kira925 (1 2 3 4 疾風炭)
2015-06-09 11:40:06: 宏達電資深全球溝通經理Jeff Gordon相當關心蘋果進度,在推特上發文說,看來iOS 9愈
: 來愈像HTC的個人首頁 BlinkFeed介面(So iOS 9 is getting@ htc Blinkfeed, hm?)
: 此外,Apple的一張說明圖,也挑動了HTC的敏感神經,這張說明主要呈現Apple可讓消費
: 者更簡單地從Android系統搬移至iOS,巧的是,Apple擺放的對照圖就是HTC One系列的旗
: 艦機。
看截圖嘛 你說像不像....?
Keen to make it worthwhile for publishers Apple has confirmed that they
will be able to make money from advertising shown within the articles:
a similar proposition to Facebook's approach to news stories launched
last month.
"Monetisation of Apple News Format content is made simple with iAd, Apple’s
advertising platform," explains Apple. Publishers will keep 100 per cent
of the revenue from the ads they sell, and 70 per cent when iAd sells ads
for them instead. Apple hasn't detailed whether publishers will be able to
charge for content other than via adverts.
在上面出版,你自己的廣告收益100% 蘋果塞的你拿70% 真是好生意
不過現在有沒有人要開砲蘋果死要錢啊? 花錢買iPhone還要被塞廣告?
之前upleaks說HTC想塞廣告的時候被炮慘了 看來大家都想賺這塊嘛