike 閃電煉擊 1Fe 50
m15 #167 Wall of Fire 火牆 1Fe 10
m15 #170 Carnivorous Moss-Beast 肉食苔蘚獸 1Fe 10
m15 #171 Charging Rhino 衝鋒犀牛 1Fc 10
m15 #180 Hunter's Ambush 獵者伏擊 1Fc 10
m15 #184 Living Totem 生體圖騰 1Fe 10
m15 #192 Plummet 鉛直落下 1Fe 10
m15 #195 Restock 儲備物資 1Fe 30
m15 #203 Titanic Growth 巨力成長 1Fe 10
m15 #204 Undergrowth Scavenger 矮叢食腐獸 1Fe 10
m15 #207 Vineweft 紡藤結蔓 1Fc 10
m15 #215 The Chain Veil 鎖鏈面紗 2Fe 600
m15 #227 Rogue's Gloves 浪客手套 1Fe 30
m15 #232 Staff of the Death Magus 死亡法師杖 1Fc 10
m15 #234 Staff of the Mind Magus 心靈法師杖 1Fe 10
m15 #238 Tyrant's Machine 暴君械具 1Fc 10
m15 #247 Sliver Hive 裂片妖母巢 1Fe 400
m15 #254 Island 海島 1Fc 15
m15 #260 Swamp 沼澤 1Fe 15
jou #4 Armament of Nyx 尼茲戰具 1Fc1Fe 10
jou #11 Font of Vigor 活力洗禮池 1Fe 10
jou #14 Lagonna-Band Trailblazer 拉苟那族開路人 2Fc2Fe 10
jou #16 Leonin Iconoclast 反逆獅族 3Fe1Fj 10
jou #17 Mortal Obstinacy 凡塵執念 2Fe 10
jou #19 Oppressive Rays 壓迫射線 3Fc1Fe1Fj 10
jou #24 Sightless Brawler 盲目喧嘩兵 1Fj 10
jou #27 Stonewise Fortifier 擅雕築匠 1Fc 10
jou #28 Supply-Line Cranes 補給鶴 2Fc 10
jou #30 Aerial Formation 空中列陣 2Fc1Fe 10
jou #33 Countermand 勒令撤銷 1Fe 10
jou #34 Crystalline Nautilus 晶澈鸚鵡螺 1Fj 10
jou #38 Font of Fortunes 命運洗禮池 2Fc 10
jou #39 Godhunter Octopus 捕神章魚 1Fe 10
jou #41 Hubris 傲睨 1Fj 10
jou #45 Pin to the Earth 釘牢在地 1Fe 10
jou #47 Pull from the Deep 深海捕撈 1Fe 10
jou #49 Rise of Eagles 天鷹展翅 3Fe1Fj 10
jou #50 Sage of Hours 時光智者 1Fe 250
jou #53 Thassa's Devourer 塔薩的吞噬獸 1Fc1Fe 10
jou #54 Thassa's Ire 塔薩的怒火 1Fe 10
jou #57 War-Wing Siren 戰翼塞連 1Fj 10
jou #59 Agent of Erebos 厄睿柏斯的密探 2Fe1Fj 10
jou #63 Cast into Darkness 沒入黑暗 1Fe 10
jou #64 Cruel Feeding 殘酷進食 2Fe 10
jou #65 Dictate of Erebos 厄睿柏斯的旨意 1Fc 300
jou #67 Dreadbringer Lampads 引怖冥靈 1Fc 10
jou #69 Feast of Dreams 幻夢盛宴 2Fe1Fj 10
jou #70 Felhide Petrifier 驚怖石化師 1Fj 30
jou #71 Font of Return 轉世洗禮池 1Fc1Fj 10
jou #73 Grim Guardian 猙獰守衛 1Fc1Fe 10
jou #77 Nyx Infusion 尼茲灌輸 1Fc1Fe 10
jou #78 Pharika's Chosen 芳瑞卡的精衛 1Fc1Fe1Fj 10
jou #79 Returned Reveler 轉世貪歡者 1Fe1Fj 10
jou #80 Ritual of the Returned 轉世者祭禮 1Fe 10
jou #81 Rotted Hulk 腐壞巨漢 2Fe1Fj 10
jou #85 Thoughtrender Lamia 裂念拉彌亞 1Fe1Fj 10
jou #88 Akroan Line Breaker 阿喀洛斯破陣兵 1Fc1Fj 10
jou #90 Bladetusk Boar 刃牙野豬 1Fe1Fj 10
jou #95 Flamespeaker's Will 焰語者的意志 3Fc1Fe 10
jou #96 Flurry of Horns 犄角疾刺 3Fe1Fj 10
jou #97 Font of Ire 憤怒洗禮池 2Fc1Fj 10
jou #99 Gluttonous Cyclops 暴食獨眼巨人 1Fc1Fe1Fj 10
jou #103 Magma Spray 岩漿噴散 1Fc 15
jou #105 Pensive Minotaur 沉思牛頭怪 1Fj 10
jou #109 Rouse the Mob 煽動暴民 1Fe 10
jou #110 Satyr Hoplite 羊蹄人重裝步兵 3Fe 10
jou #111 Sigiled Skink 符印石龍子 1Fe1Fj 10
jou #114 Starfall 星墜擊 1Fc1Fe 10
jou #117 Bassara Tower Archer 巴薩剌塔弓箭手 1Fe 40
jou #120 Desecration Plague 瀆聖災難 2Fe 10
jou #124 Golden Hind 金角牝鹿 1Fc1Fe 10
jou #125 Goldenhide Ox 金皮公牛 1Fc1Fe1Fj 10
jou #127 Humbler of Mortals 凡人煞星 1Fe 10
jou #130 Market Festival 集市節慶 1Fc 20
jou #131 Nature's Panoply 自然華彩 1Fc1Fe 10
jou #134 Pheres-Band Thunderhoof 斐力茲族雷蹄兵 1Fe 10
jou #136 Ravenous Leucrocota 貪食鬣狗獅 1Fc 10
jou #139 Satyr Grovedancer 林舞羊蹄人 1Fe 10
jou #147 Desperate Stand 奮絕抵抗 1Fj 10
jou #149 Fleetfeather Cockatrice 飛羽石化雞蛇 1Fe 10
jou #152 Kruphix, God of Horizons 天際神克羅芬斯 1Fc 700
jou #158 Armory of Iroas 伊洛安斯的兵械 1Fe 10
jou #160 Deserter's Quarters 逃兵囚營 2Fe 10
bng #3 Akroan Skyguard 阿喀洛斯空護衛 1Fc2Fe1Fj 10
bng #8 Elite Skirmisher 精英偵衛 3Fc1Fe1Fj 10
bng #10 Excoriate 痛斥 1Fc2Fe1Fj 10
bng #15 Great Hart 雄偉赤鹿 5Fe1Fj 10
bng #16 Griffin Dreamfinder 覓夢獅鷲 3Fe1Fj 10
bng #18 Hold at Bay 阻止進襲 1Fc3Fe2Fj 10
bng #19 Loyal Pegasus 忠誠飛馬 1Fc 10
bng #20 Mortal's Ardor 凡人的熱忱 3Fc2Fe1Fj 10
bng #22 Oreskos Sun Guide 俄瑞恣太陽嚮導 1Fe 10
bng #23 Ornitharch 百鳥統領 1Fj 10
bng #25 Revoke Existence 撤銷存在 1Fe 10
bng #28 Sunbond 旭日羈絆 2Fc 10
bng #29 Vanguard of Brimaz 布里瑪先鋒 1Fe 10
bng #30 Aerie Worshippers 巢居朝拜者 1Fe 10
bng #33 Chorus of the Tides 浪潮韻集 3Fe 10
