Re: [抒發] 我看起來像ceo嗎

作者: kittor   2018-01-02 15:53:34
※ 引述《kittor ()》之銘言:
: 網路的那端居然有個德國人寄cv給我說要為我工作
: 可是我沒在開公司的啊
: 到底是哪個地方他誤解了?
Dear Mr. or Mrs. xxx
We are in the same group here. I′m from Berlin, Germany and since 2006 I′m
living in the Northeast of Brazil. We have some wonderful friends from Taiwan
here in our city Campina Grande.
I want to know if there is a possibility that I can work for you and your
I would like to work for you on the Internet and have extensive experience
with it. I would be able to carry out surveys and carry out tasks in the
field of administration, marketing and public relations as well as in other
areas such as logistics, exportation and importation or tourism. And I have
also worked with renewable energies.
I also speak German and Portuguese. My CV is attached.
Best regards
作者: virtueKyoKo (黎明來臨前)   2018-01-02 16:26:00
你正好可以跟他練習德文阿, 不錯吧
作者: MASOMASO (MASO)   2018-01-02 16:50:00
這個正常 林子大了甚麼鳥都有
作者: lim3 (林珊小肥宅)   2018-01-02 17:33:00
對阿 跟他對練阿 hen好耶 反正他都給你履歷惹 約真人PK阿
作者: kittor   2018-01-02 19:31:00
收到回覆我的訊息了,他居然他無法認知我沒有開公司= =
作者: virtueKyoKo (黎明來臨前)   2018-01-02 20:05:00
作者: JinAnfield (Liverpool)   2018-01-02 20:28:00
作者: MASOMASO (MASO)   2018-01-02 22:46:00
印度人是全世界最難搞的 比中國人還難搞..之前一個大案有好幾家為了搶名額擠破頭 最後還出現偽裝成有很多大個案特地跑過來公司然後中場休息偷問那個大個案 結果被我們抓包 和有些印度人談生意真的要加倍小心
作者: JinAnfield (Liverpool)   2018-01-02 23:28:00

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