
作者: Victoryking (勝利王 )   2022-03-28 19:01:34
Apparently you can fuck his wife, just can’t say her name.
你可以上他的老婆 但是不能say her name (16k)
If I knew people fought at the Oscars I would’ve watched wtf
如果我知道奧斯卡頒獎會打架 我一定看 (5.7k)
Having my wife made fun of for a medical condition on National TV would piss me
off. It’s not easy for women to cope w uncontrollable hair loss. Not necessaril
y saying this was the way to handle that but still
Edit: Assault is bad. Don’t commit assault. I’m not trying to justify his resp
onse, in fact he made the entire situation worse for both of them and if he was
laughing beforehand, then he’s even more of an unhinged dick.
我老婆在National TV因為健康問題被開玩笑我會不爽 掉髮對女人的打擊特別大
編輯:打人就是錯的 我不是在幫威爾護航 威爾聽到之後先是笑了 之後又上台扁人 根本精
Will Smith deserves no support for this. This is what 'privilege' actually looks
like. The idea that you are so important that you can physically punish those w
ho offend you and get away with it.
威爾完全不值得支持 這就是標準的耍特權 憑甚麼你可以動手打人又不用被懲罰(3.8k)
He should be arrested for assault. If he isn't, the only reason he isn't is beca
use he's Will Smith. I say that as someone who was a big fan of Will Smith until
about 10 min ago.
威爾應該被抓去關 如果沒事 那肯定是因為他是威爾史密斯 by 十分鐘前還是威爾鐵粉的我
I wish he'd slap me, I could use an out of court settlement for a couple million
我希望威爾可以打我一巴掌 這樣我可以跟他A好幾百萬美元的和解費
Its a joke bro, people get picked on at these events all the time. Smith is just
being a privileged asshole who can get away with battery
這只是個joke 奧斯卡頒獎典禮一直以來都是這個風格 威爾只是一個行使暴力又不用負責的
特權asshole (470)
What an asshole
真是個asshole (3.5k)
Will Smith is a loser (2.3k)
When they first cut to Will and Jada after the joke, he’s laughing and she’s c
learly not, but then it cuts away before Will goes up…. I need to see what happ
ened between Will and Jada that set him off like that. Was it her unimpressed lo
ok? Did she dead eye Will to “defend her”? I’m so confused. It’s so crazy.
鏡頭轉過去的時候 威爾笑了 但是威爾老婆沒笑 在上台打人前沒有畫面 我想知道威爾跟他
老婆發生了什麼 是不是他老婆做了什麼 I’m so confused. It’s so crazy (1.7k)
I'm guessing they both turned to each other, he was laughing but she wasn't. At
that moment Will realized he fucked up.
我猜是威爾跟他老婆對看的時候 威爾笑了 但是她老婆沒有 威爾:GG (310)
Props to Chris Rock for his composure
發生這種事還能不為所動 支持主持人的冷靜(1.7k)
You could tell like 7 jokes popped into his head right at that moment and he dec
ided not to say any of them lmao
他可能在那瞬間想到了七個笑話 但他最後決定不說
作者: Victoryking (勝利王 )   2022-03-28 19:07:00
中間有一些八卦 但是我不熟所以沒翻
作者: LoKingSer (魯王蛇)   2022-03-28 19:08:00
作者: Victoryking (勝利王 )   2022-03-28 19:09:00
作者: chuchu000 (chuchu000)   2022-03-28 19:10:00
作者: paul1951 (paul)   2022-03-28 19:11:00
作者: chuchu000 (chuchu000)   2022-03-28 19:12:00

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