[新聞] 澤倫斯基表示,烏克蘭正積極籌劃他與川

作者: washwall (Ddd )   2025-01-22 16:53:34
烏克蘭總統弗洛迪米爾·澤倫斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)1 月 21 日在瑞士達沃斯(Davos
ld Trump)之間的會面。
澤倫斯基提到川普先前曾公開承諾要在 2025 年結束這場戰事。
1 月 20 日就任的川普曾聲稱自己能迅速斡旋和平,但也強調需要先和俄羅斯總統普丁(Vl
adimir Putin)協商。
此次達沃斯論壇以「智慧時代的合作」為主題,匯集來自 130 國、約 3,000 位與會者,包
括 60 位國家和政府領袖。
在 1 月 21 日的討論中,與會者探討了歐洲的防禦戰略、北約(NATO)的未來,以及烏克
主要與談者包括烏克蘭外交部長安德烈·西比哈(Andrii Sybiha)、波蘭外交部長拉多斯瓦
夫·西科爾斯基(Radoslaw Sikorski)、歐洲議會議長羅貝塔·梅佐拉(Roberta Metsola)
,以及拉脫維亞總統埃德加斯·林克維奇斯(Edgars Rinkevics)。
Zelensky says Ukraine working on arranging his meeting with Trump
Ukraine is actively working to arrange a meeting between President Volodymyr Zel
ensky and his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump, Zelensky announced on Jan. 21 durin
g the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
"The teams have been working on a meeting; they are currently in the process," Z
elensky said, emphasizing Ukraine's commitment to ending the war with Russia.
Zelensky noted Trump's public pledge to end the war in 2025.
"We are your partner. We know all the sore spots; we have lost our people," he s
aid. "We want to end the war this year. But not just quickly, but fairly and, ab
ove all, reliably for us."
Trump, sworn in on Jan. 20, has previously claimed he could swiftly broker peace
, though he stressed the need to consult with Russian President Vladimir Putin f
On Jan. 20, Trump expressed doubts about Moscow's willingness to negotiate.
Zelensky also used his Davos address to urge Europe to strengthen its security f
ramework and warn against reliance on the U.S.
"Europe must establish itself as a strong global player," he said, highlighting
Russia's growing military capacity and alliances with Iran and North Korea.
He underscored the imbalance in military production, with Russia outpacing Europ
e in ammunition and equipment output despite its smaller economy.
The Davos forum, themed "Collaboration for the Intelligent Age," convenes nearly
3,000 participants from 130 countries, including 60 heads of state and governme
Discussions on Jan. 21 addressed European defense strategy, NATO's future, and U
kraine's "Peace through Strength" approach, which advocates using military and p
olitical leverage to pressure Russia into a just peace.
Key speakers included Ukraine's Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha, Poland's Foreign
Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola, and
Latvian President Edgars Rinkevics.
Topics also ranged from geo-economic challenges to the evolving role of artifici
al intelligence in global cooperation.
作者: goodapple807 (Archi)   2025-01-22 17:07:00

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