mavnokia (å°ç‰›è«¾å¨æ–¯åŸºäºž)
2020-12-10 09:31:49※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1VqNaZhu ]
作者: jackal44748 (流雲絮雨) 看板: NBA
標題: [情報] 獨行俠預計會簽下Coutney Lee
時間: Thu Dec 10 09:25:53 2020
Sources: Mavs plan to sign Courtney Lee to replace J.J. Barea on camp roster. Like Barea, Lee was considered a leader and great vet in Dallas locker room despite not being in regular rotation last season. Mavs value that kind of presence even though Lee is roster long shot.
獨行俠預計會簽下Courtney Lee取代J.J. Barea在訓練營的位置,Lee上季已經不在正規的輪替名單中,但他在休息室的領袖地位被視為非常重要的一環,即便很可能不會留到開季