bng #34 Crypsis 保護色 2Fc3Fe 10
bng #35 Deepwater Hypnotist 深海催眠師 4Fe 10
bng #36 Divination 卜卦 1Fc 15
bng #38 Evanescent Intellect 智識凋零 1Fc 10
bng #41 Floodtide Serpent 潮汛巨蛇 1Fc2Fe 10
bng #42 Kraken of the Straits 海峽巨海獸 1Fe 10
bng #43 Meletis Astronomer 邁勒提斯占星家 1Fe 30
bng #46 Nyxborn Triton 天裔屈東 2Fj 10
bng #49 Retraction Helix 撤收螺旋 1Fc 10
bng #50 Siren of the Fanged Coast 毒牙海岸塞連 1Fj 10
bng #51 Sphinx's Disciple 史芬斯的信徒 1Fe1Fj 10
bng #52 Stratus Walk 漫步雲端 4Fc1Fe 10
bng #53 Sudden Storm 突降暴雨 1Fe 10
bng #59 Ashiok's Adept 安梭苛的專家 1Fe1Fj 10
bng #60 Asphyxiate 悶死 1Fe1Fj 10
bng #64 Claim of Erebos 厄睿柏斯索魂 1Fc5Fe2Fj 10
bng #67 Eye Gouge 鑿眼 1Fc6Fe1Fj 10
bng #70 Felhide Brawler 驚怖喧嘩兵 2Fe 10
bng #72 Forsaken Drifters 孤零漂泊者 2Fc3Fe 10
bng #74 Grisly Transformation 駭人轉化 1Fc2Fe2Fj 10
bng #76 Marshmist Titan 沼霧泰坦 1Fc4Fe1Fj 10
bng #77 Necrobite 死靈嚙咬 1Fc2Fe 10
bng #78 Nyxborn Eidolon 天裔幻靈 1Fc1Fe 10
bng #81 Sanguimancy 血占術 1Fe 10
bng #82 Servant of Tymaret 提瑪瑞的僕從 1Fe 10
bng #83 Shrike Harpy 鉤嘴哈痞 2Fe 10
bng #85 Warchanter of Mogis 墨癸斯的戰頌師 1Fc3Fe 10
bng #86 Weight of the Underworld 冥界重荷 1Fc 10
bng #87 Akroan Conscriptor 阿喀洛斯徵兵員 1Fe1Fj 10
bng #89 Bolt of Keranos 刻拉諾斯的電擊 2Fc2Fe1Fj 10
bng #90 Cyclops of One-Eyed Pass 獨目峽獨眼巨人 2Fc4Fe 10
bng #91 Epiphany Storm 靈願齊現 1Fj 10
bng #92 Everflame Eidolon 永火幻靈 1Fe 10
bng #93 Fall of the Hammer 天降錘擊 1Fe 10
bng #95 Fearsome Temper 可怖怒氣 1Fc2Fe 10
bng #99 Impetuous Sunchaser 急切逐日者 2Fc7Fe 10
bng #100 Kragma Butcher 夸格瑪屠夫 2Fc1Fe 10
bng #101 Lightning Volley 閃電齊擊 1Fe 10
bng #104 Pharagax Giant 法拉伽斯巨人 2Fe 10
bng #105 Pinnacle of Rage 怒火天頂 1Fe 10
bng #106 Reckless Reveler 魯莽狂歡人 4Fe1Fj 10
bng #109 Satyr Nyx-Smith 鑄靈羊蹄人 1Fe 10
bng #110 Scouring Sands 砂暴掃蕩 2Fc4Fe 10
bng #112 Stormcaller of Keranos 刻拉諾斯的喚嵐師 1Fe 10
bng #114 Thunderous Might 雷霆之力 1Fc 10
bng #118 Charging Badger 衝鋒獾 2Fc2Fe 10
bng #120 Culling Mark 牲祭印記 1Fc4Fe 10
bng #122 Graverobber Spider 盜墓蜘蛛 2Fe 10
bng #125 Karametra's Favor 卡拉美特拉的眷顧 2Fe 10
bng #127 Mortal's Resolve 凡人的決心 1Fc1Fe 10
bng #128 Nessian Demolok 奈西安迪默洛獸 1Fe1Fj 10
bng #130 Noble Quarry 尊貴獵物 1Fj 10
bng #131 Nyxborn Wolf 天裔狼 6Fe 10
bng #132 Peregrination 遊歷 1Fe 50
bng #133 Pheres-Band Raiders 斐力茲族突擊隊 1Fc2Fe 10
bng #134 Pheres-Band Tromper 斐力茲族重跺者 2Fe1Fj 10
bng #138 Setessan Oathsworn 瑟特薩盟誓人 3Fc3Fe 10
bng #139 Setessan Starbreaker 瑟特薩殞星客 1Fe 10
bng #140 Skyreaping 刈空掃擊 3Fc1Fe 10
bng #141 Snake of the Golden Grove 金森巨蚺 1Fc2Fe 10
bng #142 Swordwise Centaur 擅劍半人馬 2Fe 10
bng #154 Reap What Is Sown 豐足收穫 1Fe 10
ths #1 Battlewise Valor 智兵團之勇 1Fc2Fe 10
ths #2 Cavalry Pegasus 飛馬坐騎 2Fc2Fe 10
ths #5 Chosen by Heliod 赫利歐德眷寵 1Fc1Fe 10
ths #7 Decorated Griffin 功勳獅鷲 1Fe 10
ths #10 Ephara's Warden 厄芳拉的護持師 5Fe 10
ths #15 Glare of Heresy 異端怒視 1Fe 10
ths #18 Heliod's Emissary 赫利歐德的密使 1Fc 10
ths #21 Lagonna-Band Elder 拉苟那族長老 4Fe 10
ths #23 Leonin Snarecaster 獅族佈陷手 7Fe 10
ths #25 Ordeal of Heliod 赫利歐德的試煉 1Fe 10
ths #26 Phalanx Leader 方陣兵團隊長 1Fe 30
ths #27 Ray of Dissolution 消融之光 4Fe 10
ths #28 Scholar of Athreos 雅睿歐斯的學者 1Fc3Fe1Fj 10
ths #29 Setessan Battle Priest 瑟特薩戰鬥僧侶 1Fe 10
ths #30 Setessan Griffin 瑟特薩獅鷲 4Fe 10
ths #34 Traveling Philosopher 旅哲人 2Fe 10
ths #35 Vanquish the Foul 汙濁退散 1Fc2Fe 10
ths #36 Wingsteed Rider 飛馬騎士 2Fe 10
ths #37 Yoked Ox 負軛牛 1Fc4Fe 10
ths #38 Annul 抹除 3Fe 10
ths #39 Aqueous Form 似水流形 1Fc 10
ths #43 Breaching Hippocamp 破浪魚駒 1Fe 10
ths #44 Coastline Chimera 海岸蓋美拉 2Fe 10
ths #45 Crackling Triton 爆裂屈東 1Fc3Fe 10
ths #48 Fate Foretold 預示命運 1Fe 10
ths #49 Gainsay 駁斥 4Fe 15
ths #50 Griptide 攫流 1Fc1Fe 10
ths #51 Horizon Scholar 天際學者 1Fc 10
ths #54 Meletis Charlatan 邁勒提斯幻術師 4Fe 50
ths #55 Mnemonic Wall 記憶牆 1Fe1Fj 10
ths #56 Nimbus Naiad 雲雨水靈 1Fe 10
ths #59 Prescient Chimera 預知蓋美拉 2Fe 10
ths #61 Sea God's Revenge 海神的復仇 3Fe 10
ths #62 Sealock Monster 海牢怪 1Fc1Fe 10
