CP64 (( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏)
2014-04-04 17:23:16※ 引述《sb117611 (sb117611)》之銘言:
: https://mojang.com/2014/04/minecraft-1-7-6-pre-release/
: That’s a lot of numbers, but now Minecraft 1.7.6 pre-release 1 is available
: for testing! This is a huge step towards one of the most requested features
: since the birth of Minecraft; Name changes!
不過 1.7.6 pre 1 (等等還有 1 !?) 已經可以拿去測試囉!!
改名字 !!!
: This version provides complete
: support for identifying players through unique IDs and not by names, so that
: no matter what a player is called they will remain
: banned/whitelisted/oped/etc on servers.
這版改以一個獨特 ID 來辨識玩家而非名字,所以無論一個玩家用啥奇怪的名字,
只要在同一個 server 上,該 ban 的、該白名單的、被認定管理員的....,
: People have come to us with a lot of questions about this service
: so here’s a few FAQ about name-changes:
所以底下來個 FAQ 吧
: If I ban a player “Foo” and he changes name to “Bar”, will he stay banned?
: Yes. Same for whitelisted players and oped players. They also keep their
: inventory, pets, statistics and everything they own on a server.
Q:如果以個玩家改了名稱,他還是會被 ban 著嘛?
A:是的,白名單跟 op 也是一樣 ,他們的背包、寵物、紀錄,
: Can I steal somebody’s name? Can I call myself “Dinnerbone” too?
: No. I am Dinnerbone and names are still unique. You cannot have the same name
: as another player, they will have to change their name for you to be able to
: take it.
Q:我可以偷用別人的名稱嗎?我也可以叫我自己 Dinnerbone 嗎?
A:不行,我就是 Dinnerbone 這個名字還是獨特的。
: How will this work with mods? What about my custom stuff on this one modded
: server?
: Ask your mod maker/server owner. They should be able to support this system
: easily, but we aren’t responsible for mods or servers!
: Can I already change my name? Where do I go? Will it cost? How often can I do
: it?
: We will enable name changing when we feel that enough users are using 1.8 or
: higher, so that servers have time to switch to the new player formats. We do
: not have any details on how name changes will be performed or any
: restrictions that will be required to actually perform a name change. We want
: it to be easy and freely available, but we also don’t want people changing
: their name every 5 minutes!
A:我們要等到足夠人數使用 1.8 以上的版本之後才開放(...),
: So where do I change my name?
: Read the previous answer!
: I’m a server owner, what do I have to do when I update to 1.7.6?
: Nothing, really. The server will update itself, but it’s entirely possible
: that it may require your input if it finds an issue (nonexistant players, for
: example). If your server fails to start then check the log, otherwise it’s
: ready to play!
Q:我是個伺服主,升上 1.7.6 時我有啥事要做嗎?
如果無法啟動請看 log 要不就沒事可以玩啦!
: Is this compatible with 1.7.5?
: No, sorry. We had to change the protocol to support the new player formats.
Q:跟 1.7.5 相容嗎?
: I’m scared. I need a hug.
: Aww, here you go little guy. *hug* Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it
: sounds.
Q:我好怕。我要抱抱 OAQ
A:噢~來吧小傢伙。三( /ˊ‧ω‧ˋ)/ *抱抱*
: This pre-release also comes with a lot more Minecraft Realms improvements,
: crash fixes, optimizations and general bug fixes.
這個先行版也有 Minecraft Realms 的調整、crash 修正、調校、跟 bug 修正。
: // The Minecraft and Minecraft Realms teams
麥塊 和 Minecraft Realms 團隊敬上