sb117611 (sb117611)
2016-01-21 00:23:34http://mojang.com/2016/01/minecraft-snapshot-16w03a/
Here is a new snapshot. We made it. For you. So that you can see what we’ve
been working on most recently and tell us what you think about it. Nothing in
it is final, everything could change before Minecraft 1.9 is relased, but
most things won’t.
Some things that were broken in the previous snapshot (16w02a) are not fixed
or changed back in this snapshot, because we had to focus on few very
important bigger tasks to work on before we can go back working on smaller
changes. This is nothing to worry about and perfectly normal so close to
finishing a release, so don’t get upset if you see things that are still in
the same state as last week. We’ll take care of them soon and definitely
before we call Minecraft 1.9 done.
Once again, thanks to everyone who is reporting bugs, testing the snapshots
and sending us feedback on our changes. Without your constant feedback, we
wouldn’t be able to focus on the important issues that need fixing before we
can call Minecraft 1.9 done.
Notable changes:
Bugs, bug and more bugs. Most of them fixed, only very few new ones
Less flickering in chunk rendering when blocks are placed or broken.
The end has opened its gates again, travelling to this dimension is not
restricted anymore.
The world also more diverse again, many biomes are back from their
More new sounds and some updated sounds.
Removed Herobrine.
Bugs fixed in this snapshot:
[Bug MC-779] - Some entities are displayed outside of their spawner
[Bug MC-68383] - Certain entities not properly showing CustomName when
CustomNameVisible set to true
[Bug MC-71006] - Minecart with Hopper and Minecart with Chest’s GUIs’
name is Minecart.
[Bug MC-80826] - achievement command works unreliable with statistics
[Bug MC-95539] - All damage types cause knockback
[Bug MC-95541] - Beacon NPE: Failed to load data for block entity
[Bug MC-95612] - Variant biomes / M-types / Sunflower Plains no longer
being generated.