[FRF] 靈龍烏金 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon 1C 700
[FRF] 電弧連心 Arcbond 1C/1E 20 25
[FRF] 圍攻鋒疆 Frontier Siege 1E 70
[FRF] 墮落翼邪鬼 Archfiend of Depravity 1C 30
[FRF] 永生龍王卓茉卡 Dromoka, the Eternal 3C 30
[FRF] 瑪爾都領襲兵 Mardu Strike Leader 1E 50
[FRF] 寂嵐恕雲 Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest 1E/1C 30
[FRF] 夷滅龍王席穆嘉 Silumgar, the Drifting Death 2E/1C 30
[FRF] 龍爪婭紹娃 Yasova Dragonclaw 1E 50
[FRF] 圍攻殿堂 Citadel Siege 1C 30
[FRF] 暴民統治 Mob Rule 1E 10
[FRF] 奔流元素 Torrent Elemental 1C 100
[FRF] 命途交錯 Crux of Fate 1C 120
[FRF] 圍攻寺院 Monastery Siege 1C 30
[FRF] 圍攻宮殿 Palace Siege 1C 30
[KTK] 繁茂丘陵 Wooded Foothills 1C/1E 350
[KTK] 聚污三角洲 Polluted Delta 1E/1C 400 (已售)
[KTK] 赫魯竊咒者 Kheru Spellsnatcher 1C 15
[KTK] 山口龍爪 Crater's Claws 1C 40
[KTK] 翼伴洛克鳥 Wingmate Roc 1C 200
[KTK] 族群祭壇 Altar of the Brood 1C 15
[KTK] 蘇勒台霸權 Sultai Ascendancy 1C 10
[KTK] 要塞戰象 Ivorytusk Fortress 1C 10
[KTK] 部落怒嚎 Howl of the Horde 1C 10
[CNS] 王座禍害 Scourge of the Throne 1E 150(已售)
[CNS] 潰不成軍 Rout 1E 50
[M13] 原初多頭龍 Primordial Hydra 1C 150
[M13] 盤根峭壁 Rootbound Crag 1C 40
[M13] 波拉斯信徒 Disciple of Bolas 1C 20
[M13] 移轉 Redirect 1C 20
[M13] 地獄獸熔口 Hellion Crucible 1C 15
[M13] 闇境莉蓮娜 Liliana of the Dark Realms 1C 150
[AVR] 無限映象 Infinite Reflection 1C 15
[AVR] 荒蕪燈塔 Desolate Lighthouse 1C 30
[AVR] 敦請天使 Entreat the Angels 1C 250(已售)
[DKA] 困惑漸增 Increasing Confusion 1E 50
[ISD] 無盡亡者行列 Endless Ranks of the Dead 1E 50
[M12] 台地咒術師 Mesa Enchantress 1C 15
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