[原神] 4.3立繪公開

作者: a16745984 (Aquarius)   2023-11-06 22:02:55
The Soaring Yellow Rose
"When we were young, we used to play a kind of tabletop game where she would be
the adventurer and I the host. Playing things by ear has always come naturally t
o me — but all the same, I was often stumped by her decisions and the ripostes
she came out with. But then again, that's what made it so interesting."
— Clorinde
◆ Name: Navia
◆ Title: Helm of the Radiant Rose
◆ President, Leader, Boss, Commander-in-Chief of the Spina di Rosula
◆ Vision: Geo
◆ Constellation: Rosa Multiflora
Judging from her appearance, there's no doubt that Navia is the very picture of
a Fontainian lady.
She likes to accoutre herself in ornate dresses and fine hats, and carries with
her a ribboned umbrella encrusted with jewels.
Thus bedecked, she flits around the streets of the Court of Fontaine, the slopes
of Mont Automnequi, as well as lesser-known spots along the Fleuve Cendre.
She's never before been hindered by her long flowing dress, nor by her deceptive
ly heavy umbrella. Spry as a sparrow, she is the bearer of glad tidings from the
Spina di Rosula for those in need.
Perhaps this is why Navia has become one of the famous reporter Charlotte's favo
rite subjects.
At the exhibition hall of The Steambird, there even hangs a photo connected to h
er called "The Soaring Yellow Rose."
But there's no need to worry — for it goes without saying that the photo's subj
ect not only consented to its showing, but also gave her enthusiastic support.
Righteous Enforcer of the Law
"...Captain Chevreuse, once again I implore you, we must tighten up the Special
Security and Surveillance Patrol's entry requirements. Right now, we count among
our members petty crooks who have burgled all over the Court of Fontaine, stree
t fighters whose only concern is getting rich, and even a bandit whose band of c
ronies almost succeeded in robbing a bank! If you hadn't personally caught him r
ed-handed — scoping the place out under the guise of being an investor — they
might very well have pulled it off... For pity's sake, we're supposed to be the
Maison Gardiennage! Even if just to preserve our image, please consider doing so
— The ninth in a series of pleading letters sent to Chevreuse by Captain Grosro
chard of the Gardes
◆ Name: Chevreuse
◆ Title: Executor of Justice
◆ Special Security and Surveillance Patrol Captain
◆ Vision: Pyro
◆ Constellation: Sclopetum Ensiferum
"Behave yourself or the Patrol will get you!"
— A warning often issued to naughty Fontainian children from exasperated parent
Of course, those children are too young to understand how ridiculous such a thou
ght is — that you might be dragged off by the Special Security and Surveillance
Patrol for going to bed too late, eating snacks after brushing your teeth, or g
etting bad grades. In reality, the only people that the Patrol are really after
are notorious criminals. As children grow older and come to learn this, these wa
rnings quickly lose their effect.
...But some members of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol can't help b
ut resent this type of "education" when they notice children on the street quiet
ly slipping away as they approach. As they see it, painting such a picture of th
e Patrol couldn't be more inappropriate. If people are allowed to keep saying su
ch things, then the Patrol's infamous reputation will loom like a shadow over th
e children of Fontaine, and who knows how long it will stay there?
"What's wrong with that?"
This was Special Security and Surveillance Patrol Captain Chevreuse's response a
s she sat there dealing with official documents.
"I hope they'll always remember our 'infamous reputation,' and understand the me
aning behind it..."
"...That way, perhaps there won't need to come a day when I have to drag them aw
ay for real."
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