ths #64 Stymied Hopes 希望破滅 5Fe 10
ths #65 Swan Song 天鵝絕唱 1Fe1Fj 350/1800
ths #67 Thassa's Bounty 塔薩的恩賜 1Fe 10
ths #68 Thassa's Emissary 塔薩的密使 1Fe 10
ths #69 Triton Fortune Hunter 逐財屈東 1Fc2Fe 10
ths #72 Vaporkin 氳氤靈 1Fc2Fe 10
ths #73 Voyage's End 旅途終點 3Fe 10
ths #76 Agent of the Fates 命運密探 2Fe 80
ths #77 Asphodel Wanderer 安福陵漂浪客 1Fe 10
ths #78 Baleful Eidolon 惡邪幻靈 1Fe 10
ths #80 Boon of Erebos 厄睿柏斯的恩澤 2Fc2Fe 10
ths #81 Cavern Lampad 洞窟冥靈 1Fe 10
ths #82 Cutthroat Maneuver 割喉計略 2Fe 10
ths #84 Disciple of Phenax 斐納克的信徒 1Fc4Fe1Fj 10
ths #87 Felhide Minotaur 驚怖牛頭怪 1Fc1Fe1Fj 10
ths #88 Fleshmad Steed 肉狂駒 2Fc2Fe 10
ths #89 Gray Merchant of Asphodel 安福陵的暗賈 1Fe 75
ths #92 Insatiable Harpy 無饜哈痞 1Fc2Fe 10
ths #93 Keepsake Gorgon 念贈蛇髮妖 1Fc 10
ths #94 Lash of the Whip 死神鞭擊 1Fe 10
ths #96 March of the Returned 轉世行伍 4Fe 10
ths #99 Ordeal of Erebos 厄睿柏斯的試煉 1Fc2Fe 10
ths #100 Pharika's Cure 芳瑞卡的醫治 2Fe 20
ths #103 Returned Centaur 轉世半人馬 3Fe 10
ths #104 Returned Phalanx 轉世方陣兵團 1Fe 10
ths #105 Scourgemark 天譴印記 1Fc2Fe 10
ths #106 Sip of Hemlock 啜飲劇毒 1Fe 10
ths #109 Viper's Kiss 毒蛇之吻 2Fe 10
ths #113 Arena Athlete 競技選手 2Fe 10
ths #114 Borderland Minotaur 邊境牛頭怪 1Fc2Fe 10
ths #115 Boulderfall 巨石墜落 2Fc1Fe 10
ths #117 Deathbellow Raider 亡嘯穀突擊兵 4Fe 10
ths #118 Demolish 毀壞 1Fc 10
ths #123 Flamespeaker Adept 焰語專家 1Fe 10
ths #125 Ill-Tempered Cyclops 暴躁獨眼巨人 1Fc1Fe 10
ths #129 Messenger's Speed 信使飛速 1Fe 10
ths #130 Minotaur Skullcleaver 剖顱牛頭怪 2Fe 10
ths #131 Ordeal of Purphoros 普羅烽斯的試煉 1Fe 10
ths #132 Peak Eruption 岩峰爆發 1Fc6Fe 15
ths #133 Portent of Betrayal 背叛徵兆 5Fe 10
ths #134 Priest of Iroas 伊洛安斯的僧侶 2Fe 10
ths #136 Purphoros's Emissary 普羅烽斯的密使 1Fe 10
ths #137 Rage of Purphoros 普羅烽斯之怒 2Fe 10
ths #139 Satyr Rambler 放浪羊蹄人 1Fc2Fe 10
ths #140 Spark Jolt 火花濺射 4Fe 10
ths #142 Stoneshock Giant 撼岩巨人 1Fe 10
ths #146 Two-Headed Cerberus 雙頭獄犬 1Fc2Fe 10
ths #148 Agent of Horizons 地平線密探 1Fc6Fe 10
ths #151 Artisan's Sorrow 工匠之哀 5Fe 10
ths #154 Centaur Battlemaster 半人馬格鬥專家 2Fe 10
ths #156 Defend the Hearth 捍衛家園 1Fc1Fe1Fj 10
ths #157 Fade into Antiquity 逐漸湮沒 1Fe 10
ths #158 Feral Invocation 野性祝願 2Fe 10
ths #159 Hunt the Hunter 獵人遭獵 1Fe 10
ths #160 Karametra's Acolyte 卡拉美特拉的侍僧 2Fe 10
ths #161 Leafcrown Dryad 葉冠樹靈 2Fc 10
ths #164 Nessian Asp 奈西安雙頭角奎 3Fe 10
ths #165 Nessian Courser 奈西安駿馬 1Fe 10
ths #167 Nylea's Disciple 倪勒婭的信徒 1Fe 10
ths #170 Ordeal of Nylea 倪勒婭的試煉 1Fe 10
ths #171 Pheres-Band Centaurs 斐力茲族半人馬 1Fe 10
ths #174 Satyr Hedonist 貪歡羊蹄人 4Fe 10
ths #175 Satyr Piper 羊蹄人吹笛手 1Fc1Fe 10
ths #176 Savage Surge 凶蠻翻騰 1Fe 10
ths #177 Sedge Scorpion 蓑草蠍子 1Fc2Fe 10
ths #178 Shredding Winds 裂碎之風 3Fe 10
ths #181 Time to Feed 進食時刻 4Fe 10
ths #184 Warriors' Lesson 戰士操練 2Fe 10
ths #185 Akroan Hoplite 阿喀洛斯重裝步兵 2Fe 10
ths #189 Battlewise Hoplite 善戰重裝步兵 1Fc 15
ths #190 Chronicler of Heroes 英雄年代史家 1Fc1Fe 10
ths #195 Kragma Warcaller 誇格瑪戰呼人 1Fc 15
ths #197 Pharika's Mender 芳瑞卡的照護師 1Fc2Fe 10
ths #202 Sentry of the Underworld 冥界哨衛 1Fe 10
ths #206 Triad of Fates 命運三人組 2Fe 50
ths #210 Akroan Horse 阿喀洛斯木馬 1Fc3Fe 50
ths #211 Anvilwrought Raptor 鍛砧猛禽 2Fe 10
ths #213 Burnished Hart 光潔雄鹿 1Fe 20
ths #215 Flamecast Wheel 鑄焰輪 1Fc2Fe 10
ths #216 Fleetfeather Sandals 飛羽足履 1Fc2Fe 10
ths #217 Guardians of Meletis 邁勒提斯守護者 2Fe 10
ths #218 Opaline Unicorn 清輝獨角獸 3Fe 10
ths #219 Prowler's Helm 遊掠者之盔 3Fe 10
ths #220 Pyxis of Pandemonium 魔異盒 2Fe 40
ths #221 Traveler's Amulet 旅人護身符 1Fe 10
m14 #3 Angelic Accord 天恩相隨 1Fe 50
m14 #7 Banisher Priest 逐令僧侶 1Fe 60
m14 #21 Hive Stirrings 巢穴醒生 1Fc 20
m14 #30 Sentinel Sliver 哨兵裂片妖 1Fc1Fe 30
m14 #38 Steelform Sliver 鋼身裂片妖 1Fc1Fe 20
m14 #75 Tome Scour 清理書本 1Fe 10
m14 #87 Blood Bairn 鮮血童子 1Fe 10
m14 #91 Corrupt 腐化 1Fc 20
m14 #98 Festering Newt 腐臭水蠑 2Fe 10
m14 #117 Syphon Sliver 吸魂裂片妖 1Fc2Fe 90
m14 #118 Tenacious Dead 頑強亡者 1Fc2Fe 10
