[外絮] Joe Johnson, Josh Richardson的三分

作者: liugayo (容易崩潰的火迷)   2016-03-23 02:47:06
Johnson, Richardson make Heat’s three-point woes a distant memory
Johnson 跟 Rook 2 使熱火悲劇的三分成了久遠回憶
When Joe Johnson was a young player in the NBA, there were no weighted
basketballs available like today to help him build strength in his shooting
wrist and develop his three-point shot.
So, Johnson, who has made more three-pointers in his 15-year career (1,820)
than Kobe Bryant and Dirk Nowitzki, would grab a 15-pound medicine ball and
go to work after practice.
Joe Johnson 剛進聯盟的時候,還沒有重量訓練用的籃球,這種籃球可以強化他投籃
Johnson 生涯15年已經投進1820顆三分,比Kobe(1794 #11)、Dirk(1685 #15)都還多。
(有興趣了解重訓球的練習方式,可以到youtube查 "medicine ball")
“The farthest I could get to was the free-throw line,” Johnson recalled
Monday after practice. “I’d shoot like 200 balls from the paint every day.”
Now, Johnson, 34, just goes to work right next to 22-year-old Heat rookie
Josh Richardson. The NBA’s most accurate three-point shooters since the
All-Star break stay after practice together these days to push each other,
Johnson said.
(現年34歲的) Johnson 說,最近他會跟(22歲的) Josh Richardson 一同訓練、互相砥礪
Richardson won’t leave the floor until he has made at least 70 of his 100
three-point attempts, a habit coach Erik Spoelstra imprinted upon the
second-round pick when he fed him passes during an off-day workout in
December. Last week, Richardson said, he set a new personal mark when he made
79 threes in one session.
What he and Johnson have done on the court, though, lately is even more
impressive. Richardson has made 22 of his past 30 three-point attempts,
including 29 of 45 since the All-Star break (64.4 percent), and Johnson, who
finished second in the NBA when he made 47.8 percent from three in 2004-05,
has made 26 of 47 attempts from beyond the arc (55.3 percent) since the
break, including 23 of 39 since the Heat acquired him Feb. 28.
Richardson 平時練三分是以「100球至少進70球」的標準在練投,沒達標就繼續練,
去年12月的一個休兵日,Spo 曾親自認證過。Richardson 說他上週練球更上一層樓
最多可以投進 79顆
他跟 Johnson 最近在場上比賽所做的一切,更是讓人印象深刻。明星賽後,Richardson
的三分命中率是64.4% (45投29中,最近30投22中),而 Johnson 的三分命中率生涯最高
是2004-05年 47.8%,今年明星賽後已經高達 55.3% (47投26中),如果從加入熱火起算,
則是58.9% (39投23中)
Together, they’ve turned the third-worst three-point shooting team before
the All-Star break (32.3 percent) into the third-best (39.4 percent) since
it. And the Heat’s 46.5 percent from three-point range in March leads the
“It’s a crazy stat, but at this point pretty much every time I shoot it
from three I feel it’s going to go in,” said Richardson, a career 31.8
percent three-point shooter in college at Tennessee who had fewer attempts
from three before the break (25) than makes (29) after it.
“We didn’t really even shoot threes before the All-Star break like that,”
he continued. “We were a get in the paint team and bully people. It’s
crazy to see a team change the whole complexion of their game like that —
this fast.”
大學時期三分只有31.8%的 Richardson 說:「這真是瘋狂的數據,說到這個,每次我
The Heat actually hasn’t started launching more threes. Richardson and
Johnson have just started making more of them. The Heat’s 15.7 attempts per
game from three-point range since the break is actually three fewer per game
than before it (18.8).
“We’re not designing things to hunt for those shots,” Spoelstra said. “
That pace and spacing was just as important when we were 0 for 9 from three
at Charlotte [Feb. 5]. It’s still the same game as you saw [Saturday night
against the Cavaliers] when we made 11 threes. Us making or taking a lot of
threes is not something I’m counting on at all. It’s about getting to our
spots, sacrificing for the ball.”
Still, Miami’s newly discovered three-point stroke has helped lead to 10
consecutive games of at least 100 points. That’s the Heat’s longest streak
since March 1994.
事實上熱火還沒展現更多的三分火力,Richardson 跟 Johnson 才剛開始發揮而已,
因為上半季場均出手18.8次,而下半季至今場均才15.7次 (記者真會捧)
Spo 說:「我們沒特別為那些投籃設計戰術,當我們2月對黃蜂的時候,三分投9中0,
熱火最近找到三分準心,連續十場得分超過100分也成了隊史 1994年以來最長的紀錄
Miami’s uptempo attack since the break, Dwyane Wade said, is helping the team
’s three-point shooters get to their spots faster. Quicker ball movement,
Wade said, is also helping those shooters get open.
“It’s the evolution of two guys really,” Wade said. “Joe and Josh
knocking down threes spreads the floor, opens up threes for other guys as
well that they weren’t getting before. It’s the cool thing about sports.
You never know what’s going to happen. No one predicted our team would be
shooting the three-ball as good as it is or that the floor would be as spread
or as open as it is.”
取得空檔 (要不是騎士那場,最近看你打球有點.. 咳咳..)
Richardson says he has a couple superstitions he has been practicing since
the All-Star break to remain hot. The first one, putting his right sock on
before his left, is something he has always done. The second “trick” is
something new.
“I never play video games on game days anymore,” Richardson said. “I did
before, but after the All-Star Game I actually stopped. I don’t know. I just
felt like it was kind of distracting me and kind of wearing my brain out on
game day. So, I stopped doing it. Then the results [happened]. So I’m never
going to do it again.”
Richardson 說他有一些迷信的作法,明星賽後練球至今仍保持火熱的手感。第一件事
Man great win Heat @J_Rich1 4/6 from 3 again leading the NBA in three point %
since all star break he's a shooter!!! I smell @NBA2K boost
這位記者Manny Navarro從高中開始迷熱火,打工也去報社當接話服務員,到現在當記者
之前對七六人的賽前,重訓助教就請他把 Rook 2 帶去lock room做一些賽前準備
我看完上面這篇,根本就覺得菜鳥是打電動造成分心,被哈隊看出 叫去沒人的地方操一操
另外,iso Joe來熱火後,哈隊也盡地主之誼為他導遊
抓雞發現他在那玩滑板車、打卡,虧他 "先生 你有駕照嗎?"
作者: yyes5210 (格式化D曹)   2016-03-23 03:01:00
作者: liugayo (容易崩潰的火迷)   2016-03-23 03:29:00
漏寫一則 白邊的跳罰似乎是哈隊建議的 他說白邊大概以為他在說笑 其實他是認真的 之前虎撲寫的罰球新聞 翻錯人名
作者: Teng0615 (吸水的好毛巾)   2016-03-23 07:54:00
作者: Xgaoifcc (Vincent)   2016-03-23 08:07:00
現有陣容除了賣蘿蔔可有可無 其他真的希望都能留下
作者: oeibei (紅白)   2016-03-23 08:23:00
作者: blur13 (認識你自己)   2016-03-23 08:25:00
推 Wade也34不過三分就XD
作者: dirk147862 (先積誰先平行誰)   2016-03-23 08:30:00
贏慢練投三分球標準訂在 50-100 可能也無法達標吧 XD
作者: dwyanes (小宇)   2016-03-23 09:19:00
作者: zo33   2016-03-23 10:23:00
作者: y2589764 (cool)   2016-03-23 10:37:00
作者: try107799 (Paul)   2016-03-23 10:46:00
作者: wade1223 (于)   2016-03-23 11:56:00
結果今天烙賽 orz
作者: dirk147862 (先積誰先平行誰)   2016-03-23 13:07:00
作者: yihlin945 (﹋帥氣乂㊣小宅貓㊣乂)   2016-03-23 14:12:00
作者: ramskull (羊骨)   2016-03-23 17:22:00
作者: goodbooks (櫻花飄飄)   2016-03-24 00:05:00

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