pokey (萬夫莫敵蔣智賢)
2015-06-27 23:50:23交易方式:台北CM轉交/太原路魔窟可約時間面交/也可換牌
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[收牌區/交換區]-未註明語言中英皆可 有其他版本也可
[GTC] Godless Shrine 無神祭祠*1...280
MM2015-Narcolepsy 嗜睡症*1FE...5
MM2015-Thrummingbird 敲擊鳥*1FE...5
DTK-Aerie Bowmasters 龍巢神弓手*1FC...5
DTK-Herdchaser Dragon 驅群巨龍*1FC...10
FRF-Sultai Skullkeeper 蘇勒台研顱師*1FC...5
FRF-Abzan Kin-Guard 阿布贊族衛*1FC...10
048 Hurkyl's Recall 河鼓的召還*1E...90
002 Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit 族樹之靈阿娜芬札*1E4C...50
030 Profound Journey 探尋究旅*1C...10
031 Radiant Purge 輝光滌淨*3C...10
041 Sunscorch Regent 日灼龍侯*1C...10
096 Deathbringer Regent 奪命龍侯*2C...10
132 Crater Elemental 山口元素*1E...10
136 Dragon Tempest 龍襲風暴*2C...20
169 Zurgo Bellstriker 司鐘珠高*1C...80
212 Arashin Sovereign 阿拉辛王龍*1C1E...10
214 Boltwing Marauder 雷光翼龍*2C...10
217 Dragonlord Dromoka 龍王卓茉卡*2C...200
220 Dragonlord Silumgar 龍王席穆嘉*3C...200
228 Pristine Skywise 淨穹慧龍*1C...10
009 Daghatar the Adamant 堅毅的達哈塔*1C...10
027 Soulfire Grand Master 魂火宗師*1E...300
148 Yasova Dragonclaw 龍爪婭紹娃*1E...20
156 Ojutai, Soul of Winter 冬魂龍王歐祝泰*1C...10
042 Icy Blast 寒冰衝擊*1C...10
144 Rattleclaw Mystic 綴爪秘教徒*1C...50
154 Trail of Mystery 神秘蹤跡*1C...10
164 Ankle Shanker 斷踝鬼怪*3C...10
185 Mardu Ascendancy 瑪爾都霸權*5C...10
202 Sorin, Solemn Visitor 莊嚴訪客索霖*2E...280
207 Temur Ascendancy 鐵木爾霸權*1C...10
067 Master of Predicaments 迷局大師*1E...10
146 Athreos, God of Passage 渡亡神雅睿歐斯*1C...250
097 Flame-Wreathed Phoenix 覆火鳳凰*1C...30
[Graveborn]Cabal Therapy 柯幫療法*1E...300
[CMD]Memory Erosion 侵蝕記憶*1E...50
[DDL]Deus of Calamity 苦難神明*1E...30
[RTR]Dryad Militant 好鬥樹靈*2E...15
[AVR]Herald of War 戰令天使*1E...30
[AVR]Devastation Tide 寂滅浪潮*1E...20
[AVR]Descent into Madness 陷落狂境*2E...10
[AVR]Killing Wave 殺生浪潮*1E...20
[AVR]Archwing Dragon 拱翼巨龍*2E...10
[AVR]Revenge of the Hunted 獵物雪仇*1E...10
[DKA]Geralf's Mindcrusher 基拉夫撼靈妖*4E...10
[DKA]Strangleroot Geist 縛根遊魂*4E...25
[ISD]Parallel Lives 平行生命*1E...130
[NPH]Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur 核心卜算師金吉塔厦*1E...220
[MBS]Massacre Wurm 屠戮亞龍*1C...130
[SOM]Tempered Steel 精鍊鋼*1C...20
[SOM]Arc Trail 弧光曳跡*4C...10
[ROE]Realms Uncharted 未標註的地域*1E...10
[ZDK]Archive Trap 檔案陷阱*1E...130
[ZDK]Vines of Vastwood 廣林藤蔓*1E...25
[ARB]Nemesis of Reason 理性宿敵*1E...150(左側邊邊有小白)
[ALA]Covenant of Minds 心靈盟約*1E...10
[SHM]Spiteful Visions 怨毒預視*1E...30
[DI ]Voidslime 虛空黏濘*1E...220
[M12]Adaptive Automaton 適境機械獸*1C...100
[M11]Day of Judgment 審判末日*1E...40
[M11]Demon of Death's Gate 死門惡魔*1C...100
[M11]Gaea's Revenge 蓋亞復仇靈*1E...40
[ UD]Rayne, Academy Chancellor 大學院長蕾安*1E...20
[ UL]Defense Grid 阻禦網*1E...200
[ NE]Kor Haven 寇族庇護地*1C...150(上方邊邊微傷)