scmono (摸諾)
2025-02-08 18:16:40https://www.thelocal.fr/20250206/french-train-passenger-fined-e150-for-using-
法国国有铁路公司 SNCF 对一名开扬声器打电话的乘客罚款 150 欧元。这位叫 David 的
乘客告诉电视台 BFM,他在南特车站候车时与姐/妹通话,一名铁路公司的工作人员走过
来要求他关闭手机扬声器,否则将会面临罚款。当他争辩时,他被处以 150 欧元的罚款
。由于没有立即支付罚款,金额上升到了 200 欧元。David 表示计划聘请律师对此提出
异议。SNCF 证实了此事,称原因是他打扰了其他乘客,表示如果他用扬声器播放音乐,
情况也会相同。SNCF 要求乘客乘车时将手机调至静音或振动模式。如果确实要打电话,
德政 民主國家的燈塔
A passenger on the French rail network SNCF has revealed that he received a
€150 fine for using his phone on loud speaker within a train station.
The passenger, named only as David, told French TV channel BFM that he was on
the phone to his sister while waiting at Nantes station when the SNCF staff
member told him to switch his phone's loud speaker off, or risk being fined.
When he argued, he was served with the €150 fine, which has been increased to
€200 because he did not pay it immediately. David says he intends to hire a
lawyer to contest the fine.
SNCF confirmed the fine, although its version said that David had been in a
waiting room of the station.
A company spokesman told Le Parisien that he was issued with the fine for
disturbing other passengers, saying: "If he had played music at a high volume,
it would have been the same thing."
Although it is unusual to be fined for using a phone in the station,
passengers on an SNCF train are asked to switch their phone to either silent
or vibrate mode while on board.
If you want to make a call while on the train, you are asked to go into the
vestibule (the space between carriages) or the bar carriage, in order to avoid
disturbing other passengers.
ID, pets and smoking - 7 things French train inspectors can fine you for
Headphones should be used if you are watching films or listening to podcasts
or music while on the train.
Although SNCF does not list a specific rule banning the use of phones on
loudspeaker mode, passengers can be asked by the conductor to stop, and can be
fined if they do not follow the order. The same applies for other on-board
behaviour that could be seen as disturbing fellow passengers.
These rules apply on mainland train services run by SNCF - city public
transport services such as the Paris Metro don't have specific rules on phone
use, although there are regular information campaigns urging passengers to use
their phones with consideration for the their fellow travellers.
Article R2241-18 of the French Transport Code states "it is forbidden for any
person to use, without authorisation, sound devices or instruments, or to
disturb the peace of others by noise or disturbances” in “spaces and
vehicles assigned to the public transport of passengers or goods”.