m14 #127 Barrage of Expendables 炮灰投射 1Fc1Fe 20
m14 #128 Battle Sliver 戰鬥裂片妖 1Fe1Fj 20/30
m14 #141 Goblin Diplomats 鬼怪外交官 1Fe 30
m14 #147 Molten Birth 熱融誕生 1Fj 20
m14 #161 Wild Guess 胡亂推測 1Fc1Fe 20
m14 #165 Bramblecrush 竹破咒 1Fc1Fe 10
m14 #171 Fog 濃霧 1Fc 10
m14 #176 Gladecover Scout 沒林斥候 3Fc1Fj 30/40
m14 #177 Groundshaker Sliver 撼地裂片妖 1Fj 20
m14 #191 Ranger's Guile 護林人的智謀 1Fe1Fj 20
m14 #200 Voracious Wurm 貪饕亞龍 1Fe 20
m14 #207 Darksteel Ingot 玄鐵錠 1Fc2Fe 40
m14 #218 Sliver Construct 裂片妖組構體 2Fc2Fe 10
m14 #219 Staff of the Death Magus 死亡法師杖 2Fc1Fe 15
dgm #6 Riot Control 平息暴亂 1Fc3Fe 10
dgm #56 Blaze Commando 火光突擊兵 1Fc2Fe 20
dgm #67 Drown in Filth 污穢滅頂 1Fe 30
dgm #80 Lavinia of the Tenth 第十區的拉溫妮 1Fc 50
dgm #89 Obzedat's Aid 歐節達的援助 1Fc 70
dgm #96 Render Silent 歸於沈靜 1Fc 80
dgm #109 Tithe Drinker 稅收飲者 2Fe 30
dgm #120 Zhur-Taa Druid 筑塔族德魯伊 1Fe 25
dgm #121 Alive (Alive/Well) 活躍/安好 1Fe 15
dgm #122 Armed (Armed/Dangerous) 武裝/危險 1Fe 25
dgm #133 Toil/Trouble 苦工/麻煩 1Fc3Fe 30
dgm #136 Azorius Cluestone 俄佐立示石 1Fc 10
dgm #145 Simic Cluestone 析米克示石 1Fe 10
gtc #5 Basilica Guards 大教堂守衛 2Fe 10
gtc #16 Hold the Gates 堅守門戶 1Fc2Fe 20
gtc #17 Holy Mantle 神聖護篷 1Fe 10
gtc #18 Knight of Obligation 守責騎士 1Fc3Fe 10
gtc #20 Luminate Primordial 明光原祖 2Fe 100
gtc #21 Murder Investigation 調查謀殺 1Fe 10
gtc #26 Syndic of Tithes 什一稅代理人 4Fe 10
gtc #27 Urbis Protector 城市守護人 2Fe 10
gtc #29 Atherize 乙太化 2Fe 30
gtc #33 Diluvian Primordial 洪水原祖 1Fc1Fe 100
gtc #37 Hands of Binding 束縛之手 1Fe 15
gtc #37 Hands of Binding 束縛之手 2Fe 15
gtc #40 Last Thoughts 最終思念 3Fe 10
gtc #45 Realmwright 地境藝匠 1Fe 50
gtc #55 Voidwalk 步入虛空 1Fe1Fj 10
gtc #57 Balustrade Spy 欄外探子 1Fe 10
gtc #58 Basilica Screecher 大教堂鳴蝠 3Fe 10
gtc #69 Illness in the Ranks 行伍疫疾 1Fe 15
gtc #75 Sepulchral Primordial 陰森原祖 1Fc1Fe 100
gtc #76 Shadow Alley Denizen 暗影巷居民 3Fe 10
gtc #80 Syndicate Enforcer 集團執法者 5Fe 10
gtc #82 Undercity Informer 地底城告密人 1Fe 30
gtc #88 Crackling Perimeter 裂響周圍 1Fe 10
gtc #95 Hellraiser Goblin 惡煞鬼怪 1Fe 15
gtc #101 Molten Primordial 熱熔原祖 1Fc1Fe 100
gtc #114 Alpha Authority 首領威信 1Fc 10
gtc #127 Naturalize 回歸自然 2Fe 10
gtc #133 Skarrg Goliath 始卡克巨人 1Fe 30
gtc #137 Tower Defense 塔頂防禦 1Fc 10
gtc #146 Biovisionary 生機創見師 1Fc1Fe 60
gtc #155 Dinrova Horror 汀洛瓦驚懼獸 1Fc1Fe 10
gtc #168 Ground Assault 地面襲擊 2Fe 10
gtc #170 Gruul Ragebeast 古魯怒獸 1Fe 30
gtc #173 Kingpin's Pet 首領寵物 1Fc2Fe1Fj 10
gtc #179 Mortus Strider 跨行亡者 1Fe 10
gtc #186 Paranoid Delusions 偏執妄念 4Fe 20
gtc #189 Psychic Strike 心靈打擊 1Fc3Fe 20
gtc #203 Unexpected Results 意外結果 2Fe 60
gtc #205 Vizkopa Confessor 偉柯帕告解僧 1Fe 10
gtc #207 Whispering Madness 瘋狂耳語 1Fc1Fe 40
gtc #212 Beckon Apparition 誘引亡靈 1Fc4Fe 10
gtc #227 Boros Keyrune 波洛斯符鎮兵 1Fe 20
gtc #230 Gruul Keyrune 古魯符鎮兵 1Fj 20
gtc #234 Prophetic Prism 預視稜鏡 2Fe 10
rtr #24 Sphere of Safety 安全球罩 1Fc5Fe 50
rtr #32 Chronic Flooding 長期水患 5Fe 10
rtr #36 Dispel 雲散 1Fc1Fe 40
rtr #37 Doorkeeper 守門妖 1Fe 10
rtr #45 Mizzium Skin 米捷外皮 5Fe1Fj 20
rtr #47 Psychic Spiral 心靈漩渦 1Fe 30
rtr #66 Drainpipe Vermin 排水管病媒 4Fe 10
rtr #77 Slum Reaper 陋巷鐮刀手 1Fc4Fe 10
rtr #92 Dynacharge 動力灌注 3Fe 10
rtr #93 Electrickery 電流惡戲 3Fe 10
rtr #95 Goblin Rally 鬼怪動員 6Fe 20
rtr #96 Gore-House Chainwalker 嗜血屋鍊行人 2Fe1Fj 15
rtr #97 Guild Feud 公會世仇 1Fc1Fe1Fj 30
rtr #99 Lobber Crew 拋投小組 4Fe 10
rtr #106 Street Spasm 街道震顫 1Fe 10
rtr #111 Vandalblast 蠻野衝擊 1Fc1Fe 50
rtr #115 Axebane Guardian 禁伐林守護者 1Fe 10
rtr #123 Druid's Deliverance 德魯伊的解救 2Fe1Fj 15
rtr #124 Gatecreeper Vine 蔓門野葛 1Fe 30
rtr #130 Mana Bloom 魔力綻華 2Fe 60
rtr #138 Urban Burgeoning 城市萌芽 6Fe 10
rtr #150 Collective Blessing 集體祝福 1Fc 50
rtr #152 Corpsejack Menace 占屍威逼 3Fe 40
rtr #167 Hellhole Flailer 地獄穴連枷兵 1Fe 20
rtr #172 Izzet Charm 伊捷護符 1Fc 70
rtr #175 Jarad's Orders 賈雷的號令 4Fe 40
rtr #189 Righteous Authority 公義權威 2Fe 30
rtr #211 Blistercoil Weird 焦盤怪奇 1Fc 30
