KTK 韃契可汗
售前閃 #073 陰森腸占師 Grim Haruspex 1Fc: 80
售前閃 #211 不義之財 Villainous Wealth 1Fc: 120
CU四套 1e: 1000
R #008 止戰寧息 End Hostilities 4e: 80
R #066 浴血鬥士 Bloodsoaked Champion 1e: 120
M #072 清空地穴 Empty the Pits 1c: 80 3j: 80
M #099 燼雲鳳凰 Ashcloud Phoenix 1c: 150
M #119 龍語者薩坎 Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker 1c: 700
M #136 頂蓋多頭龍 Hooded Hydra 1c: 50
R #144 綴爪秘教徒 Rattleclaw Mystic 1e: 130
M #149 傳言具現 See the Unwritten 1e: 150
R #168 部落屠夫 Butcher of the Horde 4c: 80 2e: 120
R #173 饋擊掌 Deflecting Palm 1c: 50
R #180 潔斯凱霸權 Jeskai Ascendancy 3c: 100
R #184 飛螳騎兵 Mantis Rider 4c: 120
M #190 悟道大師娜爾施 Narset, Enlightened Master 1c: 70 1e: 120
R #196 薩谷虐殺獸 Sagu Mauler 4c: 20 4e: 40
R #197 蠻野指套劍手 Savage Knuckleblade 1c: 80 1e: 100
R #200 攻城犀牛 Siege Rhino 1e: 240
M #206 龍爪蘇拉克 Surrak Dragonclaw 1c: 100
R #210 徹底終結 Utter End 1c: 90 4j: 110
M #214 碎盔珠高 Zurgo Helmsmasher 1c: 30
R #220 靈火劍 Ghostfire Blade 1c: 25 3e: 30
R #230 血斑泥沼 Bloodstained Mire 4c: 380
R #233 潮沒水濱 Flooded Strand 3c: 520
R #239 聚污三角洲 Polluted Delta 2c: 520
R #248 風襲荒地 Windswept Heath 4c: 480
R #249 繁茂丘陵 Wooded Foothills 3c: 380
M15 核心系列2015
R #015 Hushwing Gryff 肅息駿鷺 3c2e 150
R #025 Preeminent Captain 傑出隊長 2c 30
M #034 Soul of Theros 塞洛斯之魂 4e 80
R #037 Spirit Bonds 魂靈繫絆 1c2e 50
R #044 ?therspouts 乙太龍捲 1e 30
R #047 Chief Engineer 總工程師 3c 60
M #078 Soul of Ravnica 拉尼卡之魂 3c4e 30
R #110 Ob Nixilis, Unshackled 破枷的歐尼希茲 2c 50
R #145 Goblin Rabblemaster 鬼怪鬧事頭 3c 400
M #163 Soul of Shandalar 山德拉之魂 3c3e 70
R #172 Chord of Calling 和聲召集 4e 220
R #178 Hornet Queen 蜂后 4e 150
M #201 Soul of Zendikar 贊迪卡之魂 2c3e 50
R #209 Yisan, the Wanderer Bard 雲遊詩人伊散 1c2e 30
R #225 Phyrexian Revoker 非瑞克西亞斷念妖 2c 30
M #231 Soul of New Phyrexia 新非瑞克西亞之魂 2e 220
R #248 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth 約格莫夫之墓烏爾博格 3e 200
MR #050 Sage of Hours 時光智者 2c 60
MR #087 Worst Fears 極端恐懼 4c2j 50
MR #106 Prophetic Flamespeaker 焰語預言師 3c 180
R #001 Aegis of the Gods 庇佑神使 4c4e4j 40
R #007 Deicide 弒神 2c1e2j 30
R #031 Battlefield Thaumaturge 戰場奇術師 3c2e 30
R #066 Doomwake Giant 喚終巨人 4c4e4j 50
R #140 Setessan Tactics 瑟特薩式戰法 4e 50
