H114 (被切到歪掉的房子人= =)
2022-02-08 02:39:09※ 引述《yoche2000 (不婚不生主義倡議協會)》之銘言:
: 500P
: https://i.imgur.com/laGZC04.jpg
: 我的證明方法是
: P(A|B) is the chance of A in condition of B.
: P(A|-B) is the chance of A in condition of not B.
: If the 2 values are the same, this indicates that regardless of B,
: P(A) will be the same.
: For P(A) = P(A|-B) = P(A|B), which prove that A and B are independent.
: 但沒有算式好像有點醜
: P(A|B) = P(A|-B)
: P(A&B) / P(B) = P(A&-B) / P(-B)
: 要到 P(A|B) = P(A) 我爆不出來
: 太久沒碰機率了 求救