jumisui (jumisui)
2019-10-24 11:56:18Mr.ooxx
First Thank you for your invite.And then I love my job now.Furthermore I can't leave here. I love my partners
and working environment.
Moreover, I hope my kids and husband that we can live together
In the same hourse.
Would you comprehend it?
I hope that I can receive your invite again.
Your xxxxxxx
※ 引述《heartlock (heartlock)》之銘言:
: 肥宅我在某個社交人脈平台收到一位歪果人的信
: 信件內容如下:
: It’s a pleasure to connect with you.
: I noticed you got an interesting job,
: I want to use the opportunity to know more about you.
: I also have to admit that you have an adorable smile.
: I look forward to reading from you.
: Warm regards
: 肥宅我確認了一下,我全部的自介都寫中文
: 這位該不會是另一位中文流利的聯合國維和部隊將軍吧?
: 還是上天看到我這一篇的呼喊 #1TB0J747 (MenTalk)
: 真的給我CCR的機會?
: 其實最囧的是...
: 肥宅我英文好破啊!!!
: 幾百年沒寫英文書信,很多規則文法都忘了
: 我要寫什麼回他啊?
: 還是當作沒看到這封信就算惹?
: 快...拜請各位大師教教我...