R #162 Hall of Triumph 凱旋大廳 2c 40
U #018 Nyx-Fleece Ram 星絨綿羊 3e 70
R #007 Eidolon of Countless Battles 百戰幻靈 5c 60
R #080 Pain Seer 苦痛預言師 1c 60
R #108 Satyr Firedancer 舞火羊蹄人 1c 60
MR #144 Chromanticore 五彩翼獅 3c 60
R #157 Astral Cornucopia 星幽羊角 4c 30
R #164 Temple of Malice 惡意殿堂 1c 160
U #061 Bile Blight 枯膽惡疾 4c4e 30
U #065 Drown in Sorrow 陷入悲痛 4c4e 30
未列出UC 5~10
MR #143 Stormbreath Dragon 嵐息巨龍 2e 400
MR #166 Nylea, God of the Hunt 獵神倪勒婭 1c 220
MR #187 Ashen Rider 灰滅騎兵 4c 60
MR #188 Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver 織魘師安梭苛 4e 350
MR #196 Medomai the Ageless 永生者墨冬邁 4e 40
R #004 Chained to the Rocks 鍊鎖岩上 1e 40
R #032 Soldier of the Pantheon 萬神殿衛 1e 100
R #033 Spear of Heliod 赫利歐德的長矛 1c 40
R #060 Prognostic Sphinx 先知史芬斯 4e 50
R #065 Swan Song 天鵝絕唱 2c 40
R #098 Nighthowler 夜嚎怪 3c1j 30
R #110 Whip of Erebos 厄睿柏斯的神鞭 1c 60
R #122 Firedrinker Satyr 飲火羊蹄人 1c1e 50
R #152 Boon Satyr 蒙恩羊蹄人 1e(輪抽章) 30
R #153 Bow of Nylea 倪勒婭的神弓 1c 50
R #199 Prophet of Kruphix 克魯菲斯的先知 2c 60
R #228 Temple of Triumph 勝利殿堂 3c 150
U #128 Magma Jet 岩漿飛射 4c4e 25
其餘UC卡 4e $5~15
旅法師大卡一套5張(含牌套) 2 e 300
# 62 Artisan of Kozilek 寇基雷工匠 4 e 20
# 1 Angel of the Dire Hour 0 e (缺貨)
# 2 Angelic Field Marshal 0 e (缺貨)
# 3 Benevolent Offering 4 e 30
# 4 Comeuppance 3 e 30
# 5 Containment Priest 3 e 600
# 6 Deploy to the Front 4 e 50
# 7 Fell the Mighty 3 e 30
# 8 Hallowed Spiritkeeper 4 e 180
# 9 Jazal Goldmane 1 e 80
# 10 Nahiri, the Lithomancer 0 e (缺貨)
# 63 Adarkar Valkyrie 阿達卡女武神 1 e 50
# 64 Afterlife 來生 3 e 10
# 65 Armistice 休戰協議 4 e 20
# 66 Brave the Elements 不懼酷境 4 e 10
# 67 Cathars' Crusade 護教軍聖戰 4 e 20
# 68 Celestial Crusader 天界十字軍 4 e 10
# 69 Condemn 判罪 4 e 10
# 70 Decree of Justice 正義的宣判 2 e 60
# 71 Flickerwisp 明滅翔靈 3 e 30
# 72 Geist-Honored Monk 遊魂護持僧 4 e 20
# 73 Gift of Estates 獻地 0 e (缺貨)
# 74 Grand Abolisher 止咒高僧 0 e (缺貨)
# 75 Kemba, Kha Regent 攝政獅王肯芭 4 e 20
# 76 Kor Sanctifiers 寇族淨聖僧 4 e 10
# 77 Marshal's Anthem 元帥讚美詩 4 e 20
# 78 Martial Coup 軍事壯舉 0 e (缺貨)
# 79 Mentor of the Meek 馴良明師 4 e 20
# 80 Midnight Haunting 午夜作祟 0 e (缺貨)
# 81 Mobilization 動員時期 4 e 50
# 82 Nomads' Assembly 