[情報] 14w07a

作者: sb117611 (sb117611)   2014-02-14 19:19:58
We’ve still been working hard on rewriting internal stuff (such as how
blocks are rendered, or how the entire inventory system works) in preparation
for the Plugin API. Meanwhile, have another smaller snapshot with a bunch of
bug fixes and some more adventure map related stuffs!
Notable changes for everybody:
Added iron trapdoors
You can now share to lan for spectator mode only
Notable changes for mapmakers:
A resourcepack can now be bundled with a map, put it in the map save
directory and name it “resources.zip”
Example: ".minecraft/saves/TheMapWithTheThing/resources.zip"
The commands /testfor, /testforblock and /clear can now test for partial
matches of NBT lists
Example: /testfor @p
Scoreboard objectives for fake players with a name starting with # will
never show up on the sidebar
New /scoreboard subcommands /scoreboard operation and /scoreboard test
The command /scoreboard operation can apply arithmetic operation to
scores (+ – * / %) and accumulate player scores
Example: /scoreboard players operation #teamscores redScore +=
@a[team=red] blueKills
The command /scoreboard test can be used to test if a scoreboard value is
between a min and a max value
Example: /scoreboard players test #global anObjective 12 19
New command /execute to execute commands in the context and at the
position of other entities or players
Example: /execute @e[type=Chicken] ~ ~ ~ fill ~-1 ~-1 ~-1 ~1 ~1 ~1
New selector parameters for entity selectors to detect entity rotations
with rxm – x rot min, rx – x rot max, rym – y rot min, ry . y rot max
Example: @a[rxm=-15,rx=15,rym=-45,ry=45]
Players in team can now have a team based objective shown on the sidebar,
depending on the team color
Example: /scoreboard objectives setdisplay team.yellow
While debug overlay is on (press F3 to turn it on and off), looking at a
block in the world will show the coordinates of that block
BlockItem instances can now hold a custom NBT tag that is merged into a
block entity when it’s placed
Example: /give @p command_block 1 0
{BlockEntityTag:{Command:"setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:diamond_block"}}
In creative mode, players can create a copy of a BlockEntity in their
hotbar, including all NBT data, with ctrl+[PICK_KEY] (usually ctrl+middle
mouse button)
The /tellraw command can now insert values from scoreboards into messages
Example: /tellraw @p {text:"Have
",extra:[{score:{name:"Searge",objective:"reward"}},{text:" diamonds"}]}
New command /testforblocks to compare two areas of a map
Example: /testforblocks 100 64 100 107 69 107 0 64 0 masked
Dispensers will place a commandblock instead of shooting it out
Nametags for players in other teams can now be hidden with a team option
Example: /scoreboard teams option red nametagVisibility
Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If
nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!
Bugs fixed in this snapshot:
[Bug MC-36947] – /weather clear <time in seconds> doesn't clear weather
for anywhere near the amount given
[Bug MC-44489] – /kill @e doesn't kill ender dragons
[Bug MC-45773] – Chest not spawning in Monster dungeons
[Bug MC-46559] – Spectating a mob leaves you at two blocks tall view
[Bug MC-46838] – testfor NBT parsing error
[Bug MC-47520] – Standing under block with water / lava on top will
apply blue / red filter.
[Bug MC-47543] – Items stacked with Items that have PickupDelay set to
32767 can no longer be picked up
[Bug MC-47545] – CanPlaceOn does not work with wooden doors
[Bug MC-47555] – Cannot place boats
[Bug MC-47596] – Items of the same type (IE, stone and stone) ignore
datavalues and stack anyway
[Bug MC-47598] – The color of sugar canes doesn't change depending on
the biome
[Bug MC-47636] – Boats appear to be sunken in water
[Bug MC-47642] – Hopper: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4
[Bug MC-47653] – torch causing missing texture when placed on bottom
side of block
[Bug MC-47685] – Hopper: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3
[Bug MC-47817] – Baby Zombie Pigman Running with Strange Speed
[Bug MC-47821] – Ghasts do not despawn in Peaceful Mode
[Bug MC-48043] – Held Blaze Rod not in hand
And many more that weren’t on the bug tracker so we couldn’t mark them
as fixed! Did I mention please report bugs? Thanks.
To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button.
Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental
development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can
select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher. Back up
your world first or run the game on in a different folder (See the “new
profile” dialog).
Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a
different folder from your main worlds.
// The Minecraft and Minecraft Realms teams
作者: yuan860721 (Y)   2014-02-15 00:03:00
作者: kizajan (Rybczynski)   2014-02-15 01:50:00
作者: olys (查無暱稱)   2014-02-15 09:29:00
作者: TuTu522 (oh)   2014-02-15 09:48:00
作者: CP64 (( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏)   2014-02-15 12:45:00
作者: kizajan (Rybczynski)   2014-02-15 15:49:00
喔喔 我誤會他了XD
作者: g6318ian (扇子)   2014-02-16 14:34:00
作者: yuan860721 (Y)   2014-02-16 14:56:00
區網共享?! 那不在區網內的怎辦
作者: mmis1000 (秋月戀楓)   2014-02-16 16:52:00
作者: rusa (rusa)   2014-02-20 01:15:00
這個本來靠伺服插件就可以做到了 不用等國外早就有人再用了

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