[外絮] Wade shares his favorite Kobe story

作者: liugayo (容易崩潰的火迷)   2016-03-31 18:54:10
Dwyane Wade admits that no one other than him would remember this moment, but
he’ll never forget it.
With the Heat visiting the Lakers tonight for the final time in Kobe Bryant’
s career, Wade shared his all-time favorite memory of playing against him:
“One that always comes to mind was my first time playing the Lakers. I told
Kobe this story for the first time at All-Star Weekend. It was just so not a
meaningful moment in basketball history at all.
  Wade 分享一件除了他,沒人記得的往事,那是關於他第一次作客湖人主場時,
他說:「我永遠記得第一次對上湖人,明星賽時我跟 Kobe 提了這件事,不過
“We was getting our butts kicked by the Lakers that year when they had (Gary
Payton) and Karl Malone and Shaq and Kobe. It was the second half, late in
the game — and I had two fouls early so I didn’t play much — and then I
got an opportunity for my first time guarding Kobe one-on-one in transition
and I was so nervous.
“But I ripped him. For me, that was it. That was the Holy Grail. I ripped
him and I went down and scored or whatever. Inside, I felt so good. It didn't
mean nothing to him. They were up 30 or 40. But to me, it meant the world.”
  「當時 F4 陣容的湖人把我們痛扁。下半場,背著兩次犯規的我並沒有上場太久,
後來我得到跟 Kobe 一對一的機會,我超緊張的。」
  「不過我守住他了(虎撲譯:蓋 Kobe 火鍋),對我來說,那是一個榮耀的成就。
他們當時領先 30 還是 40 分,可是這點燃了我的小宇宙。」
原文引自 PalmBeachPost.com
二月,ESPN 採訪 Wade 也有這段對話
  不過翻開 Box 對戰紀錄,戰況似乎不是那麼慘烈
  2003/11/16 熱火@湖人 77-99
  Wade 整場唯一的一鍋是賞給手套
  G. Payton misses 2-pt shot at rim (block by D. Wade)
  今天 Wade 蓋了 Kobe 最後一次火鍋
Kobe 似乎被 Wade、LeBron 蓋很多次,也不用再算了
  祝福 Kobe 最後的退休之旅
作者: yihlin945 (﹋帥氣乂㊣小宅貓㊣乂)   2016-03-31 19:29:00
作者: try107799 (Paul)   2016-03-31 19:36:00
作者: blur13 (認識你自己)   2016-03-31 19:41:00
推 我比較記得 Wade好像有次明星賽打到Kobe鼻樑
作者: remousy (sex no love)   2016-03-31 20:34:00
作者: BlueSatan (...￾  )   2016-03-31 22:41:00
作者: JustWinslow (Justise=正義)   2016-04-01 12:30:00
爽 綠賽輸給阿拓囉~~但綠賽打得真好 很平均的球隊明天東區3~6都有出賽 賽應該會輸勇士 老鷹打騎士黃蜂主場應該穩贏76 希望熱火穩拿國王 別爆冷 表弟剛好明天禁賽 明天打不贏國王 就準備L3 阿拓主場難攻阿拓+上今天贏綠賽 主場已經6連勝了
作者: blur13 (認識你自己)   2016-04-01 12:44:00
IT最後幾次失誤才讓比數被拉開 阿拓 青賽 今年都挺讓人驚豔的 Joe剛來的時候 熱火稍微打出一點氣勢 最近好像又沒了
作者: try107799 (Paul)   2016-04-01 13:08:00
希望Joe跟兩位新人的投籃從明天開始找回來....打完湖人後 Wade背部頸部痠痛 沒參與練習 可能暫時要關機了.....
作者: blur13 (認識你自己)   2016-04-02 03:29:00
作者: dirk147862 (先積誰先平行誰)   2016-04-02 07:44:00

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