牧民集合號 4 e 20
# 83 Oblation 奉獻 0 e (缺貨)
# 84 Requiem Angel 安魂天使 1 e 20
# 85 Return to Dust 終歸浮塵 0 e (缺貨)
# 86 Sacred Mesa 聖潔臺地 4 e 30
# 87 Serra Avatar 撒拉聖者 0 e (缺貨)
# 88 Silverblade Paladin 銀刃神聖武士 3 e 50
# 89 Skyhunter Skirmisher 偵衛空獵者 4 e 10
# 90 Spectral Procession 幽靈行列 4 e 40
# 91 Sun Titan 旭日泰坦 4 e 90
# 92 Sunblast Angel 旭擊天使 1 e 30
# 93 True Conviction 真實信念 3 e 30
# 94 Twilight Shepherd 微光牧者 1 e 60
# 95 White Sun's Zenith 白陽當空 4 e 20
# 96 Whitemane Lion 白鬃獅 4 e 10
# 97 Wing Shards 翎羽飛射 4 e 20
# 11 ?ther Gale 4 e 30
# 12 Breaching Leviathan 4 e 30
# 13 Domineering Will 3 e 40
# 14 Dulcet Sirens 4 e 30
# 15 Intellectual Offering 4 e 60
# 16 Reef Worm 0 e (缺貨)
# 17 Stitcher Geralf 1 e 50
# 18 Stormsurge Kraken 4 e 30
# 19 Teferi, Temporal Archmage 2 e 400
# 20 Well of Ideas 3 e 40
# 98 Azure Mage 碧藍法師 4 e 10
# 99 Brine Elemental 鹽湖元素 4 e 10
# 100 Cackling Counterpart 咳笑複身 4 e 20
# 101 Call to Mind 回憶升起 4 e 10
# 102 Compulsive Research 強制探尋 4 e 10
# 103 Concentrate 專注 3 e 10
# 104 Cyclonic Rift 龍卷裂空 3 e 60
# 105 Deep-Sea Kraken 深海巨怪 4 e 30
# 106 Dismiss 退散 4 e 10
# 107 Distorting Wake 扭曲航跡 4 e 20
# 108 Exclude 排拒 1 e 10
# 109 Fathom Seer 深測預言師 4 e 10
# 110 Fog Bank 濃霧堤防 4 e 20
# 111 Fool's Demise 假死 4 e 10
# 112 Frost Titan 冰霜泰坦 4 e 50
# 113 Hoverguard Sweepers 空衛掃蕩隊 4 e 20
# 114 Infinite Reflection 無限映象 4 e 20
# 115 Into the Roil 沒入狂攪 4 e 10
# 116 Ixidron 意塑影 3 e 20
# 117 Lorthos, the Tidemaker 興潮羅佐司 4 e 30
# 118 Mulldrifter 漂念精 0 e 20 /有其他版本4e
# 119 Phyrexian Ingester 非瑞克西亞攝食獸 4 e 20
# 120 Pongify 猿化術 4 e 25
# 121 Riptide Survivor 激流餘生者 4 e 10
# 122 Rite of Replication 模造儀式 3 e 60
# 123 Rush of Knowledge 知識湧昇 3 e 10
# 124 Sea Gate Oracle 海戶先知 4 e 10
# 125 Shaper Parasite 塑形寄生怪 4 e 10
# 126 Sphinx of Jwar Isle 爪爾島史芬斯 4 e 20
# 127 Sphinx of Magosi 馬格西史芬斯 4 e 20
# 128 Sphinx of Uthuun 烏屯史芬斯 4 e 20
# 129 Stroke of Genius 神來一筆 0 e (缺貨)
# 130 Turn to Frog 化蛙術 4 e 10
# 131 Willbender 曲願師 4 e 10
# 21 Demon of Wailing Agonies 2 e 30
# 22 Flesh Carver 4 e 30
# 23 Ghoulcaller Gisa 1 e 50
# 24 Infernal Offering 4 e 30
# 25 Malicious Affliction 0 e (缺貨)
# 26 Necromantic Selection 