eggimage (目前沒有名片)
2015-05-27 16:26:32官方已經在本週提交各個手機版本的大更新 v0.11
除了會有免費新skin 還有付費($0.99美金)20個skin
*多國語言 Multiple language support
*雙人船 可帶寵物 Boats with space for two! Take your pet for a pleasant ride.
*坐船時可丟東西 The ability to throw stuff from boats, including snowballs and eggs
*釣魚 Fishing! Now you can fish for fishing!
Spider jockeys!
Cave Spiders!
Adorable baby zombies!
Weird chicken jockeys!
Edible clownfish. Yum!
A fancy new World Edit screen so you can rename worlds, change game modes and do other things
Creative players can no longer be set on fire. Controversial
*雞不會再跑到水上 We’ve stopped cheeky chickens from walking on water
*動物必須接觸才能交配.. Animals can no longer breed without touching each other ooh err
*喝奶解除狀態 Drinking milk now removes mob effects
*一堆bug修正 Ridiculous amounts of bug fixes
More cool things that you should discover for yourself