macroka (Macro"口卡")
2016-06-17 23:52:47因為一時手癢 不小心默默開了快三盒~只好甩賣避免被我老婆殺了XDDD
閃卡區 :
Keldon Marauders
Keldon Champion
Blood Artist
Night's Whisper
Flame-Kin Zealot
Honden of Seeing Winds
Silvos,Rogue Elemental
Field of Souls
Faith's Fetters
Green Sun's Zenith
Chain Lightning
Control Magic
Cabal Therapy
Fact or Fiction
Peregrine Drake
全閃 TCG 中價 353.97 美 打包 8500 台
不閃區 :
Wasteland * 3
Arcanis the Omnipotent *2
Heritage Druid * 2
Cabal Therapy *2
PyroBlast *2
Dualcaster Mage *2
Sensei's Divining TOP *2
Xantid Swarm *2
Blood Artist *3
Wirewood Symbiote *2
Price of Progress *2
Harmonize *3
Sulfuric Vortex *2
Hymn to Tourach *3
Ashnod's Altar *4
Karmic Guide*1
Chain Lightning *4
Vindicate *2
Swords to Plowshares*4
Natural Order *1
Counterspell *8
Peregrine Drake *5
Worn Powerstone*1
Sinkhole *1
Entomb *1
Agothian Enchantress *1
Visara the Dreadful *1
Baleful Strix *1
Sphinx of the steel wind *1
Enlightened Tutor *1
Necropotence *1
Mystical Tutor *1
Green Sun's Zenith *1
Regal Force *1
Siege-Gang Commander *1
Unexpectedly Absent *1
Ichorid *1
Hydroblast *1
Braids,Cabal Minion *1
Imperious Perfect *1
Young Pyromancer *1
Rancor *1
Winter Orb *1
Balance *1
Toxic Deluge *1
Dack fayden *1
Nevinyrral's Disk *2
Mishra's Factory *2
Daze *2
Goblin Charbelcher *2
Relic of Progenitus 5
Mather of Runes *2
Brainstorm *5
Eight-and-a-Half-Tails *2
Bloodbraid Elf*3
Animate Dead *3
全不閃 TCG 中價 569.35 美 打包 12000 台
單買 TCG 中價 * 27 郵寄+30 台中可面交
閃+不閃 打包 20000 (含盒子 & 郵寄費用)