3 e 30
# 27 Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath 3 e 300
# 28 Overseer of the Damned 1 e 30
# 29 Raving Dead 4 e 30
# 30 Spoils of Blood 4 e 40
# 31 Wake the Dead 1 e 30
# 132 Abyssal Persecutor 深淵虐魔 4 e 100
# 133 ?ther Snap 乙太驟變 4 e 20
# 134 Annihilate 殲滅 4 e 10
# 135 Bad Moon 邪惡之月 4 e 40
# 136 Black Sun's Zenith 黑陽當空 4 e 60
# 137 Bloodgift Demon 血禮惡魔 4 e 30
# 138 Butcher of Malakir 馬拉奇屠夫 4 e 20
# 139 Crypt Ghast 墓穴懼妖 4 e 50
# 140 Disciple of Bolas 波拉斯信徒 0 e (缺貨)
# 141 Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief 卡列奇血侯哲娜 4 e 30
# 142 Dread Return 顫慄再現 4 e 20
# 143 Dregs of Sorrow 悲傷殘渣 2 e 20
# 144 Evernight Shade 永夜陰魂 4 e 10
# 145 Grave Titan 墓地泰坦 4 e 180
# 146 Gray Merchant of Asphodel 安福陵的暗賈 0 e 10 /有其他版本4e
# 147 Liliana's Reaver 莉蓮娜的撕肉獸 4 e 30
# 148 Magus of the Coffers 金庫賢者 3 e 30
# 149 Morkrut Banshee 穆坎女妖 4 e 10
# 150 Mutilate 殘肢毀傷 4 e 50
# 151 Nantuko Shade 螳人陰魂 4 e 30
# 152 Nekrataal 尼可拉塔 4 e 10
# 153 Pestilence Demon 瘟疫惡魔 4 e 20
# 154 Phyrexian Gargantua 非瑞克西亞巨罡獸 4 e 20
# 155 Pontiff of Blight 枯萎主教 4 e 20
# 156 Profane Command 瀆神指命 3 e 30
# 157 Promise of Power 允諾力量 3 e 20
# 158 Read the Bones 解讀骨卦 4 e 10
# 159 Reaper from the Abyss 深淵劊子手 4 e 20
# 160 Shriekmaw 尖吼怪 4 e 25
# 161 Sign in Blood 以血立契 4 e 10
# 162 Skeletal Scrying 骸骨占卜 4 e 10
# 163 Skirsdag High Priest 史革達高階僧侶 4 e 20
# 164 Sudden Spoiling 瞬息腐壞 0 e (缺貨)
# 165 Syphon Mind 吸收心靈 4 e 10
# 166 Tendrils of Corruption 腐化卷鬚 4 e 10
# 167 Tragic Slip 悲劇失足 4 e 10
# 168 Vampire Hexmage 邪術吸血鬼 4 e 20
# 169 Victimize 生體活祭 4 e 20
# 170 Xathrid Demon 札茲離惡魔 4 e 30
# 32 Bitter Feud 4 e 30
# 33 Daretti, Scrap Savant 2 e 500
# 34 Dualcaster Mage 0 e (缺貨)
# 35 Feldon of the Third Path 0 e (缺貨)
# 36 Impact Resonance 4 e 30
# 37 Incite Rebellion 4 e 30
# 38 Scrap Mastery 3 e 90
# 39 Tyrant's Familiar 4 e 50
# 40 Volcanic Offering 0 e (缺貨)
# 41 Warmonger Hellkite 4 e 50
# 171 Beetleback Chief 甲蟲背酋長 4 e 30
# 172 Blasphemous Act 瀆神行徑 4 e 30
# 173 Bogardan Hellkite 博卡登殘虐者 4 e 30
# 174 Chaos Warp 混沌變化 4 e 150
# 175 Faithless Looting 喪信掠奪 4 e 15
# 176 Flametongue Kavu 焰舌卡甫 4 e 10
# 177 