timeboy (新的目標)
2017-10-18 17:47:45跟朋友一起便宜賣標準 Standard for sell
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=====High Light 成套與熱門好物區=====
Chandra, Torch of Defiance / 反抗烈炬茜卓3c1j $1000 四張3800
Walking Ballista / 自行弩炮1c2e1j 一套四張1800
Tezzeret the Schemer / 陰謀家泰茲瑞3e1j $270 四張1000
Blooming Marsh ~ 花開沼地 *1c1e2j $200
Botanical Sanctum ~ 植物聖所 *3c $250
Liliana, the Last Hope 最終救星莉蓮娜2c $800
Aether Hub ~ 乙太樞紐 *1j $60 // *2法文FNM *2俄文FNM $350
Russian Ramunap Excavator ~ 俄文拉慕拿開挖人發售閃 1fr 500
Russian GD Full Art Foil Glorybringer /俄文全圖閃終耀巨龍 / 2fr 500 each
Ashes of the Abhorrent ~ 異徒化塵 *1c $20
Goring Ceratops ~ 猛牴犄角龍 *3e $10
Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle ~ 暮影宗徒馬仁費恩 *2c $25
Black ~
Bloodcrazed Paladin ~ 血狂神聖武士 *1c1e $30
Boneyard Parley ~ 聚骨場會談 *1c $25
Ruin Raider ~ 遺跡劫徒 *2c $60
Repeating Barrage ~ 持續齊射 *3c1e $20
Sunbird's Invocation ~ 陽禽祝願 *1c $15
Huatli, Warrior Poet ~ 戰士詩人華特莉 *1e $300
Primal Amulet ~ 原初護身符 *2c $60
Vanquisher's Banner ~ 得勝者戰旗 *2c $60
Drowned Catacomb ~ 水沒墓穴 *1e $舊版多1e 170
HOU Hour of Devastation-幻滅時刻 ~
(白色8 MR-2 R-6) ~
(藍色7 MR-1 R-6) ~
Fraying Sanity ~ 崩碎心智 *1e $50
Swarm Intelligence ~ 蟲群智慧 *1c1pfc $10/ 1pfc 40
(黑色7 MR-1 R-6) ~
Apocalypse Demon ~ 末日惡魔 *1c $10
Dreamstealer ~ 竊夢師 *1e1c $15 / 1fc 70
Torment of Hailfire ~ 火雹災難 *1c1e $70
(紅色7 MR-1 R-6) ~
Earthshaker Khenra ~ 撼地胡狼人 *1e1c $80 兩張150
Imminent Doom ~ 災禍臨頭 *2c1e $10
Neheb, the Eternal ~ 永生內赫布 * $300
(綠色8 MR-2 R-6) ~
Majestic Myriarch ~ 威嚴萬獸王 *1c $40
Pride Sovereign ~ 獸群君王 *1c $40
Ramunap Excavator ~ 拉慕拿開挖人 *3c1e $80四張300
(多色10 MR-5 R-5) ~
The Locust God ~ 蝗蟲神 *1c $240
The Scorpion God ~ 毒蠍神 *1c $110
(神器4 R-4) ~
God-Pharaoh's Gift ~ 法老神賦禮 *1c $40
Hollow One ~ 空殼石槨 * $150
(地牌3 R-3) ~
Approach of the Second Sun ~ 神日迫臨 * $120
Regal Caracal ~ 威嚴獰貓 *多1c $100
As Foretold ~ 預示成真 *1j1c $1c 120 1j 140
Curator of Mysteries ~ 護謎史芬斯 *1e1j $15 1fj 60
Glyph Keeper ~ 圖符守護者 *1e $10
Kefnet the Mindful ~ 心智神刻法涅 *1j $60
New Perspectives ~ 全新觀點 *1j $15
