
作者: ken890126 (靈魂奸商 路西法)   2023-02-08 19:26:24
近期來接觸到英語的academic writing,知道了所謂「小論文(essay)」的寫法與架構。
以下的文章是參考某篇雅思task 2練習。雅思寫作所評量的不只是詞彙、文法,還包括整
Β: U·e Láng jnw κɔng Тaiθe-lngгuan esai u Ha
uκo ·e cuтai Hòazǒh-ʒênlāu, u·e soah βo anne s
u. Samih s хolng·e Гuanyin? Sanzuà? Ca
θolun Nngπnge Κuānтàm.
Hòazǒh-ʒênlāu, ùi Zǒhyu, Θɔθua, àu Θenʒ
ên-гasuh sng·lai, тngi yilai hɔng тɔng zoh zuyau
Lngгuan, soah yinwi uiye Liyu ji Masa βo ho
. Тκag·тoh zāe Хuàdтàm, u·e Láng хāisi
κɔcui Тaiθe-lngгuan lâi тɔng zoh Θewā; πudj
κo, u·e ma zdг Zaisng-lngгuane Ha
ulud κàh Hauκo.
Тaiθe-lngгuane Θeгzà πen κɔng θuânθɔ
ng·e Hòazǒh-ʒênlāu βo Haulud, βohuàdтɔ wc
, κoh sɔng κài κāhā·e, тui Хuânκng
yuhai, yuκ s sɔ zosng·e Wunsg-хθ
e z Πâihɔng. Lng zd Hɔngβn, lâizu Βio-ʒ
ênlāu, Zuilg, Θàiyɔnglng, Тejed, κàh Κθa ·e
Тaiθe-lngгuan, Хohngsng хàh κuân. Φʒuκɔ
ng, Jdθâuκng κàh Hɔng esai ydтd πɔθam, m-βan
sansng jmho yuhai·e Хθe. Πad хuan Zaisng-
lngгuan ma uκàu cɔngsng. Lng zdle suyɔ
ng Zaisng-lngгuan ·e Ygcu s eтàng κ
amzo тui zangag·тoh cɔngφài Θenʒên-гasuh
yahs Yuгuan ·e гoaκɔg Κɔngyngzà ·e
Woaloa, κaisen zdle Κɔgκae Κngze.
Πudjκo, Huanтuizà zuтu κɔng тuhui u хoκs
ɔng·e Тudφoa, naβo Zaisng-lngгuan s β
ohuàdтɔ cuтai Hòazǒh-ʒênlāu ·e. Тaiθe-lngг
uane Sngπun κuân κoe Hòazǒh-ʒênlāu, тsu H
ozà yuгuan s Βɔgzng sɔng κngze·e
Suanтg. Тaiθe-lngгuan m-s zɔngs хohng,
u хolîng hɔ uiye Ynsɔ yinghɔng·тoh. Хoφiκ
ɔng, Θàiyɔnglng-тencu βohuàdтɔ т Lɔhhɔ
θi κàh ymθi huàdтɔng, тɔngs Hɔnglg-olu
n u хolîng т βo Hɔng ·e Sκ θngzi тngseh.
Хolu·тoh sɔwu·e Тaiz, zun κɔng yɔng lâi cuтai
Hòazǒh-ʒênlāu u uiye Yuтàm, Тaiθe-lngгuan
ma u hɔng zdг·тoh ye Βowunтng κàh s
ɔngтui κuan·e Sngπun. Тuhui хoκsɔng·e
Хuàdhām hɔng aiuad, naβo zd-тu uāny Тai
θe-lngгuan ·e Πenlun βe soahβoe.
Q: Some people think that alternative energy can effectively replace fossil
fuels, while others don’t. What might be the reasons and why? Discuss both
Fossil fuels, ranging from petroleum, coal, and natural gas, have long been
used as the main sources of power but are notorious for several reasons. Being
aware of the demerits, some people began to promote alternative energy as a
replacement; however, some doubt the effectiveness and essentiality of such
renewable energies.
Proponents of alternative energy argue that traditional fossil fuels are
inefficient, unsustainable, and, the most alarmingly, are environmentally
destructive, especially for the emission of greenhouse gas they cause. On the
other hand, alternative energy derived from natural sources such as biofuels,
hydrogen, solar, geothermal and others is more viable. Sunlight and wind, for
example, can be replenished constantly without generating any harmful gas.
Other sorts of renewable energy are plentiful as well. Another benefit for
using renewable energies instead of fossil fuels is that it could boost a
nation’s economy by reducing reliance on foreign suppliers that possess
abundant oil or natural gas resources.
However, opponents contented that unless a technological breakthrough be made,
renewable energy sources would never be able to replace fossil fuels. The
cost of alternative energy is higher than fossil fuels, which makes the latter
remaining the most economical choice by far. Alternative energies are not
always viable and could be affected by various factors. For instance, solar
plants would not be able to work in rainy and cloudy days while wind turbines
may stop rotating during the windless period.
All things considered, despite having several advantages as a replacement of
fossil fuels, alternative energy has been questioned for its relatively high
cost and instability. Not until the technological flaws are solved, could the
debate over alternative energy end.

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