Fw: [外絮] 獨行俠-活塞 交易

作者: k1230588 (恆秋)   2019-06-21 12:32:54
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1T35tCKb ]
作者: k1230588 (恆秋) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] 獨行俠-活塞 交易
時間: Fri Jun 21 12:32:08 2019
Donnie Nelson told us before Thursday night's NBA draft that the Mavericks
were prepared to be patient. During the next four-plus hours, they proved it.
Already without a first-round pick for the third time in the last six years,
Dallas entered the draft with only the 37th overall selection, then late in
the night they traded that pick to Detroit and dropped down to the No. 45
Ultimately the Mavericks selected 6-foot-8 Nebraska forward Isaiah Roby. As
part of the trade with Detroit, Dallas also acquired two future second-round
獨行俠 活塞
37順位選秀權 <
作者: GaryCrawford (Gary)   2019-06-22 13:07:00
現在是28M 但是如果想搞個天空貝 + KW 可能就會想辦法把 Lee 的合約 加那兩隻二輪籤一起送去 這樣就有38M我猜不是 KW 就是 波哥蛋吧然後 如果沒有天空貝 可能會簽 Ariza
作者: febulous2011 (Gary)   2019-06-22 16:38:00
找77的後場搭配的話 brogdon跟walker的確是各有優缺點啊。walker 防守不好這點跟77非常不搭,但有更強的進攻破壞力可以跟77配合,brogdon就是進攻上限低了很多但防守可以補上一些, 整體更均衡一點
作者: GaryCrawford (Gary)   2019-06-23 01:13:00
有一則消息說 儘管有人否認我犢不是開4y/1.12億給活佛的球隊 但是該記者說 有很多消息來源 指我犢有意活佛
作者: febulous2011 (Gary)   2019-06-23 02:28:00

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