起因:4天前鯊魚發推說得嚴重流感 之後就沒發推了
This will be the Official RIP Gura General
She hasn't come on twitter since Nov 26 after saying she was sick and there's
still no sign of her.
I hate to say this but I think Cover is waiting for the right time to say
their announcement.
I am so sorry chumbuds but we must face facts with this.
她11/26在說完她生重病之後 就沒有任何消息了
我也不想這麼說 但是我覺得cover正在等待合適的時候 公開鯊魚的死訊
good things can't last forever i guess RIP
好事總是不長久 RIP
I'm really believing that Gura caught COVID
I feel like if she actually died the entire industry would take a hiatus. That
would be earth shattering shit.
如果她真的死了 整個VT產業都會中斷
Here's what happened, Gura either got COVID or she's extremely ill, something
is truly off
鯊鯊要馬得武漢肺炎 要馬真的很嚴重 不然這樣真的有點怪怪的
I really think she's at the minimum admitted to an hospital or in a coma.
我認真覺得鯊鯊現在至少在住院 或是已經昏迷了
EN girls still streaming normally as they cover up Gura's rotting corpse
until it's the right time to announce it.
你齁EN組還在裝沒事開台 他們掩蓋鯊鯊腐爛的屍體 直到合適的時候才會公開
Show some fucking respect. Gura had a lot of health problems this month. She
was too weak to even sing. Now she caught some infection because of her
weakened immune system. Some complications may actually happen, so don't go
making jokes about it.
尊重一下好嗎 鯊鯊這個月身體本來就不太好 甚至沒辦法唱歌
她只是因為免疫系統不好生病而已 別開這種玩笑
We’re not making jokes anon, we’re genuinely mourning the inevitable news if
her passing
沒開玩笑ㄚ 我們是認真在哀悼 如果鯊鯊真的死了
Gura will be the first Holo to have died before their 3D debut
Can you stop trolling that she's dead? This is a sick joke.
能不能別再說鯊鯊死了 這是個很爛的玩笑
I have PhD in bioology and can say with certainty that Gawr Gura suffers from
a severe case of "Laziness"
我是生物學博士 我可以很肯定的說 鯊鯊患有嚴重的 懶惰
i hope gura wont see this thread since it gives stage 4 cancer.
希望鯊鯊不會看到這串 不然會直接癌症末期
笑了 鯊鯊才消失四天/vt/就在招魂了
早學鬼 兩個月不開台 一個月不發推