rtr #214 Dryad Militant 好鬥樹靈 1Fc2Fe 70
rtr #218 Judge's Familiar 法官傭獸 4Fe 60
rtr #221 Rakdos Shred-Freak 拉鐸司使刀狂人 4Fe 20
rtr #222 Slitherhead 滑地顱 2Fe 35
rtr #223 Sundering Growth 破散生長 2Fc1Fe 30
rtr #225 Azorius Keyrune 俄佐立符鎮兵 1Fe 20
rtr #227 Civic Saber 市民配刀 1Fe1Fj 10
rtr #228 Codex Shredder 紙本攪碎器 1Fe 10
rtr #235 Tablet of the Guilds 十會盟碑 1Fc 20
rtr #240 Grove of the Guardian 守護者樹叢 3Fe 30
rtr #245 Rogue's Passage 浪客小徑 1Fe 60
mma #11 Court Homunculus 庭園造妖 4Fe 20
mma #15 Feudkiller's Verdict 弒仇者的裁定 4Fe 20
mma #23 Otherworldly Journey 異界之旅 1Fe 20
mma #24 Pallid Mycoderm 蒼白菌衣 5Fe 10
mma #37 Careful Consideration 細心考慮 3Fe 30
mma #40 Echoing Truth 真相迴響 3Fe 40
mma #43 Esperzoa 艾斯波佐雅 3Fe 10
mma #54 Mulldrifter 漂念精 2Fe 60
mma #55 Narcomoeba 夢生阿米巴 1Fe 70
mma #58 Perilous Research 冒險探尋 3Fe 20
mma #59 Pestermite 惱人鬼 5Fe 60
mma #60 Petals of Insight 洞察花瓣 3Fe 20
mma #61 Reach Through Mists 探遍迷霧 2Fe 20
mma #66 Take Possession 接手控馭 2Fe 20
mma #72 Auntie's Snitch 大嬸眼線 1Fe 20
mma #77 Death Denied 入土難安 1Fe 20
mma #83 Executioner's Capsule 劊子手墜盒 1Fe 20
mma #90 Mad Auntie 瘋癲大嬸 1Fe 30
mma #90 Mad Auntie 瘋癲大嬸 2Fe 30
mma #91 Marsh Flitter 沼地掠空客 2Fe 20
mma #95 Raven's Crime 烏鴉惡行 1Fe 40
mma #98 Stinkweed Imp 臭草小惡魔 7Fe 30
mma #99 Street Wraith 街道鬼魂 2Fe 60
mma #112 Empty the Warrens 淨空繁殖地 2Fe 40
mma #114 Fury Charm 怒火護符 3Fe 20
mma #116 Grapeshot 霰散彈 1Fe 60
mma #118 Grinning Ignus 蔑笑火靈 1Fe 20
mma #122 Mogg War Marshal 莫葛戰場元帥 3Fe 50
mma #126 Rift Bolt 時縫之雷 1Fe 80
mma #127 Rift Elemental 時縫元素 2Fe 20
mma #129 Shrapnel Blast 碎片衝擊 1Fe 40
mma #131 Stingscourger 刺鞭戰士 6Fe 20
mma #132 Stinkdrinker Daredevil 臭飲冒險客 1Fe 10
mma #133 Sudden Shock 瞬息電震 3Fe 20
mma #138 Tribal Flames 部族焰火 2Fe 50
mma #147 Hana Kami 花神 2Fe 10
mma #154 Masked Admirers 假面崇美者 1Fe 25
mma #155 Moldervine Cloak 腐藤斗篷 1Fe 20
mma #158 Reach of Branches 拓展林地 5Fe 20
mma #159 Riftsweeper 時縫蕩空師 5Fe 30
mma #161 Search for Tomorrow 為明日探尋 3Fe 40
mma #162 Sporesower Thallid 孢舞散綠菌 3Fe 15
mma #163 Sporoloth Ancient 孢身洛司先人 6Fe 10
mma #167 Thallid 散綠菌 5Fe 15
mma #168 Thallid Germinator 萌生散綠菌 3Fe 10
mma #169 Thallid Shell-Dweller 蝸居散綠菌 8Fe 10
mma #184 Tidehollow Sculler 潮窟渡船伕 2Fe 50
mma #186 Cold-Eyed Selkie 冷眼海豹妖 1Fe 150
mma #195 Worm Harvest 蠕蟲收成 1Fe 40
mma #196 AEther Spellbomb 乙太咒擊彈 2Fe 20
mma #201 Arcbound Worker 能韁工人 5Fe 20
mma #202 Bonesplitter 錯骨戟 4Fe 20
mma #207 Frogmite 小蛙獸 3Fe 20
mma #209 Myr Enforcer 執法秘耳 2Fe 20
mma #212 Pyrite Spellbomb 黃鐵咒擊彈 3Fe 20
mma #225 Vivid Crag 虹霓峭壁 1Fe 50
mma #228 Vivid Marsh 虹霓泥沼 1Fe 50
m13 #37 Touch of the Eternal 永恆眷臨 1Fe 30
m13 #52 Fog Bank 濃霧堤防 1Fe 60
m13 #77 Void Stalker 虛空伏擊客 1Fc 30
m13 #111 Tormented Soul 受虐靈魂 1Fc 10
m13 #120 Arms Dealer 軍火商 1Fe 10
m13 #139 Krenko's Command 克崙可的命令 4Fc 30
m13 #172 Fog 濃霧 2Fe 10
m13 #180 Predatory Rampage 掠食狂暴 1Fc 30
m13 #200 Akroma's Memorial 愛若瑪紀念碑 1Fc1Fe 550
m13 #227 Reliquary Tower 聖物塔 1Fc 150
avr #10 Cathars' Crusade 護教軍聖戰 5Fe 120
avr #11 Cathedral Sanctifier 大教堂祝聖僧 1Fe 20
avr #17 Devout Chaplain 虔誠教士 2Fc2Fe 15
avr #18 Divine Deflection 神聖偏折 1Fe 50
avr #44 Arcane Melee 神秘搏戰 3Fe 30
avr #51 Favorable Winds 眷顧之風 2Fc1Fe 40
avr #52 Fettergeist 拘鎖遊魂 1Fe 15
avr #54 Galvanic Alchemist 電流鍊金術士 1Fe 15
avr #57 Ghostly Flicker 鬼影閃爍 1Fe 15
avr #66 Mass Appeal 全面呼籲 3Fe 20
avr #69 Nephalia Smuggler 涅非利亞走私犯 4Fe 20
avr #78 Stolen Goods 贓物 1Fc4Fe 50
avr #83 Wingcrafter 飛翼匠 3Fe 20
avr #85 Barter in Blood 鮮血交易 1Fc 40
avr #95 Demonic Taskmaster 惡魔工頭 2Fc3Fe 20
avr #98 Dread Slaver 可怖奴隸主 3Fe1Fc2Fj 50
avr #121 Treacherous Pit-Dweller 變節惡魔 1Fe 30
avr #128 Battle Hymn 戰鬥讚歌 4Fe 20
avr #131 Dangerous Wager 危險賭注 2Fc6Fe2Fj 30
avr #133 Dual Casting 雙重施法 1Fc1Fe 40
avr #162 Tyrant of Discord 走調暴君 1Fe 30
avr #190 Rain of Thorns 刺棘雨 1Fe 15
avr #217 Moonsilver Spear 月銀長矛 4Fe 30
avr #224 Vessel of Endless Rest 長眠之皿 1Fc1Fe 30
