[情報] HTC 員工信全文曝光,未來將降低營運產

作者: star1416 (HotDog)   2015-06-12 12:51:02
嗯,HTC 看來真的要大刀闊斧改變了!
得若要改善 HTC 花費部份,除了要將廣告、行銷花在對的地方,其實很重要的是產品
線劃分應該要更明確;現在 HTC 無論 One、Desire 等系列智慧型手機,除了少數幾
是說,Samsung 日前推出的鋼鐵人版本手機,雖然台灣沒有賣,但消息已經傳遍,要
是 HTC 也能推出不一樣的聯名限量款,不知道是否有效呢?無論如何都比砸錢在許多
人不知道在表達什麼的廣告好。嗯,不過如果簽約很貴還試算了 XD
由於 HTC 近日股價低迷,董事長王雪紅在 2015 年 6 月 11 日對全體員工發出信件
,表示 HTC 要改變過去做事方法並減少花費,未來將強化智慧型手機發展、降低營業
Hello Team HTC,
我相信大家都應該知道目前 HTC 在智慧型手機市場正面臨著艱難的挑戰。同時,我們必
為迎接市場環境的新挑戰,HTC 需要做出調整,我們要改變過去的做事方法和減少花
在最近剛結束的 2015 年股東常會中,我提到今年主要的營運目標:
1. 強化智慧型手機發展
2. 大幅降低營業成本及改善營運效率
3. 內部流程合理化
4. 積極發展新業務
我們必須在所有關鍵環節上更加精進以達成目標。身為 HTC 的一員,我們應以審視自
我們未來企業成長的動能不僅包含智慧型手機,更加入新的領域如 RE、虛擬實境、健
他們仍強烈的表達非常喜愛 HTC,對我們的智慧型手機和其他創新的產品感到非常興
奮 更重要的是他們非常關心 HTC,進而提供幫助我們更進一步的想法,也誠摯地希望
HTC 能成功。
相鼓勵、超越現在、展望未來,這意味著共同分享我們的成就與最棒的經驗,同時打破部門隔閡,強化組織合作,一起為 HTC 努力。
邁向成功所需的條件和能力,我深信,HTC 一定能夠逆勢再起,重新展翅! 大家攜手
I am sure you are aware that HTC faces significant challenges in the smartphon
e marketplace today. Our business performance is struggling and our stock pric
e has fallen. This is the reality we all have to face.
HTC needs to adjust to this new reality. We cannot continue to operate as
we’ve always done, nor maintain previous levels of spending. We must change
the way we work, and we must do so quickly.
At our recent shareholder meeting, I outlined our primary business goals for
this year:
1. Strengthen our smartphone business
2. Greatly lower operational costs and improve operating efficiency
3. Streamline internal processes
4. Aggressively develop new business areas
We need to improve in all these key areas to make this happen, and everyone
must take personal responsibility to look at our processes, and see how we ca
n approach them to improve our quality, creativity and effectiveness. We also
need to cut many of our costs. However, we do have the financial capability t
o invest in the innovation that will drive business value. Our growth agenda is
not just driven by smartphones but also new businesses such as virtual realit
y, RE, health and others currently in development.
I have visited several of our major customers recently, which has been a timel
y reminder of the new reality we face. But it has also been very heartening
, as they still like HTC, they still think we have good products and they are
excited by our diversification beyond smartphones. Most importantly, they car
e enough about HTC to offer us advice on how we can improve. They *want* us
to succeed.
I know we can meet this challenge, as long as we do it together. We need each
and every one of you to stay positive, to look towards a future beyond the
current situation, and to encourage each other. This means sharing our wins
and best practices, breaking down silos, improving organisational alignment,
and operating as one company, one brand.
We have faced tough times as a company more than once, and each time we have
bounced back bigger and better than before. We have all the strengths and
capabilities to succeed, so I have full confidence in our ability to do it
again. Together, we can create a brighter future.
Thank you all very much for your dedication and belief in HTC.
Best regards,
作者: CharleneTsai (給他200塊去吃麥當勞啦)   2015-06-12 13:10:00
頭噓 高層決策都沒問題嗎?
作者: skywalker219 (秋風落葉)   2015-06-12 14:22:00
作者: soaringwings (星)   2015-06-13 09:23:00
繼續cost down

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