如果沒有用到像 PS5/iPhone 這種高級東西,
40nm .11 .18 一堆人做,8051 ARM 代工的地方多了去了,
說不定 Wafer 還不是台積電而是格羅方德或者中芯的。
※ 引述《edison (edison)》之銘言:
: Captured Russian Weapons Are Packed With U.S. Microchips
: 網址 https://tinyurl.com/72rvp47p
: When Ukrainian forces began to take apart several pieces of captured or
: partially destroyed Russian military equipment, they found a strong reliance
: on foreign microchips - especially those made in the United States -
: according to component lists Ukraine intelligence shared with The War Zone.
: 俄烏戰間被擊落或俘的武器, 拆解後發現 Made In USA 的晶片, 當然不意外
: 畢竟整的微電腦的基礎發源自美國,以美國為首的相關工業製品當然也是最多
: 的,文章裡到是沒有提到台灣