GoodMTG (好MTG)
2016-04-15 00:29:5130元以下單卡 買6送1, 15元以下單卡 買5送1 (請自己算好張數)
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MR按照字母順序排列, 請自己找一下要的牌
4c 600 Arlinn Kord - Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon
2e2c 50 Behold the Beyond
2e2c 90 Descend upon the Sinful
2e2c 50 Geralf's Masterpiece
4e 120 Goldnight Castigator
4c 380 Jace, Unraveler of Secrets
2e2c 200 Mindwrack Demon
2e2c 330 Nahiri, the Harbinger
2e2c 350 Olivia, Mobilized for War
4c 280 Relentless Dead
2e2c 130 Sigarda, Heron's Grace
4e2c 600 Sorin, Grim Nemesis
2e2c 120 Startled Awake - Persistent Nightmare
2e2c 80 Wolf of Devil's Breach
4e4c 10 Angel of Deliverance 解脫天使
4e4c 35 Bygone Bishop 往生主教
4e4c 15 Drogskol Cavalry 卓茲克騎兵
4e4c 45 Eerie Interlude 神秘插曲
4e4c 40 Odric, Lunarch Marshal 月主會元帥歐吉克
4e4c 95 Always Watching 時刻戒護
4e4c 145 Thalia's Lieutenant 莎利雅的副官
4e4c 50 Epiphany at the Drownyard 沉船地啟示
4e4c 10 Nephalia Moondrakes 涅非利亞月龍獸
4e4c 20 Confirm Suspicions 確認疑點
4e4c 25 Engulf the Shore 吞噬海岸
4e4c 25 Welcome to the Fold 受擁入教
4e4c 350 Thing in the Ice / Awoken Horror 冰封巨物 / 覺醒懼獸
4e4c 80 Diregraf Colossus 戰墓巨像
4e4c 15 Markov Dreadknight 馬可夫恐懼騎士
4e4c 60 To the Slaughter 進入虎口
4e4c 100 Asylum Visitor 避難所來客
4e4c 70 Falkenrath Gorger 伐肯納暴食客
4e4c 20 Flameblade Angel 焰刃天使
4e4c 40 Harness the Storm 掌馭風暴
4e4c 40 Burn from Within 內火自燃
4e4c 140 Sin Prodder 縱惡魔鬼
4e4c 50 Deathcap Cultivator 毒帽蕈栽客
4e4c 50 Silverfur Partisan 銀毛遊狼
4e4c 30 Soul Swallower 噬魂亞龍
4e4c 120 Traverse the Ulvenwald 穿越沃文森
4e4c 40 Second Harvest 二度收穫
4e 190 Tireless Tracker 不倦追跡人
4e4c 140 Anguished Unmaking 哀慟歸虛
4e4c 30 Invocation of Saint Traft 聖沙弗的祝願
4e4c 35 Brain in a Jar 瓶中腦
4e4c 20 Tamiyo's Journal 多美代的札記
4e4c 35 Corrupted Grafstone 腐化墓碑
2e4c 50 Drownyard Temple 沉船地殿堂
2e4c 130 Choked Estuary 阻滯河口
2e4c 120 Foreboding Ruins 惡兆遺跡
2e4c 130 Fortified Village 築防村莊
2e4c 120 Game Trail 狩獵小徑
2e4c 130 Port Town 港鎮