dka #8 Gather the Townsfolk 集合鎮民 1Fc 40
dka #20 Seance 降靈 1Fc1Fe1Fj 40
dka #23 Sudden Disappearance 突然消失 1Fc1Fe 30
dka #27 Artful Dodge 精巧閃躲 1Fe 30
dka #33 Counterlash 反打 1Fc 30
dka #42 Mystic Retrieval 回收秘術 1Fj 20
dka #48 Secrets of the Dead 亡者秘密 1Fc1Fe 20
dka #80 Zombie Apocalypse 殭屍末日戰 1Fc1Fe 60
dka #83 Blood Feud 不共血仇 1Fe 30
dka #89 Flayer of the Hatebound 懷恨劫掠者 1Fe 30
dka #114 Feed the Pack 餵食狼群 1Fc2Fe 40
dka #123 Lost in the Woods 林間迷途 4Fc1Fe 40
dka #127 Strangleroot Geist 縛根遊魂 1Fc 60
dka #128 Tracker's Instincts 追獵者直覺 1Fj 30
dka #145 Avacyn's Collar 艾維欣頸環 1Fj 20
dka #152 Jar of Eyeballs 眼珠瓶 4Fe 30
dka #153 Warden of the Wall 牆頂護衛 1Fc1Fe 20
dka #13a Loyal Cathar 忠誠護教軍 1Fe1Fj 30
isd #9 Dearly Departed 摯愛逝者 1Fc1Fe 40
isd #11 Doomed Traveler 註亡旅人 2Fe 40
isd #27 Purify the Grave 淨化墓地 1Fe 20
isd #36 Stony Silence 沈重靜寂 1Fc 300
isd #44 Back from the Brink 邊緣歸來 1Fc1Fj 30
isd #46 Cackling Counterpart 咳笑複身 1Fc 50
isd #82 Sturmgeist 風暴遊魂 2Fc2Fe 40
isd #84 Undead Alchemist 不死鍊金術士 1Fc 60
isd #88 Bitterheart Witch 仇心女巫 1Fc6Fe 20
isd #99 Endless Ranks of the Dead 無盡亡者行列 2Fe 120
isd #101 Ghoulcaller's Chant 屍鬼牧者吟頌 4Fe 20
isd #102 Ghoulraiser 呼伴食屍鬼 4Fe 20
isd #104 Heartless Summoning 無情召喚 1Fe 50
isd #109 Moan of the Unhallowed 孽物哀吟 1Fe 30
isd #121 Unbreathing Horde 無生氣大軍 1Fc2Fe 50
isd #133 Burning Vengeance 火熱復仇 1Fe 20
isd #134 Charmbreaker Devils 斷符魔鬼 1Fe 30
isd #136 Curse of Stalked Prey 遭覬獵物詛咒 1Fe 40
isd #139 Desperate Ravings 情急胡言 1Fe 30
isd #140 Devil's Play 魔鬼造孽 1Fe 30
isd #141 Falkenrath Marauders 伐肯納劫掠者 3Fe 30
isd #147 Heretic's Punishment 異教徒的懲罰 1Fe 30
isd #157 Rage Thrower 怒焰噴擲師 1Fc 15
isd #171 Boneyard Wurm 聚骨場亞龍 1Fe 20
isd #172 Bramblecrush 竹破咒 2Fc 20
isd #174 Creeping Renaissance 可怖復起 1Fe 40
isd #177 Elder of Laurels 月桂長者 1Fc3Fe 30
isd #178 Essence of the Wild 蠻荒精魂 1Fe 50
isd #180 Full Moon's Rise 滿月升起 1Fe 20
isd #182 Gatstaf Shepherd 卡茲特牧人 4Fe 20
isd #186 Gutter Grime 水溝污跡 2Fe 30
isd #192 Make a Wish 許願 2Fe 20
isd #194 Moldgraf Monstrosity 苔墓巨蟲 4Fe 40
isd #195 Moonmist 月霧 1Fc 20
isd #201 Ranger's Guile 護林人的智謀 1Fc3Fe1Fj 20
isd #203 Spider Spawning 蜘蛛孳生 1Fc3Fe1Fj 15
isd #220 Creepy Doll 可怖娃娃 1Fe 30
isd #228 Manor Gargoyle 莊園石像鬼 1Fc 30
isd #64a Ludevic's Test Subject 盧德維的實驗對象 4Fe 40
m12 #15 Elite Vanguard 菁英先鋒 1Fe 30
m12 #30 Personal Sanctuary 內心聖殿 1Fe 30
m12 #66 Merfolk Mesmerist 催眠人魚 1Fj 20
m12 #74 Redirect 移轉 1Fe 30
m12 #86 Cemetery Reaper 墓地鐮刀手 1Fc 75
m12 #90 Deathmark 死印 1Fe 10
m12 #106 Rune-Scarred Demon 符痕惡魔 1Fc 150
m12 #120 Zombie Infestation 殭屍侵擾 1Fe 20
m12 #129 Crimson Mage 緋紅法師 1Fc 15
m12 #131 Fireball 火球 1Fe 10
m12 #162 Arachnus Spinner 纏網蜘蛛 1Fc 30
m12 #173 Fog 濃霧 1Fe 10
m12 #197 Stingerfling Spider 飛刺蜘蛛 1Fc1Fe 15
m12 #213 Pentavus 五節獸 2Fc 30
nph #1 Karn Liberated 重獲自由的卡恩 1Fe 3000
nph #2 Apostle's Blessing 門徒加持 2Fe 30
nph #5 Cathedral Membrane 聖堂護層 1Fc1Fe 10
nph #7 Dispatch 迅速了結 1Fc1Fe 80
nph #10 Exclusion Ritual 拒斥祭禮 1Fe 10
nph #12 Inquisitor Exarch 審問督教 1Fe 20
nph #13 Lost Leonin 喪心獅族 1Fe 15
nph #17 Norn's Annex 艾蕾儂別館 1Fe 60
nph #19 Porcelain Legionnaire 瓷體軍團兵 1Fe 70
nph #20 Puresteel Paladin 淨鋼神聖武士 1Fe 200
nph #28 Arm with Ather 乙太武裝 1Fe 10
nph #30 Chained Throatseeker 鎖栓奪喉怪 1Fe 10
nph #31 Chancellor of the Spires 尖塔督長 1Fe 60
nph #44 Psychic Surgery 心靈手術 1Fc2Fe 30
nph #45 Spined Thopter 刺棘振翼機 1Fe 30
nph #47 Tezzeret's Gambit 泰茲瑞的計策 1Fc 70
nph #49 Viral Drake 病毒龍獸 1Fc1Fe 40
nph #57 Dismember 肢解 1Fe 250
nph #60 Evil Presence 邪惡存在 1Fe 10
nph #61 Geth's Verdict 蓋司的裁定 2Fc1Fe 40
nph #77 Whispering Specter 細語幽靈 1Fe 50
nph #80 Bludgeon Brawl 持棍亂鬥 1Fe 30
nph #82 Fallen Ferromancer 墮落鋼鐵術士 1Fe 10
nph #84 Furnace Scamp 熔爐惡獸 2Fe 20
nph #88 Moltensteel Dragon 融鋼巨龍 1Fe 40
nph #89 Ogre Menial 卑賤食人魔 1Fc1Fe 10
nph #91 Rage Extractor 煉怒儀 1Fe 20
nph #92 Razor Swine 鋒刃豬 1Fc 10
