[新聞] 帝國海軍計畫5年內退役所有巡洋艦

作者: saccharomyce (酵公菌)   2022-04-22 10:29:44
After a Decade of Debate, Cruisers Set to Exit Fleet in 5 Years
But now the Navy wants to abandon the modernization as part of a wide-ranging
cut of legacy platforms the service says cost too much to fix and maintain.
In the next five years, the Navy plans to shed its entire cruiser force,
including the ships part of the ongoing modernization program, according to
the long-range shipbuilding plan released this week.
Should Congress allow the Navy to move forward with its plan, the service
would decommission 10 cruisers in two years, bringing the cruiser inventory
down from 22 ships to 12 by the end of Fiscal Year 2023.
All 22 remaining cruisers are set to leave the fleet by 2027.
The Navy’s current plan is to replace the cruisers with the upcoming Flight
III Arleigh Burke-class destroyers. The first Flight III, Jack Lucas
(DDG-125), is set to commission next year. The destroyers will enter service
at a rate far slower than the cruisers are leaving.
帝國海軍計畫兩年內將10艘巡洋艦退役 剩餘12艘進行升級
目前計畫以勃克級III取代 但服役速度遠低於除役速度
Rep. Elaine Luria (D-Va.), the former executive officer of Anzio, has been a
vocal critic of the Navy’s plan to decommission the cruisers in the face of
China’s naval buildup. Luria and others have invoked the “Davidson window”
– former U.S. Indo-Pacific Command chief Adm. Phil Davidson’s warning that
China could move against Taiwan by the end of the decade.
陸軍師正在重組 還有6.8mm彈藥轉換問題
海軍大量除役艦艇 但新的艦艇建造不夠快
中國的確可能被迫把握這個時間點行動 即便尚未準備完成
作者: saccharomyce (酵公菌)   2022-04-22 10:47:00
作者: HenryAirLine (我愛飛翔)   2022-04-22 10:49:00
不斷的搞延壽然後退役 美軍也黃埔化了
作者: saccharomyce (酵公菌)   2022-04-22 10:58:00
效益絕對是非常大的 毋庸質疑 只是沒錢而已是接近20艘柏克III的下水速度太慢 但CG快退光了我比較相信是給元老院的餌虛不虛弱是相對的 轉型陣痛期本就難免6.8mm的衝擊會比預期的大 因為看起來5.56也會繼續用於二線部隊必然產生造成後勤的麻煩台灣海軍:擋國艦國造這麼久,終於等到這天(咦?時空背景不同 所以可以買
作者: luckystrike5 (霸王鮮果汁)   2022-04-22 12:28:00
一定封存的 美軍自己要用上面好貨滿滿 美軍會用剩餘物資回收價賣台灣嗎賣台灣第一個就是Essm 海公羊拔光光 國軍要用什麼補上去?然後變成一定要買mh60才能擴大反艦跟反潛
作者: sunnydragon7 (香腸)   2022-04-22 13:00:00
作者: patrickleeee (派脆)   2022-04-22 13:30:00
6.8最終只會小量使用 給特戰 不會大規模換裝的

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