[瓦特] 4chan:你們真的相信holo裡面有雷絲邊嗎

作者: ParkChanWook (朴贊郁)   2021-11-20 19:55:56
It's definitely just an act for the majority of them but I'm sure there are
at least a couple who are genuinely bi or full lesbian.
絕對都在演的啦 但我確定至少有一對是真的 或雙性戀
Luna is the only one I'd say is overtly, absolutely, genuinely, definitively
a dyke. Her interactions with Matsuri and now her interactions and clinginess
with Subaru supports this.
國母是我唯一一個100%確定的 看看他怎麼和馬自立還有鴨子相處就知道
Statistically 1-2 probably are. Flare and Reine are the two that sound
大概1~2個 阿火和孔雀是比較合理的猜測
Most of gen 4 seem at least bi. You have Towas roommates zatsudan about her
liking girls and just look at kanata, don't really need to say anything more
about her, she radiates overwhelming dyke vibes
四期感覺都是雙性戀 鳴海雜談時有聊到他喜歡的女生 還有天音 整個就是女同氣場
Unlike the rest of Holo ID she's never really tipped her hand on finding
males attractive. Moona hasn't either but if you told me Moona has never had
any romantic interaction with another person in real life I'd believe it.
不同於其他ID成員 孔雀從未對男性展現魅力或想吸引男性
木訥也沒有 但我相信木訥現實生活從沒談過戀愛
Only Miko, I'd say. She doesn't exactly keep it secret.
我會說是咪口 他根本沒在藏
天音媽還認為他是女同 當然他否認
Yet she consistently does a terrible job of hiding it. Since she talks about
Coco 24/7 and has mentioned they bought each other rings, talked about how
they both like to lounge around naked or half naked, and talked about being
turned on by an attractive female nurse.
但天音根本藏不住 開口閉口就是TSKK 或談兩人互買戒指、全裸半裸
Matuli is definitely a lesbian or at the very least bi with how much she
touches and kisses the other members, plus she said she had a gf and said she
stalked a female crush
馬自立絕對是 或者至少是雙性 他常常說自己摸其他成員的身體
4chan上說的有沒有錯我不知道 馬自立有說自己暗戀女生喔= =
作者: YoruHentai (*゜ー゜)b )   2021-11-20 19:57:00
作者: ILoveMegumin (惠惠我老婆)   2021-11-20 19:57:00
馬自立有說過只要是人類 都在她的守備範圍
作者: std92050 (不想去上學)   2021-11-20 19:57:00
作者: erimow (Erimo)   2021-11-20 19:58:00
作者: kitune (狐)   2021-11-20 19:58:00
靠北 國母是同性戀這你敢信?
作者: Arigatosam (Arrivederci)   2021-11-20 19:58:00
作者: kitune (狐)   2021-11-20 19:59:00
作者: ParkChanWook (朴贊郁)   2021-11-20 19:59:00
四期感覺除了羊老師 其他都雙==團長是喔??? 窩不知道耶
作者: sustainer123 (caster)   2021-11-20 20:00:00
towa不是吧 左擁韓國小屌 右抱白人大屌
作者: LuluSuzuhara (鈴原るる)   2021-11-20 20:00:00
作者: LoKingSer (魯王蛇)   2021-11-20 20:01:00
作者: YoruHentai (*゜ー゜)b )   2021-11-20 20:01:00
作者: kitune (狐)   2021-11-20 20:01:00
日南那些是職業需要 下台後跟女人磨豆漿
作者: ParkChanWook (朴贊郁)   2021-11-20 20:01:00
鳴海那段我也不知道== 你板看有沒有人聽過他談
作者: a1234555 (肉寶寶)   2021-11-20 20:06:00
作者: LoKingSer (魯王蛇)   2021-11-20 20:06:00
作者: kitune (狐)   2021-11-20 20:07:00
雙性戀啦 哪個不是雙性戀了
作者: lunhsuan (虛無飄渺)   2021-11-20 20:23:00
這不是廢話嗎 機率來說50個至少有1.2個
作者: waitan (微糖兒>////<)   2021-11-20 20:28:00
作者: leftavoid (定址偵煙器)   2021-11-20 21:21:00

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