CCY0927 (只是個暱稱罷了)
2014-05-19 12:43:42Call for Participation: IEEE SPS Summer School
=== Call for Participation ===
IEEE Signal Processing Society 2014 Summer School on Internet of Things
and Machine-to-Machine Systems August 26- 29, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan
There here has been a great deal of interest in the machine-to-machine
(M2M) systems and Internet-of-Things (IoT) recently. Billions of M2M
devices are expected to be connected and a major portion of them are
through wireless media. M2M communication is expected to open doors for
new type of application s and services that include smart metering,
telemetry, surveillance, healthcare, transportation, utilities, and
remote maintenance and control.
Smart M2M systems and IoT are the key technologies to enable applications
that involved in interacting with a large number of devices. An
increasing number of researches are working to create better technologies
for machine-to-machine and IoT systems. Signal processing will play a
critical role in the advance of the smart IoT and M2M technologies.
Signal processing is essential for ubiquitous information sensing and
collection. Advanced signal processing techniques improve M2M
communications capability. Distributed signaling processing techniques
provide opportunities for scalable IoT solutions. Video signal processing
enables multimedia IoT and surveillance. Statistical signaling processing
enables information forensic and data analytics to handle the large
amount of available information in IoT world. In this summer school, the
lecturers will covers various aspects of signal processing M2M systems,
and IoT applications.
Confirmed speakers:
* Prof. Magdy Bayoumi, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
* Prof. Mahmoud Daneshmand, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
* Prof. Jianwei Huang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
* Prof. Anna Scaglione, UC Davis, USA
* Prof. Chee Wei Tan, City University of Hong Kong, USA
Speakers to be confirmed:
* Prof. Nasir Memon, Polytechnic Institute of NYU, USA
* Dr. John Apostolopoulos, Cisco, USA
* Prof. Antonio lera, University of Reggio Calabria Cagliari, Italy
* Dr. Joseph Teo, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
* Student Travel Grant Application: July 1, 2014
* Early Registration: August 1, 2014
For more information: http://m2msummerschool.org
Contact: iot.school@gmail.com
Sponsors: IEEE Signal Processing Society, IEEE Taipei Section, National
Taiwan University, and Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center