nph #95 Slag Fiend 熔渣邪鬼 1Fe 30
nph #96 Slash Panther 斬擊豹 1Fe 20
nph #100 Volt Charge 電壓衝鋒 1Fe 20
nph #111 Glistener Elf 油亮妖精 1Fe 50
nph #118 Noxious Revival 惡毒復生 1Fe 100
nph #119 Phyrexian Swarmlord 非瑞克西亞群長 1Fc1Fe 50
nph #121 Spinebiter 嚼脊獸 1Fc 20
nph #123 Triumph of the Hordes 大軍獲勝 1Fc1Fe 50
nph #135 Etched Monstrosity 蝕刻巨獸 1Fe 80
nph #139 Immolating Souleater 燃焰食靈妖 1Fc 15
nph #152 Shrine of Boundless Growth 不息成長祭祠 1Fe 20
nph #158 Soul Conduit 靈魂管道 2Fe 40
nph #165 Phyrexia's Core 非瑞克西亞核心 1Fc1Fe 50
mbs #16 Priests of Norn 艾蕾儂僧侶 2Fc 10
mbs #17 Tine Shrike 刺啄鳥 1Fe 10
mbs #22 Corrupted Conscience 感知染污 1Fc 30
mbs #28 Neurok Commando 紐若克突擊兵 1Fc 10
mbs #29 Oculus 眼球妖 1Fc 10
mbs #41 Flensermite 剖脂怪 1Fe 10
mbs #42 Flesh-Eater Imp 食肉小惡魔 1Fe 10
mbs #55 Septic Rats 敗血鼠 1Fc 10
mbs #83 Melira's Keepers 梅梨萊護衛 1Fe 10
mbs #90 Rot Wolf 腐臭狼 1Fe 10
mbs #94 Viridian Corrupter 暗碧族腐化師 1Fc 30
mbs #95 Viridian Emissary 暗碧族密使 1Fc 25
mbs #102 Copper Carapace 銅殼甲 1Fc 10
mbs #103 Core Prowler 核心遊掠者 1Fc 15
mbs #120 Phyrexian Digester 非瑞克西亞消化者 1Fe 10
mbs #121 Phyrexian Juggernaut 非瑞克西亞攻城巨車 1Fe 10
mbs #140 Thopter Assembly 組裝振翼機 1Fc 40
mbs #141 Titan Forge 泰坦鍛冶爐 1Fe 30
mbs #144 Contested War Zone 爭鬥戰區 1Fc 50
som #9 Glimmerpoint Stag 爍野麋鹿 1Fc 15
som #37 Neurok Invisimancer 紐若克隱身術士 1Fc 15
som #54 Blackcleave Goblin 暗峰鬼怪 1Fc 10
som #61 Exsanguinate 放乾鮮血 1Fc 150
som #63 Fume Spitter 煙氣噴吐獸 1Fc1Fe 20
som #67 Ichor Rats 膿水鼠 1Fc 25
som #75 Plague Stinger 疫病飛刺獸 1Fc 30
som #90 Furnace Celebration 熔爐慶典 1Fe 20
som #93 Hoard-Smelter Dragon 鍊儲巨龍 1Fe 40
som #98 Molten Psyche 融鑄心神 1Fc 50
som #110 Asceticism 苦行生活 1Fe 300
som #111 Bellowing Tanglewurm 嚎吼鉻銅林亞龍 1Fc1Fe 50
som #115 Carrion Call 腐肉呼喚 2Fc1Fe 15
som #117 Cystbearer 囊腫獸 2Fc1Fe 10
som #120 Ezuri's Archers 伊祖黎弓箭手 1Fc 10
som #130 Tel-Jilad Fallen 泰幾朗逝者 2Fc 10
som #132 Viridian Revel 暗碧族歡宴 1Fe 10
som #146 Copper Myr 銅秘耳 1Fe 15
som #147 Corpse Cur 屍首幼犬 2Fe 10
som #147 Corpse Cur 屍首幼犬 1Fe 15
som #148 Culling Dais 牲祭高台 1Fc 10
som #149 Darksteel Axe 玄鐵斧 1Fc 20
som #152 Darksteel Sentinel 玄鐵哨兵 1Fe 15
som #160 Golem Foundry 魔像鍛爐 1Fe 10
som #162 Grafted Exoskeleton 外殖骨骼 1Fc1Fe 40
som #164 Heavy Arbalest 重型彈簧弩 1Fe 20
som #170 Leaden Myr 鉛秘耳 1Fc 15
som #171 Liquimetal Coating 液金包覆 1Fc 30
som #182 Myr Propagator 繁衍秘耳 1Fe 50
som #185 Necropede 死冥百足蟲 2Fc 40
som #191 Panic Spellbomb 驚慌咒擊彈 1Fe 10
som #194 Precursor Golem 先驅魔像 1Fc 50
som #207 Strider Harness 海行客挽具 2Fc 10
som #209 Sylvok Lifestaff 希沃克生靈杖 1Fc 15
som #211 Throne of Geth 蓋司王座 1Fc 30
som #213 Trigon of Corruption 腐化三角 1Fc 15
som #216 Trigon of Rage 憤怒三角 1Fc 15
som #219 Vector Asp 帶菌角奎 1Fc 10
som #220 Venser's Journal 凡瑟的日誌 1Fc 200
m11 #3 Ajani's Pridemate 阿耶尼的群伴 1Fc/1Fj 90/120
m11 #37 Vengeful Archon 復仇統領 1Fc 30
m11 #54 Foresee 預知 1Fc 10
m11 #76 Tome Scour 清理書本 2Fc 20
m11 #78 Unsummon 反召喚 1Fc 10
m11 #79 Wall of Frost 霜牆 1Fc 30
m11 #84 Blood Tithe 鮮血什一稅 1Fc 10
m11 #87 Captivating Vampire 蠱惑吸血鬼 3Fc 200
m11 #101 Leyline of the Void 虛空地脈 1Fc 250
m11 #112 Reassembling Skeleton 重組骷髏妖 1Fj 30
m11 #120 Viscera Seer 拽臟預言師 1Fc 150
m11 #129 Chandra's Spitfire 茜卓的噴火靈 1Fc 20
m11 #135 Ember Hauler 燼火搬運工 1Fc 30
m11 #155 Reverberate 令其回響 1Fc 30
m11 #189 Overwhelming Stampede 壓倒性蹄響 2Fc 60
m11 #211 Ornithopter 撲翼機 1Fe 40
roe #15 Caravan Escort 商隊衛士 1Fe 10
roe #90 Surrakar Spellblade 咒刃蘇拉卡 1Fe 30
roe #99 Cadaver Imp 屍首小惡魔 1Fe 10
roe #108 Dread Drone 可怖奴獸 1Fe 10
roe #122 Pawn of Ulamog 鎢拉莫兵卒 3Fe 50
roe #142 Emrakul's Hatcher 伊莫庫育惡獸 1Fe 30
roe #144 Fissure Vent 裂縫噴發口 1Fe 10
roe #153 Kiln Fiend 火爐邪鬼 2Fe 60
roe #162 Rapacious One 捕食惡獸 2Fe 40
roe #167 Surreal Memoir 虛幻回憶 1Fe 15
roe #172 World at War 全世交戰 1Fe 60
roe #183 Gelatinous Genesis 凝膠創生 1Fe 50
roe #193 Kozilek's Predator 寇基雷獵者 2Fe 20
roe #196 Might of the Masses 眾人之力 1Fe 10
roe #208 Spider Umbra 蜘蛛本影 1Fe 60
