[交易] 標準/近代小麥牌

作者: vm3au6xup6 (LT)   2016-03-23 09:04:16
可郵寄. CM/童年轉交 或7-11取貨
Inkmoth Nexus 墨蛾連結點 4e 1000(買3張以上9折)
Griselbrand 棘澤邊 (GP閃) 4e 500
Inquisition of Kozilek 寇基雷的審訊 4e 625
Thoughtseize 攫取思緒 4e 600
Serum Visions 漿液預示 (FNM閃) 1Fc 250
Thunderbreak Regent 破霆龍侯 (Gameday閃) 1Fe 250
Liliana of the Veil 面紗的莉蓮娜 (RPTQ閃) 3Fe 6000
閃 Noble Hierarch 貴族大主教 1Fe 1800
閃 Tezzeret the Seeker 致知者泰兹瑞 1Fe 330
OGW R #002 Eldrazi Mimic 擬態奧札奇 2c 0e 70
OGW R #006 Matter Reshaper 塑質惡體 1c 0e 90
OGW M #063 Sphinx of the Final Word 終局史芬斯 2c 0e 40
OGW R #067 Bearer of Silence 靜默載體 2c 2e 30
OGW M #072 Inverter of Truth 逆真惡體 1c 0e 40
OGW R #096 Eldrazi Obligator 強令奧札奇 3c 0e 1 j 30
OGW M #098 Kozilek's Return 寇基雷再臨 1c 0e 250
OGW R #110 Goblin Dark-Dwellers 暗棲鬼怪 2c 0e 80
OGW R #144 Sylvan Advocate 森林擁護人 2c 0e 130
OGW R #151 Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim 堅信朝聖客艾栗 1c 1e 50
OGW R #169 Corrupted Crossroads 腐化會所 1c 0e 20
OGW R #171 Hissing Quagmire 嘶響濕沼 1c 1e 50
OGW R #177 Sea Gate Wreckage 海戶殘跡 1c 0e 40
OGW R #182 Wandering Fumarole 漫遊噴發孔 1c 3e 80
Battle for Zendikar 再戰贊迪卡
BFZ R #002 Blight Herder 枯萎牧體 4c/4e2j 20/30
BFZ R #004 Conduit of Ruin 崩毀惡體 4c 40
BFZ M #011 Oblivion Sower 奪憶惡體 1c 180
BFZ M #015 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger 不休飢渴鎢拉莫 1c 600
BFZ R #037 Lantern Scout 明燈斥候 3c 25
BFZ R #042 Planar Outburst 時空爆發 3c 25
BFZ M #043 Quarantine Field 隔絕力場 2c 50
BFZ R #057 Drowner of Hope 絕望惡體 4c3j 30
BFZ R #085 Scatter to the Winds 散入風中 2e 30
BFZ R #102 Wasteland Strangler 荒原絞殺體 4c 40
BFZ R #120 Painful Truths 痛苦真相 1c2e 50
BFZ R #123 Ruinous Path 毀壞之徑 2c 30
BFZ M #138 Akoum Firebird 阿庫姆火鳥 2c2e 20
BFZ M #144 Dragonmaster Outcast 受逐召龍師 1c 90
BFZ R #151 Radiant Flames 輝光火焰 1c 30
BFZ R #170 Beastcaller Savant 召獸學者 1c3e 20
BFZ M #197 Undergrowth Champion 矮叢鬥士 1c 80
BFZ R #198 Woodland Wanderer 林地漫遊靈 2c 25
BFZ M #206 Sire of Stagnation 阻滯君父 1c 50
BFZ M #217 Omnath , Locus of Rage 怒火核歐那斯 1c 40
BFZ R #228 Ally Encampment 伙伴營地 2c 30
BFZ R #242 Sanctum of Ugin 烏金聖所 2c 35
BFZ R #245 Shrine of the Forsaken Gods 棄神祭祠 2c 40
Magic Origins 起源
ORI M #053 Disciple of the Ring 環塔門徒 2c 25
ORI R #103 Infinite Obliteration 無限抹滅 1e 80
ORI M #131 Avaricious Dragon 貪戾巨龍 1c 70
ORI R #157 Pia and Kiran Nalaar 琵雅納拉與基嵐納拉 3c 150
ORI R #169 Animist's Awakening 物靈師喚醒 1c 30
DTK 韃契龍王
DTK R #023 Hidden Dragonslayer 匿蹤屠龍者 2c1j 30
DTK M #073 Shorecrasher Elemental 破岸元素 2c 30

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