Never gonna give you up we're no strangers to love you know the rules and
PekoMiko已經認識那麼久了so do i a full commitment's
what i'm thinking of you wouldn't get this from any other guy i just wanna
Peko心痛卻害羞而難以啟齒tell you how im felling gotta make you
understand never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna
PekoMiko彼此都知道該如何繼續run around and desert you never
gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell a lie and hurt
PekoMiko了解這場遊戲且將繼續玩下去you we've known each other
for so long your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it inside
如果你問PekoMiko感覺如何we both know what's been going on
we know the game and we're gonna play it and if you ask me how i feeling
不要告訴我你太盲目而看不到don't tell me you're too blind to see never
sonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and de
desert you never gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna
tell a lie and hurt you never gonna give you up never gonna let you down
絕不放棄PekoMiko 絕不讓PekoMiko失望never
gonna run around and desert you never gonna make you cry never gonna say
絕不離開 背棄PekoMikogoodbye never gonna tell a lie and hurt
you never gonna give never gonna give(give you up) we've known each other
絕不讓PekoMiko掉淚 絕不說再見for so long your heart's been
aching but you're too shy to say it inside we both know what's been going
絕不欺騙和傷害PekoMikoon we know the game and we're gonna
play it i just wanna tell you how i feeling gotta make you understand
never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around
and desert you never gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna