bigbowl ( Gathering Storm。)
2025-01-30 23:13:19https://youtu.be/6CPwbP8KWew
i'm japanese living abroad. the life portrayed by samurai daddy is 100% normal
for the japanese salaryman, with all his salary going to the wife and the wife
paying him a monthly allowance. most men seem happy with this arrangement, with
the wife having the headache of managing household finance, while the husband
can focus entirely on his work, with a bit of play enabled by the allowance. so
samurai daddy is NOT unique. question for samurai daddy - are you unhappy? i
am not sure you are. if you are, do you ever talk to your wife? you dine alone
every night when you could go home to eat with family. you must have a governm
ent job because you always finish work at 6pm when nobody working in a big compa
ny can get away with that. so you are lucky you have regular hours. go home a
fter work promptly. you could be home at 7.30pm, see you kid. you really are
a lucky man ...