U.S. tells Ukraine it won’t send long-range missiles because it has few to
The Biden administration has given its Ukrainian counterparts another reason
for not sending them much-wanted long-range missiles: The U.S. is concerned
it wouldn’t have enough for itself.
美國政府以庫存不足為由 拒絕提供烏克蘭想要的長程飛彈
In recent meetings at the Pentagon, U.S. officials told Kyiv’s
representatives that it doesn’t have any Army Tactical Missile Systems to
spare, according to four people with knowledge of the talks. Transferring
ATACMS to the battlefield in eastern Europe would dwindle America’s
stockpiles and harm the U.S. military’s readiness for a future fight, the
people said.
據了解 美方代表說沒有ATACMS可提供給烏克蘭
因為擔心會使美國在未來戰爭時 庫存不夠用
That worry, along with the administration’s existing concern that Ukraine
would use the 190-mile range missiles to attack deep inside Russian territory
and cross what the Kremlin has said is a red line, is why the U.S. isn’t
shipping ATACMS to the frontlines any time soon.
再加上擔心烏克蘭會拿來朝俄羅斯本土攻擊 會踩到普丁紅線
One workaround being considered by Kyiv is to ask for Washington’s approval
to buy ATACMS from an allied country that operates the weapon, using military
financing from the United States, according to one of the people familiar
with the discussions. The list of ATACMS users includes South Korea, Poland,
Romania, Greece, Turkey, Qatar and Bahrain.
據透漏烏克蘭可能改以美援資金 向其他國家購買ATACMS
他國會願意嗎 也是個問題