sb117611 (sb117611)
2014-03-14 00:35:33https://mojang.com/2014/03/minecraft-snapshot-14w11a/
We are going to GDC this weekend, so there will be a pause in snapshots for a
short while. But before we get on the plane, we wanted you to have the latest
changes to play with.
Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If
nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!
Survival changes:
Changed minecart physics
Made furnace minecart actually useful
Improved the general mob AI
And some surprises, try to find them
Mapmaker changes:
Fixed some minor bugs
Bugs fixed in this snapshot:
[Bug MC-47585] – Derailed minecarts sink into the ground
[Bug MC-47695] – Minecart hitbox is too tall
[Bug MC-50413] – Custom UUIDLeast/UUIDMost pair yields error
[Bug MC-50452] – Rails don't render from below
[Bug MC-50838] – Entity UUID WitherSkull
And many more that weren’t on the bug tracker so we couldn’t mark them
as fixed! Did I mention please report bugs? Thanks.
// The Minecraft and Minecraft Realms teams
Update: Snapshot 14w11b has been released to fix some crashes and bugs. Bug
[Bug MC-50572] – Upward facing droppers/dispensers only shoot items west
[Bug MC-50948] – Tripwire hook Texture Messed up
[Bug MC-50950] – Hopper: java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking entity
[Bug MC-50951] – Flickering world menu
[Bug MC-50958] – Name and ID cannot both be blank
[Bug MC-50964] – Endermite Spawn Egg has the wrong name
[Bug MC-50975] – When ironbars are placed on a block, the lower part is
[Bug MC-50984] – Dark Oak Sapling name is missing.
[Bug MC-50996] – Existing player heads only show the default Steve head
[Bug MC-51009] – No podzol in creative inventory
[Bug MC-51014] – Hopper: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 7
[Bug MC-51016] – EnderMites doesn't move
[Bug MC-51045] – Brewing stand graphic shows different things depending
on which angle you look at it
(For resource pack makers) generic blocks now load models and not
predefined block shapes