Why does Cover keep hiring college students? Haachama is barely streaming
because of school, Moona is taking a 2-week break because of midterm exams,
and Mumei, despite being only 2 months old, has weeks where she streams so
little because of how busy she is with her studies. Don't get me wrong, I
truly commend them for being able to somewhat balance all these but damn
為啥咖ㄅ都喜歡找大學生啊?赤井心因學業已經沒啥在播了 木訥因期中考打算休2周
姆咪雖然出道2個月 但好幾周播的時數很少了
不要誤會 我也覺得他們可以在V和學業取得平衡很厲害 但就..
Because there's degenerates in the vtuber fan community that for some reason
aren't into hags and they need to be pandered to too.
God knows what the fuck kind of trauma they sustained in life to be fucked up
like that.
因為V豚不喜歡老太婆 所以他們要裝作自己很年輕
Ayame is also a college student, she's busy with her study
阿鬼也是大學生阿 課業很忙
Bullshit. Ayame is like 25. She's only busy with her bf and League acct
吃屎 阿鬼25了 他只是在忙男友和LOL
Haachama is consistently inconsistent. She takes breaks all the time.
赤井心本來就這樣阿 老是休息
Women are too old after college
Agree OP
College students are too old, we need JC Holos
我們需要JC Holo
K尊的理念 連4chan都感受到了