Pull from Tomorrow ~ 取自明日 *1j1c $40 1pfc140
Archfiend of Ifnir ~ 依法尼大惡魔 *1e1j $20
Cruel Reality ~ 殘酷現實 *1j2c $20
Dread Wanderer ~ 恐怖遊屍 *1e $30
Plague Belcher ~ 疫病噴發獸 *1e $30, 1fe70
Shadow of the Grave ~ 墳場陰影 *1e $15
Sandwurm Convergence ~ 沙丘亞龍巢群 *1e1j $10
Mouth // Feed ~ 張口/待哺 *2e1j1c $10
Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons ~ 司毒維齊爾哈芭恰 *1c $25
Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun ~ 拿塔蒙維齊爾蒂穆特 *1e1j $10
Oracle's Vault ~ 先知秘窖 *1e $10
Pyramid of the Pantheon ~ 五神金字塔 *1j $10
Cascading Cataracts ~ 飛流巨瀑 *1e $20 1fe140
AER 乙太之亂(Aether Revolt) ~
(白色7 MR-1 R-6) ~
Aethergeode Miner ~ 乙太岩礦工 *1e $10
Call for Unity ~ 團結呼聲 *1c1e2j $10
Consulate Crackdown ~ 執政院鎮壓 *2e1j $10 1fc 40
Exquisite Archangel ~ 精雅大天使 *2e $30, 兩張50
Solemn Recruit ~ 莊嚴新員 *2c1j $10
Sram, Senior Edificer ~ 資深建築師斯勒姆 *2e2c $20/ 1fe 90
(藍色7 MR-1 R-6) ~
Aethertide Whale ~ 乙太潮巨鯨 *2c1e2j $10
Disallow ~ 不予承認 * $300
Quicksmith Spy ~ 迅匠探子 *3e1c1j $4張20
Whir of Invention ~ 創發隆響 *1c2e2j $2張40
(黑色7 MR-1 R-6) ~
Battle at the Bridge ~ 橋頭激戰 *1c1e $10
Herald of Anguish ~ 慟令惡魔 *2j $130
Midnight Entourage ~ 午夜隨扈 *1c1j $10
Secret Salvage ~ 隱秘回收 *3c2e1j $10
Yahenni, Undying Partisan ~ 永生抗軍耶赫尼 *2e1c1j $30
Yahenni's Expertise ~ 耶赫尼的專才 *2e1f $30
(紅色8 MR-2 R-6) ~
Freejam Regent ~ 費李傑龍侯 *1c1j1e $10
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider ~ 飛船大盜卡麗澤夫 *1e1j $60
Lightning Runner ~ 迅雷奔越者 *1c1e1j $20
Pia's Revolution ~ 琵雅的革命 *1c1j1e $10 1pfc 40
Quicksmith Rebel ~ 迅匠反抗軍 *2e1c $3張10
Release the Gremlins ~ 放出怪靈 *2e1j $2張30
(綠色7 MR-1 R-6) ~
Aetherwind Basker ~ 乙太風浴蜥 *1j $20
Aid from the Cowl ~ 外沿區相助 *2c1j2e $4張30
Greenwheel Liberator ~ 綠環解放者 *2c1j2e $4張30
Rishkar's Expertise ~ 李什克的專才 *2c $20
(多色4 MR-2 R-2) ~
Tezzeret the Schemer ~ 陰謀家泰茲瑞 *3e1j $270
(神器13 MR-4 R-9) ~
Gonti's Aether Heart ~ 貢提的乙太心臟 *1j $25
Hope of Ghirapur ~ 吉拉波之望 *2c1e2j $15 1pfc100
Inspiring Statuary ~ 啟迪塑像 *2e3c $20
Lifecrafter's Bestiary ~ 鑄生匠獸圖集 *1j1e $20 1pfc130
Merchant's Dockhand ~ 商用裝載械 *3c1j $4張30
