雖然很多人對三星的S5手機不滿, 尤其是外型和不亮眼的硬體規格,
但三星高層J.K. Shin 在和南韓媒體專訪時表示
三星目前並沒有要推出所謂升級版的S5 Premium的計劃
只表示: "秋天我們會推出新的Galaxy Note"
Samsung's boss, J.K. Shin, has allegedly denied the existence of a
"premium" S5, saying that "there is no such thing,"
during an interview with Korean publications.
He cushioned the blow with an info on the Note 4, though,
reminding us that "of course, in the fall, [there will be] a new model
Galaxy Note. This will come out".
結論: 星粉可以放心買S5了!