roe #226 Warmonger's Chariot 戰爭販子戰車 1Fe 15
wwk #3 Archon of Redemption 救贖統領 2Fe 50
wwk #7 Hada Freeblade 哈達助劍人 1Fe 30
wwk #9 Join the Ranks 加入行列 1Fe 20
wwk #19 Ruin Ghost 遺跡鬼魂 1Fe 10
wwk #22 Terra Eternal 永恆大地 1Fe 30
wwk #25 Calcite Snapper 緊咬鈣龜 1Fe 20
wwk #37 Selective Memory 選擇性記憶 1Fe 30
wwk #48 Agadeem Occultist 艾格丁神秘學者 1Fe 40
wwk #51 Bojuka Brigand 泊卒卡強盜 2Fe 10
wwk #64 Quest for the Nihil Stone 探索返虛石 2Fe 60
wwk #71 Akoum Battlesinger 阿庫姆戰頌人 1Fe 15
wwk #74 Chain Reaction 連鎖反應 1Fe 50
wwk #86 Quest for the Goblin Lord 探索鬼怪領主 1Fe 50
wwk #87 Ricochet Trap 跳彈陷阱 1Fe 30
wwk #103 Graypelt Hunter 灰皮獵人 1Fe 10
wwk #116 Vastwood Animist 廣林物靈師 1Fe 15
zen #16 Kazandu Blademaster 卡贊度大劍師 1Fe 50
zen #21 Kor Outfitter 寇族驗裝兵 1Fe 15
zen #22 Kor Sanctifiers 寇族淨聖僧 1Fe 20
zen #26 Makindi Shieldmate 馬欽迪護盾手 2Fe 10
zen #30 Ondu Cleric 昂度僧侶 1Fe 25
zen #59 Quest for Ancient Secrets 探索遠古秘密 2Fe 10
zen #74 Trapmaker's Snare 布陷人羅網 1Fe 15
zen #75 Umara Raptor 烏瑪拉獵鳥 2Fe 10
zen #106 Nimana Sell-Sword 尼麻納貸劍客 1Fe 10
zen #108 Quest for the Gravelord 探索墳場王侯 1Fe 20
zen #108 Quest for the Gravelord 探索墳場王侯 1Fe 30
zen #109 Ravenous Trap 貪婪陷阱 1Fe 20
zen #127 Goblin Ruinblaster 毀跡鬼怪 1Fe 20
zen #139 Murasa Pyromancer 姆拉撒烈焰術士 1Fe 10
zen #141 Plated Geopede 板甲地蜈蚣 1Fe 30
zen #146 Runeflare Trap 符焰陷阱 1Fe 15
zen #152 Tuktuk Grunts 圖圖大兵 1Fe 10
zen #155 Zektar Shrine Expedition 切塔祭祠探險 1Fe 10
zen #161 Frontier Guide 邊境嚮導 1Fe 15
zen #163 Grazing Gladehart 食草林鹿 1Fe 15
zen #169 Mold Shambler 腐黴跛行獸 1Fe 20
zen #173 Oran-Rief Recluse 歐蘭黎隱士 1Fe 10
zen #174 Oran-Rief Survivalist 歐蘭黎求生家 1Fe 15
zen #175 Predatory Urge 掠食驅策 1Fe 30
zen #185 Tajuru Archer 特裘如弓箭手 1Fe 15
zen #195 Adventuring Gear 歷險配備 1Fe 15
zen #203 Grappling Hook 爪鉤 1Fe 40
zen #222 Piranha Marsh 水虎魚沼地 2Fe 20
zen #227 Turntimber Grove 旋林樹叢 1Fe 15
m10 #7 Celestial Purge 天界滌淨 1Fe 10
m10 #26 Rhox Pikemaster 羅克長矛精兵 1Fe 20
m10 #37 Undead Slayer 不死生物剋星 4Fe 20
m10 #74 Telepathy 心靈感應 1Fe 30
m10 #76 Tome Scour 清理書本 2Fe 20
m10 #89 Consume Spirit 吞噬靈魂 1Fe 20
m10 #114 Tendrils of Corruption 腐化卷鬚 1Fe 30
m10 #117 Vampire Aristocrat 吸血鬼貴族 1Fe 10
m10 #186 Great Sable Stag 大型褐雄鹿 1Fe 70
m10 #191 Master of the Wild Hunt 幽獵領袖 1Fe 800
m10 #216 Ornithopter 撲翼機 1Fe 40
arb #15 Unbender Tine 鑿通鑽 1Fe 20
arb #21 Illusory Demon 虛幻惡魔 1Fe 10
arb #42 Lightning Reaver 閃電裂肢獸 1Fe 60
arb #43 Monstrous Carabid 巨大步行蟲 1Fe 30
arb #61 Valley Rannet 谷地拉奈獸 1Fe 20
arb #63 Violent Outburst 暴烈迸發 1Fe 60
arb #74 Pale Recluse 蒼白隱士 1Fe 20
arb #77 Sigil Captain 印記隊長 1Fe 20
arb #95 Putrid Leech 腐臭蛭 1Fe 20
arb #134 Grixis Grimblade 格利極酷鋒兵 1Fe 20
cfx #9 Lapse of Certainty 喪失確信 1Fe 20
cfx #25 Esperzoa 艾斯波佐雅 1Fe 20
cfx #32 Parasitic Strix 寄生梟 1Fe 20
cfx #37 Unsummon 反召喚 1Fe 10
cfx #39 Worldly Counsel 全世商議 1Fe 10
cfx #46 Grixis Slavedriver 格利極奴工頭 1Fe 20
cfx #48 Kederekt Parasite 奇登磊寄生怪 1Fe 80
cfx #51 Rotting Rats 腐臭老鼠 1Fe 20
cfx #104 Elder Mastery 長老支配 1Fe 20
cfx #114 Knotvine Mystic 結藤秘教徒 1Fe 30
cfx #126 Sludge Strider 泥濘跨行蟲 1Fe 20
cfx #129 Vagrant Plowbeasts 漂泊犁獸 1Fe 20
ala #1 Akrasan Squire 阿卡沙扈從 1Fe 20
ala #43 Fatestitcher 織命靈俑 2Fe 20
ala #44 Filigree Sages 絲金錄智者 1Fe 20
ala #54 Resounding Wave 轟然浪潮 3Fe 20
ala #69 Cunning Lethemancer 狡詐忘卻術士 1Fe 30
ala #77 Glaze Fiend 嵌璃邪鬼 1Fe 20
ala #82 Puppet Conjurer 傀儡咒法師 2Fe 20
ala #96 Crucible of Fire 火焰錘煉 1Fe 200
ala #120 Vithian Stinger 威西亞術擊師 1Fe 20
ala #146 Sacellum Godspeaker 藤聖堂神言師 1Fe 40
ala #148 Skullmulcher 掩顱靈 1Fe 40
ala #173 Hindering Light 阻礙之光 1Fe 20
ala #174 Jhessian Infiltrator 介斯滲透者 2Fe 20
ala #188 Rhox War Monk 羅克戰僧 1Fe 30
ala #197 Sprouting Thrinax 芽生叉齒蜥 1Fe 20
ala #209 Woolly Thoctar 粗茸索塔獸 1Fe 20
ala #219 Sigil of Distinction 明辨印記 1Fe 40
eve #4 Endless Horizons 無垠地平線 1Fe 400
eve #24 Indigo Faerie 藍染仙靈 1Fe 20
eve #49 Chaotic Backlash 混沌反挫 1閃簡中 20
eve #50 Cinder Pyr