※ 引述 《Excrement35 (好好吃捏)》 之銘言:
: https://youtu.be/AtwcZeFLvpI
: 狗屎爛齁EN
: 你他媽就繼續給我搞告知的告知
: 套娃很好玩是吧
#holoweEN begins.
Immerse yourself into a horrifying three part story written by Ceres Fauna, feat
uring the members of hololive English in an alternate universe.
Episode 1 to be released on October 29th, 2022 at 8 PM PDT (12 PM +1 day JST).
▶Key Visual: Hyde (https://twitter.com/tabakko)
▶Logo Design: Spiritsnare (https://twitter.com/Spiritsnare)
▶Episode 1: 渡辺マサフミ (https://twitter.com/masafumi_127)
▶Episode 2: Num (https://twitter.com/AngryNum)
▶Episode 3: 新彥 (https://twitter.com/SHINYEN1011)
所以是EN板holo error?