Goblin Welder 鬼怪焊工 4 e 120
# 178 Hoard-Smelter Dragon 鍊儲巨龍 4 e 20
# 179 Ingot Chewer 嚼錠怪 4 e 10
# 180 Magmaquake 岩漿暴震 2 e 20
# 181 Spitebellows 怨吼靈 4 e 10
# 182 Starstorm 流星暴 4 e 20
# 183 Tuktuk the Explorer 探險家圖圖 4 e 30
# 184 Whipflare 鞭掃火光 4 e 20
# 185 Word of Seizing 攫靈咒 3 e 20
# 42 Creeperhulk 4 e 30
# 43 Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury 1 e 400
# 44 Grave Sifter 4 e 30
# 45 Lifeblood Hydra 3 e 70
# 46 Siege Behemoth 4 e 30
# 47 Song of the Dryads 3 e 120
# 48 Sylvan Offering 4 e 30
# 49 Thunderfoot Baloth 4 e 50
# 50 Titania, Protector of Argoth 0 e (缺貨)
# 51 Wave of Vitriol 4 e 30
# 52 Wolfcaller's Howl 4 e 30
# 186 Beastmaster Ascension 獸侯騰揚 4 e 40
# 187 Collective Unconscious 集體潛意識 4 e 20
# 188 Desert Twister 沙漠龍捲風 4 e 10
# 189 Drove of Elves 地精齊群 4 e 40
# 190 Elvish Archdruid 妖精高位德魯伊 4 e 30
# 191 Elvish Mystic 妖精秘教徒 4 e 10
# 192 Elvish Skysweeper 蕩空地精 4 e 10
# 193 Elvish Visionary 妖精幻視師 4 e 10
# 194 Essence Warden 護華師 0 e (缺貨)
# 195 Ezuri, Renegade Leader 叛軍領袖伊祖黎 4 e 30
# 196 Farhaven Elf 覓境地精 4 e 15
# 197 Fresh Meat 鮮肉 4 e 20
# 198 Grim Flowering 陰森花開 4 e 10
# 199 Harrow 整地 4 e 10
# 200 Hunting Triad 狩獵三人組 4 e 10
# 201 Immaculate Magistrate 無垢官員 4 e 90
# 202 Imperious Perfect 驕傲至美 0 e (缺貨)
# 203 Joraga Warcaller 玖瑞加戰呼人 4 e 60
# 204 Llanowar Elves 羅堰妖精 4 e 10
# 205 Lys Alana Huntmaster 黎撒拉那領獵人 4 e 20
# 206 Masked Admirers 假面崇美者 4 e 10
# 207 Overrun 橫行 4 e 10
# 208 Overwhelming Stampede 壓倒性蹄響 4 e 40
# 209 Praetor's Counsel 魔判官商議 3 e 60
# 210 Priest of Titania 泰坦尼亞牧師 4 e 50
# 211 Primordial Sage 始生智者 4 e 20
# 212 Rampaging Baloths 莽闖巴羅西 4 e 50
# 213 Reclamation Sage 復碧智者 0 e (缺貨)
# 214 Silklash Spider 絲鞭蜘蛛 4 e 20
# 215 Soul of the Harvest 收成靈 4 e 20
# 216 Sylvan Ranger 森林巡守 4 e 10
# 217 Sylvan Safekeeper 林間救護人 4 e 30
# 218 Terastodon 撼地象 4 e 20
# 219 Thornweald Archer 荊林箭手 4 e 10
# 220 Timberwatch Elf 巡林妖精 4 e 10
# 221 Titania's Chosen 泰坦尼亞的愛民 4 e 20
# 222 Tornado Elemental 陸龍卷元素 4 e 30
# 223 Wellwisher 美願祈者 3 e 20
# 224 Whirlwind 旋風 4 e 20
# 225 Wolfbriar Elemental 狼荊元素 4 e 20
# 226 Wood Elves 林木地精 3 e 15
# 227 Wren's Run Packmaster 