[討論] Quora:人海戰術只是具種族優越感的指控

作者: washwall (Ddd )   2025-01-24 19:33:45
該Quora 觀點:
我常在 Quora 上看到有人指控某國使用「人海戰術」(human wave attacks),並藉此批評
睛,比如《星海爭霸》(StarCraft)裡的異蟲族(Zerg),《星艦戰將》(Starship Troo
pers)裡的蟲族,或是《兵臨城下》(Enemy at the Gates)中那段著名的場景。然而,事
以就此打住了,但是我還是想針對 20 世紀中那些經常被拿來當作例子的所謂「人海戰術」
1. 俄國內戰:不論是紅軍還是白軍都沒有使用所謂「人海戰術」。紅軍從原則上就反對這
2. 二戰時期的日本:在極端情況下,日軍確實曾經發動過刺刀衝鋒,不過所有參戰國在必
3. 二戰時期的蘇聯:蘇聯在各場戰役中使用的砲兵與坦克數量比例是所有參戰國中最高的

4. 中共軍隊(國共內戰以及韓戰期間):中共在國共內戰與韓戰中所採用的是一種複雜且
5. 越共(越戰期間的春節攻勢):他們同樣沒有使用人海戰術,而是運用滲透手段,發動
在 20 世紀,我能想到唯一真正符合「人海戰術」定義的例子,其實是英國部隊在福克蘭戰
「在那絕望的一刻,Dytor 下了一個大膽的決定。如果他們保持原地不動,就全都會死。
單全收。最終造成看似一堆沒有武器的步兵被無能的將軍和政委驅趕著去進行人海攻擊。 [
2] 」
在 20 世紀,我能想到唯一真正符合「人海戰術」定義的例子,其實是英國部隊在福克蘭戰
「在那絕望的一刻,Dytor 下了一個大膽的決定。如果他們保持原地不動,就全都會死。
單全收。最終造成看似一堆沒有武器的步兵被無能的將軍和政委驅趕著去進行人海攻擊。 [
2] 」
在 20 世紀,我能想到唯一真正符合「人海戰術」定義的例子,其實是英國部隊在福克蘭戰
「在那絕望的一刻,Dytor 下了一個大膽的決定。如果他們保持原地不動,就全都會死。
單全收。最終造成看似一堆沒有武器的步兵被無能的將軍和政委驅趕著去進行人海攻擊。 [
2] 」
I see often on Quora people accusing XYZ of carrying out human wave attacks, and
that this makes them bad, stupid, inferior or some other negative thing. I thin
k there is a certain dream, a left over of a forgotten age of charging into the
enemy, overwhelming them with sheer numbers. It also looks awesome in fiction, a
nd I think of things like Zerg in Starcraft, or the bugs in Starship troopers, o
r the famous scene from Enemy at the Gates. However, it’s rather nonsensical. L
et’s look at the definition of human wave attacks:
A human wave attack tactic is a frontal assault by densely concentrated infantry
formations against an enemy line, without any attempts to shield or to mask the
s actually worked. So basically, we could stop here, but let me address some of
the often cited examples in the 20th century.
1.The Russian Civil War, human wave attacks were not a tactic used by either sid
e the Red Army was a principally against it, and favored maneuver warfare and be
came one of the first armies to have mechanized infantry. The White army also di
dn’t follow do this, however some suicidal assaults by orthodox fanatics have i
ncorrectly been described as human wave attacks, but if anything these are suici
de charges against the commanders orders.
2.Japanese in WW2, deployed bayonet charges in absolute extreme situations, as d
id everyone else. This was never the official Japanese assault tactic, but was v
ery rarely used in the case of being completely out of ammo and no option for su
3.Soviets in WW2, Soviets deployed the highest ratio of artillery and tanks to i
nfantry in all battles, the idea that Soviet infantry attacked without either is
ludicrous and a figment of the Hollywood imagination.
4.Communist Chinese the Chinese civil war and in Korea, attacked using an elabor
ate and clever tactic, sometimes called human sea attacks by fascist propaganda,
this attack type was actually very effective against a low tech army, and conti
nued to be effective until the introduction of night vision. It encompasses an a
ttack on a weak point in a line, which during the night a group of soldiers will
sneak up on, until they can throw grenades at it, following a storm of explosio
ns, the team backed up by multiple reserve fire teams, attempts to break through
the weak point in the line as fast as possible. If successful, a reserve rushes
through the gap, and infiltrates the enemy line in great numbers, soon after th
ey start collapsing the line by a series of surprise attacks from the rear.
This was not only nothing like human wave attacks, this was a highly successful
tactic that won the PLA the Chinese civil war, and people continue to belittle t
his clever tactic because it doesn’t mechanized units.
5.Viet Cong during the Tet Offensive, did not deploy any human wave attacks, the
y used infiltration to make a series of surprise attacks. Their infiltration tac
tics means they masked their soldiers, and thus again is not covered by the defi
nition of human wave. While this operation was a military failure on the part of
the Viet Cong, it was strategically important because it hurt the US determinat
ion, though it’s battlefield conditions resulted in many casualties, which may
be exaggerated in order to give the illusion of a human wave attack.
ate and clever tactic, sometimes called human sea attacks by fascist propaganda,
this attack type was actually very effective against a low tech army, and conti
nued to be effective until the introduction of night vision. It encompasses an a
ttack on a weak point in a line, which during the night a group of soldiers will
sneak up on, until they can throw grenades at it, following a storm of explosio
ns, the team backed up by multiple reserve fire teams, attempts to break through
the weak point in the line as fast as possible. If successful, a reserve rushes
through the gap, and infiltrates the enemy line in great numbers, soon after th
ey start collapsing the line by a series of surprise attacks from the rear.
This was not only nothing like human wave attacks, this was a highly successful
tactic that won the PLA the Chinese civil war, and people continue to belittle t
his clever tactic because it doesn’t mechanized units.
5.Viet Cong during the Tet Offensive, did not deploy any human wave attacks, the
y used infiltration to make a series of surprise attacks. Their infiltration tac
tics means they masked their soldiers, and thus again is not covered by the defi
nition of human wave. While this operation was a military failure on the part of
the Viet Cong, it was strategically important because it hurt the US determinat
ion, though it’s battlefield conditions resulted in many casualties, which may
be exaggerated in order to give the illusion of a human wave attack.
None of the usual suspects portrayed as being people who use human wave attacks
actually did, according to the US definition of a human wave attack. And if we l
ook at this list of people who have this slander, I hope you will notice that th
ey are all ‘eastern’ and mostly Asian. I deeply believe that the reason people
like this idea and get away with it so often, is a subtle but consistent racism
, against “eastern hordes”. A lot of people really, really want to believe tha
t if you’re east of Germany, you only ever won a battle because you had more pe
ople. Asians have a lot of people and therefore that must be why they win battle
s. Personally I find Asian history fascinating, and it’s a shame we refer to“
hordes” as many people, in reality the Mongolian horde was very often outnumber
ed, they were highly disciplined, highly trained, technologically sophisticated,
skilled horsemen and open minded, as well as having incredible logistics for th
eir time. And yet they are like many other Asians portrayed as a dumb horde over
whelming their enemy in numbers.
A British unit used their bayonets to charge an Argentinian machine gun position
, during the Falkland war, and they succeeded, with no smoke, or artillery cover
. This is, as a matter of fact, the only example of a human wave i can think of
in the 20th century which actually matches the definition of it.
In that desperate moment, Dytor decided on an audacious plan. If they stayed sti
作者: hinanaitenco (桃子好吃)   2025-01-24 20:16:00

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