pizzack (皮茶)
2015-12-18 14:27:03正好沒事就來翻譯一下
更新:Snapshot 15w51b已經可以使用,且修正了AI的尋路機制與一個會讓遊戲崩潰
閃亮效果(glow effect)現在有23%的程度更好辨識了!
世界產生器(world generator)現在不會再在玩家開船、騎馬、騎地獄幽靈
[Bug MC-3564] - 在客戶端出現「Unable to locate Sign at (x, y, z)」
[Bug MC-13046] - 幾個應該支援的字母失靈了,清除該行文字
[Bug MC-44493] - 有些附魔敘述太長了
[Bug MC-51725] - 「Gamerule doMobLoot」沒有影響到唱片掉落率
[Bug MC-69072] - 「/worldborder warning distance/time」在沒有加入參數下
[Bug MC-73886] - 村民無法正確的認出門
[Bug MC-75256] - 重生點保護到隨機的大小
[Bug MC-85709] - 當有glowing effect時,終界龍不正確的被凸顯
[Bug MC-86099] - 亮亮的深海守衛的尾巴比較大根(嗚嗚...是鄉民錯惹嗎?)
[Bug MC-87559] - 有些受影響的gamerule沒有出現指示
[Bug MC-89246] - 當glowing效果結束時,entity被反渲染了一幀的時間
[Bug MC-89915] - 當你在礦車/豬/馬上時Chunk沒有被讀取
[Bug MC-89954] - 所有的船都是掉落橡木材(原來這是bug?!)
[Bug MC-90585] - 當裝備Frost Walker Enchantment開著船時,會凍結船下方的
[Bug MC-92915] - 物件、方塊掉落物、經驗值球在被撿起時看起來透明或/且灰的
[Bug MC-93474] - 在冒險模式時,玩家能擺放終界水晶
[Bug MC-93483] - 當觀察者打開箱子時,會增加裡面的東西
[Bug MC-93503] - 當拿著骷髏頭顱時,滑翔翼的內側沒有被渲染到
[Bug MC-93532] - 拿著物件時會降低滑翔翼的亮度
[Bug MC-93614] - 蝙蝠可以穿透創造模式的玩家
[Bug MC-93622] - 即使切換遊戲模式,終界使者還是很怒
[Bug MC-93772] - Mobs會跟著創造及觀察者模式的玩家
[Bug MC-93844] - 有透明的點在骷髏應該不透明的地方出現
[Bug MC-93944] - 預設的材質包霸佔第一個位置,直到關閉並重開更換材質包的
[Bug MC-94010] - 即使切換遊戲模式,狼們還是很怒
[Bug MC-94252] - 裝備架的DisabledSlots不正確運作
[Bug MC-94295] - 終界龍在pre-1.9 worlds自己重生啦
※ 引述《sb117611 (sb117611)》之銘言:
: http://mojang.com/2015/12/minecraft-snapshot-15w51a/
: Update: Snapshot 15w51b is now available and fixes a crash in the AI and
: pathfinding code.
: =============================================================================
: The snapshots decided to take a vacation to celebrate christmas, but we could
: convince them of one last appearance before they disappear for the rest of
: the year. But no worries, the developers are also on vacation, so there won’
: t be any changes in the game that you could miss.
: As a special guest star we have the bug fix for one of our most popular
: recent bugs included in this weeks snapshot. The world generator will now no
: longer take a coffee break while the player is riding a horse or using a
: boat. And I was told that even riding a minecart is on that list.
: Notable changes:
: Fixed many more bugs
: The glow effect is now 23% better looking
: Another 12 lines tweaked in the AI code
: World generation doesn’t stop anymore when players are riding boats,
: horses, minecarts or ghasts.
: Bugs fixed in this snapshot:
: [Bug MC-3564] - Debug message “Unable to locate Sign at (x, y, z)” left
: inside Minecraft Client
: [Bug MC-13046] - Certain supported characters glitch out, clearing out
: lines of text.
: [Bug MC-44493] - Some Enchantment Text is too long
: [Bug MC-51725] - Gamerule doMobLoot does not affect the dropping of music
: discs
: [Bug MC-69072] - “/worldborder warning distance/time” throws an error
: when used without arguments
: [Bug MC-73886] - Villager don’t recognize blocked doors correctly
: [Bug MC-75256] - Spawnprotection is also spawn randomization size
: [Bug MC-85709] - The Enderdragon is incorrect outlined, when it has the
: Glowing Effect
: [Bug MC-86099] - The outline of Glowing Guardian’s tail is bigger than
: the tail itself
: [Bug MC-87559] - Gamerule missing indicator for affected gamerule
: [Bug MC-89246] - When the “glowing” effect finishes on an entity it
: un-renders things for one frame
: [Bug MC-89915] - Chunks don’t load when you are in a minecart/on a
: horse/pig
: [Bug MC-89954] - All boat types drop oak wood planks
: [Bug MC-90585] - Navigating on a boat wearing Frost Walker Enchantment
: frosts the water layer below the boat.
: [Bug MC-92915] - Items, blocks & XP orbs appear transparent and/or gray
: when picked up
: [Bug MC-93474] - Players can place End Crystal in Adventure mode
: [Bug MC-93483] - Spectators opening LootTable Chests will generate the
: items inside
: [Bug MC-93503] - Inner elytra texture not rendered while holding skulls
: [Bug MC-93532] - Holding items will minimal brighten elytra
: [Bug MC-93614] - Bats fly from creative players
: [Bug MC-93622] - Endermen remain hostile after switching gamemodes.
: [Bug MC-93772] - Mobs follow player in creative and spectator mode
: [Bug MC-93844] - Transparent hat pixels on skull render opaque
: [Bug MC-93944] - Default resource pack is ordered topmost until closing
: and re-entering the resource pack dialogue
: [Bug MC-94010] - Wolves joining an attack stay aggressive on player even
: after changing gamemode
: [Bug MC-94252] - ArmorStands’ DisabledSlots incorrect flags
: implementation
: [Bug MC-94295] - Ender dragon respawns on its own in pre-1.9 worlds