我剛剛開midi網站做了一首小曲子(remastered 版)
歌詞 Lyrics
我最愛打手槍 / I like fap
每一天都打三發 / I fap thrice everyday
最初就像沙拉醬 好美味 / At first it's yummy like mayonnaise
現在只剩蘿蔔湯 宛如開水 / Now it's just radish soup like water
喝下去也一點味道 / Have no taste when I
也沒有 / Drink it
穿越時空 / Travelling in Time
只為了將它 拯救 / In order to save it
從那蘿蔔湯 之中 / From the radish soup
只要相信的話 / As long as you believe,
希望必將會在最後到來 / You will reach the hope in the end
啦啦啦 / la la la
更多更詳盡歌詞 在 ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網
啦啦啦 / la la la
啦啦啦 / la la la
啦啦 / laa laa
當你在打完手槍之後 低頭看吶 / When you look down below after fap is a done
這才發現 已經稀成了 / There you found it's bland like
一灘嬰兒油 再也不是 / A stream of baby oil, not anymore
當年那 巷口米漿 / Your good old cheese soup
不管有多遠我都會拼命追回 / No matter how far I will chase
當年我任流逝 那些青春 / The younger days I by then let it be freely lost
濃稠的榮光 必將回歸 / Golden days of the thickness will come back into
我手 / my hand
彼時我將發誓戒了手槍 / There I will swear to give up fapping