Metallic Mimic ~ 金屬擬態械 *1j $400
Paradox Engine ~ 悖論引擎 *2c1e $200
Peacewalker Colossus ~ 護寧巨像 *1c1j $10
Planar Bridge ~ 時空渡橋 *1e $60
Walking Ballista ~ 自行弩炮 *1c2e1j $打包1800
(地牌1 R-1) ~
Spire of Industry ~ 工業尖塔 *1e $90
KLD 卡拉德許 (Kaladesh) ~
(白色8 MR-2 R-6) ~
Aetherstorm Roc ~ 乙太暴洛克鳥 *2c1e1j $10
Captured by the Consulate ~ 執政院緝捕 *3c $10
Master Trinketeer ~ 瑣物大師 *1c1j $10 / 1fe 30
Toolcraft Exemplar ~ 匠技模範 *3c1j $15 / 1fe 50
(藍色8 MR-2 R-6) ~
Aethersquall Ancient ~ 乙太風祖怪 *3c1e1j $4張30
Confiscation Coup ~ 即刻徵收 *1e1j $10
Insidious Will ~ 隱伏意志 *4c1e1j $4張30
Padeem, Consul of Innovation ~ 求新執政珀蒂 *4c1e1j $10
Paradoxical Outcome ~ 矛盾結果 *1c1e1j $15 1fc 80
(黑色8 MR-2 R-6) ~
Eliminate the Competition ~ 終結競爭 *1c1j $5
Midnight Oil ~ 焚膏繼晷 *1c1j2e $5 1fe20
Syndicate Trafficker ~ 集團私販 *1c1e $10
(紅色8 MR-2 R-6) ~
Chandra, Torch of Defiance ~ 反抗烈炬茜卓 *3c1j $1000 四張3800
Fateful Showdown ~ 宿命對決 *1c1e1j $10
Lathnu Hellion ~ 勒圖地獄獸 *1c $10
Madcap Experiment ~ 魯莽實驗 *2c1e $10
Pia Nalaar ~ 琵雅納拉 *1c1e $15
Skyship Stalker ~ 飛船伏龍 *1c1e $5
Territorial Gorger ~ 據地食客 *1c1j $5
(綠色8 MR-2 R-6) ~
Bristling Hydra ~ 棘毛多頭龍 *1c $70
Cultivator of Blades ~ 育劍師 *1c1j $10
Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter ~ 鑄生智者奧薇亞帕西理 *3c1e $10
(多色5 MR-3 R-2) ~
Depala, Pilot Exemplar ~ 駕手模範德珀拉 *1e1c $15
Dovin Baan ~ 多溫班恩 *1c $70
Kambal, Consul of Allocation ~ 劃配執政坎拔 *1c1j $15
Rashmi, Eternities Crafter ~ 虛空塑師列施蜜 *1c $30
神器 ~
Aetherflux Reservoir ~ 乙太流貯庫 *1j $20 1pfc 100 1fc 120
Animation Module ~ 活化模塊 *1e1j $15 1pfc40
Bomat Courier ~ 博默區訊使 *1e1j $40
Deadlock Trap ~ 死鎖陷阱 *2e3c $10
Electrostatic Pummeler ~ 靜電猛擊手 *1c1e $20
Fleetwheel Cruiser ~ 迅輪飛車 *2c1e $10
Ghirapur Orrery ~ 吉拉波星象儀 *3e1j $10, 4張30
Multiform Wonder ~ 多態妙械 *2e2c $10, 4張30
Scrapheap Scrounger ~ 廢品搜刮者 *1c1j $35
地 ~
Blooming Marsh ~ 花開沼地 *1c1e2j $200
Botanical Sanctum ~ 植物聖所 *3c $250
Concealed Courtyard ~ 隱秘庭院 *1c1e2j $160
Inventors' Fair ~ 發明家博覽會 *1c1j $30
Aether Hub ~ 乙太樞紐 *1j $60
Liliana, the Last Hope ~ 最終救星莉蓮娜 *2c $800