sb117611 (sb117611)
2015-10-28 23:38:06https://mojang.com/2015/10/minecraft-snapshot-15w44a/
Update: We’ve released a ‘b’ snapshot making End Crystals, End Rods and
Tipped Arrows properly obtainable in Survival. In addition, it fixes numerous
bugs and some crashes.
We’ve come a long way, but we’re finally approaching The End of the 1.9
snapshot series and are starting to work closer towards a full release.
We’ve now got almost all the features we wanted for 1.9 done and stable,
with a few minor balancing and polishing tasks left to do. In the coming
weeks we will focus more on performance, stability and bug fixing.
Notable changes:
Rebalanced loot found in generated chests (dungeons, for example)
Added new mechanic for respawning the Ender Dragon
New item: End Crystal. Currently drops from Skeletal Horses.
Re-rebalanced the golden apples.
Made the “buff bar” at the top of the screen properly respect
hidden & ambient effects.
Made the new saturation -> food mechanic only apply when you’re not
Fixed many bugs.
Bones and bone meals are now 50% cooler. No particular reason why,
they just are.
LPH66 (-6.2598534e+18f)
2015-10-30 21:27:00維基上寫是 popped chorus fruit 上面擺烈焰棒End crystal 也可以直接合成, 材料是終界眼放中間,幽靈淚放中下, 剩下七格放玻璃