============================================================================== The 14w33c snapshot fixes the holes in the world. ============================================================================== The 14w33b snapshot is now available and fixed the following issues: [Bug MC-4490] – Fishing Rod not Attached in 3rd Person While Crouching [Bug MC-50321] – Fishing line not connected to the rod in third person view [Bug MC-64456] – Fishing Rod Bug in 3rd Person [Bug MC-65112] – Grass Block shows a damage value of 0 when tooltips are enabled [Bug MC-65521] – Armor Stands consume whole stack of Items in Survival [Bug MC-65533] – Efficiency enchantment does not work on shovels and axes [Bug MC-66970] – Major texture disortion for Redstone, Stairs, Cobblestone Walls, Fences and Fence Gates [Bug MC-66983] – Game crashes when placing a torch or redstone torch on the bottom of a block [Bug MC-67141] – Hopper: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException [Bug MC-67142] – Hopper: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException ============================================================================== It’s snapshot time. After last weeks snapshot, which did not include any changes at all, we decided to make this weeks snapshot a little bit more interesting. So we added tons of new features, all of them disguised as bugfixes. Bugs fixed: [Bug MC-29408] – Tab support is not possible with player names when using the '/playsound' command [Bug MC-57714] – Placing torches on other torches [Bug MC-61245] – Upside down stairs have hitbox of regular stairs / regular stairs have wrong hitbox [Bug MC-63319] – Heads Dropped from Charged Creeper Explosion Ignore Gamerules [Bug MC-65522] – Tool-tip for regular sandstone slab is incorrect [Bug MC-65790] – If you place block on two-block-tall plants,it will destroy them. [Bug MC-65909] – Skulls too small in item frames [Bug MC-66163] – Using Pick Block on a colored door returns a regular door [Bug MC-66166] – Breaking colored doors turns them into regular doors [Bug MC-66169] – Old oak doors still called 'Wooden Door' instead of 'Oak Door' [Bug MC-66227] – Helmets can't be taken off of armor stands while flying above them in creative mode [Bug MC-66246] – Skull on small Armor Stand are offset [Bug MC-66347] – Beds make incorrect sounds [Bug MC-66350] – Selecting "Hardcore" prior creating a debug world yields a "hardcore debug world" [Bug MC-66413] – Baby Bunnie's Name Tags [Bug MC-66532] – /entitydata tab autocomplete keeps entering player's name [Bug MC-66543] – Fence gates lock closed, and will not open from pressure plate activation. [Bug MC-66674] – Summoning a FallingSand entity with {Block:"leaves"} crashes the client [Bug MC-66685] – Hopper: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException [Bug MC-66687] – Hopper: java.lang.NullPointerException [Bug MC-66722] – Hopper: java.lang.ClassCastException [Bug MC-66791] – Iron Golems do not target creepers [Bug MC-66816] – Crash: /give @p skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:<playername>} [SMP] [Bug MC-66819] – Hopper: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException [Bug MC-66822] – Hopper: java.lang.NullPointerException [Bug MC-66824] – Hopper: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException [Bug MC-66835] – /execute coordinates don't work [Bug MC-66915] – Only smoothstone should make stone slabs.