蒙鳩地狼群使 4 e 30
# 53 Assault Suit 8 e 20
# 54 Commander's Sphere 20 e 20
# 55 Crown of Doom 3 e 50
# 56 Loreseeker's Stone 12 e 20
# 57 Masterwork of Ingenuity 0 e (缺貨)
# 58 Unstable Obelisk 9 e 25
# 228 Argentum Armor 古銀鎧甲 4 e 30
# 229 Bonehoard 聚骨裝 4 e 20
# 230 Bosh, Iron Golem 鐵魔像霸西 4 e 20
# 231 Bottle Gnomes 瓶子侏儒 4 e 10
# 232 Burnished Hart 光潔雄鹿 4 e 10
# 233 Caged Sun 遭囚太陽 4 e 80
# 234 Cathodion 負極獸 3 e 10
# 235 Charcoal Diamond 炭黑鑽石 1 e 10
# 236 Dreamstone Hedron 夢想晶石 4 e 10
# 237 Emerald Medallion 翡翠徽章 0 e (缺貨)
# 238 Epochrasite 時代寄生蟲 4 e 10
# 239 Everflowing Chalice 汨汨聖杯 4 e 30
# 240 Fire Diamond 焰紅鑽石 0 e (缺貨)
# 241 Ichor Wellspring 膿水湧泉 4 e 10
# 242 Jalum Tome 賈倫的?著 4 e 10
# 243 Jet Medallion 黑玉徽章 0 e (缺貨)
# 244 Junk Diver 垃圾掠集獸 3 e 40
# 245 Lashwrithe 翻騰鞭 4 e 30
# 246 Liquimetal Coating 液金包覆 4 e 10
# 247 Loxodon Warhammer 象族戰鎚 4 e 30
# 248 Marble Diamond 乳白鑽石 0 e (缺貨)
# 249 Mask of Memory 記憶面具 4 e 10
# 250 Mind Stone 心靈石 12 e 20
# 251 Moonsilver Spear 月銀長矛 4 e 20
# 252 Moss Diamond 苔綠鑽石 1 e 10
# 253 Mycosynth Wellspring 構生菌湧泉 4 e 10
# 254 Myr Battlesphere 秘耳鬥球 4 e 20
# 255 Myr Retriever 回收秘耳 4 e 10
# 256 Myr Sire 秘耳君父 4 e 10
# 257 Nevinyrral's Disk 妮維亞洛之碟 2 e 80
# 258 Palladium Myr 鈀秘耳 4 e 25
# 259 Panic Spellbomb 驚慌咒擊彈 4 e 10
# 260 Pearl Medallion 珍珠徽章 0 e (缺貨)
# 261 Pentavus 五節獸 4 e 20
# 262 Pilgrim's Eye 朝聖客之眼 4 e 10
# 263 Predator, Flagship 飛空旗艦掠奪者號 4 e 30
# 264 Pristine Talisman 純淨飾符 3 e 10
# 265 Ruby Medallion 紅寶石徽章 0 e (缺貨)
# 266 Sapphire Medallion 藍寶石徽章 0 e (缺貨)
# 267 Seer's Sundial 預言師日晷 4 e 20
# 268 Skullclamp 備忘夾 4 e 120
# 269 Sky Diamond 天藍鑽石 0 e (缺貨)
# 270 Sol Ring 陽光戒 0 e (缺貨)
# 271 Solemn Simulacrum 黯色幻影 4 e 150
# 272 Spine of Ish Sah 伊沙脊柱 4 e 20
# 273 Steel Hellkite 鋼鐵殘虐者 12 e 30
# 274 Strata Scythe 地層鐮刀 4 e 20
# 275 Swiftfoot Boots 疾行靴 20 e 20
# 276 Sword of Vengeance 復仇劍 4 e 30
# 277 Thran Dynamo 索藍發電機 3 e 150
# 278 Tormod's Crypt 托瑪墓穴 4 e 10
# 279 Trading Post 交易站 4 e 20
# 280 Ur-Golem's Eye 鈾魔像之眼 4 e 10
# 281 Wayfarer's Bauble 旅人飾品 4 e 10
# 282 Worn Powerstone 受損的魔力石 8 e 50
# 283 Wurmcoil Engine 亞龍捲引擎 4 e 400
# 59 Arcane Lighthouse 0 e (缺貨)
