※ 引述《KirimaSyaro (心懷感謝不以物喜不以己)》之銘言:
: 剛剛看到的PhD advice
: I am not invulnerable nor immortal.
: ‧ I will wear sun screen and comfortable shoes, and I will use ear plugs
: when the music is very loud.
I always stay home :)
: ‧ I will have a medical exam on a regular basis.
I'm afraid to know how sick I am :(
: ‧ At least once in my career I will fall madly in love with an idea.
: ‧ I will do my theoretical homework.– Get the fundamentals down, otherwise
: the fancy stuff isn't going to work (Randy Pausch)
: ‧ I will not worry about being worried.
: ‧ At least once in my career I will absolutely trust in my ability to do
: great things.
And then I'll find myself ruining everything and getting everyone taunt at me.
: ‧ I will never take myself too seriously nor believe I know more than
: everyone else.
: ‧ I will not be the person who tells others how great I am.
And no one will, except my mom
: ‧ I will not be discouraged when things don’t work out.
I'll be surprised if anything works out
: ‧ I will never rely on persons who revel in the failure of others.
Failure of others give me courage to live on
: ‧ I will listen to the advice of those who really want me to succeed.
Hence I listen to advise of nobody's
: ‧ I will never, ever, ignore the people who love me.
But people I love always ignore me