# 60 Flamekin Village 1 e 120
# 61 Myriad Landscape 0 e (缺貨)
# 284 Barren Moor 貧瘠溼地 4 e 10
# 285 Bojuka Bog 泊卒卡腐沼 3 e 10
# 286 Buried Ruin 深埋遺跡 4 e 10
# 287 Coral Atoll 環珊瑚礁 4 e 10
# 288 Crypt of Agadeem 艾格丁墓穴 4 e 20
# 289 Crystal Vein 水晶礦脈 4 e 10
# 290 Darksteel Citade 玄鐵殿堂 4 e 20
# 291 Dormant Volcano 休火山 4 e 10
# 292 Drifting Meadow 飄移牧草地 4 e 10
# 293 Emeria, the Sky Ruin 天空遺跡伊美黎 3 e 80
# 294 Everglades 濕沼 4 e 10
# 295 Evolving Wilds 成形野地 4 e 10
# 296 Forgotten Cave 遺世山洞 4 e 10
# 297 Gargoyle Castle 石像鬼城堡 4 e 20
# 298 Ghost Quarter 魂魅城區 20 e 15
# 299 Great Furnace 大熔爐 4 e 20
# 300 Haunted Fengraf 鬧鬼沼墓 4 e 10
# 301 Havenwood Battleground 海溫森戰場 4 e 10
# 302 Jungle Basin 叢林水潭 4 e 10
# 303 Karoo 卡陸 4 e 10
# 304 Lonely Sandbar 孤絕沙洲 4 e 10
# 305 Oran-Rief, the Vastwood 廣林歐蘭黎 4 e 30
# 306 Phyrexia's Core 非瑞克西亞核心 4 e 10
# 307 Polluted Mire 汙泥沼 4 e 10
# 308 Reliquary Tower 聖物塔 4 e 25
# 309 Remote Isle 離島 4 e 10
# 310 Secluded Steppe 遠僻草原 4 e 10
# 311 Slippery Karst 濕滑灰岩地 4 e 10
# 312 Smoldering Crater 悶燃火山口 4 e 10
# 313 Tectonic Edge 地殼邊境 1 e 80
# 314 Temple of the False God 偽神殿堂 3 e 20
# 315 Terramorphic Expanse 地塑曠野 4 e 10
# 316 Tranquil Thicket 靜謐灌叢 4 e 10
# 317 Zoetic Cavern 蘊生洞穴 4 e 10
基本地一套20張 3 e 50
emblem (Teferi) & X/X zombie 1 e 40
emblem (Ob Nixilis) & 2/2 zombie 2 e 40
emblem (Darett) & 5/5 Tuktuk the Returned 2 e 40
Stoneforged Blade (武具) & 0/0 germ 2 e 40
0/0 germ & 2/2 zombie 3 e 20
3/3 deathtouch wurm & 0/1 goat 3 e 50
3/3 lifelink wurm & 0/1 goat 3 e 50
4/4 fly angel & 2/2 cat 4 e 15
X/X fly demon & 2/2 zombie 4 e 20
3/4 fly gargoyle & 1/1 elf warrior 4 e 20
3/3 fish & X/X zombie 5 e 20
9/9 kraken & X/X zombie 4 e 20
6/6 whale & X/X zombie 5 e 20
X/X horror & 2/2 zombie 6 e 15
1/1 goblin & 0/1 goat 6 e 10
4/4 beast & 1/1 elf durid 6 e 15
3/3 beast & 5/3 elemental 6 e 15
X/X treefolk & 2/2 wolf 6 e 15
1/1 kor soldier & 1/1 fly pegasus 9 e 10
3/3 ape & X/X zombie 10 e 10
3/3 elephant & 1/1 elf warrior 10 e 10
1/1 soldier & 1/1 fly spirit 14 e 10
5/5 fly demon & 2/2 zombie 17 e 10
1/1 myr & 1/1 fly pentavite 18 e 10
※ 編輯: vm3au6xup6 (, 11/12/2014 12:54:26